Anime/Manga: Divine❃Rose

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Maka Albarn, Jan 3, 2018.

  1. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail

    A Price Unpaid- Gavin, Zephyr, Thea

    The maid went back to cleaning off the mud off of the little girl's shoes, paying attention to Gavin's questions. "Well, it's happened at least six times since I've been here helping over the last... three months I want to say? There's always fog that rolls into town, we live in a swamp after all. But this kind of fog has a mind of its own... It seems to move on its own, and it makes it hard for anyone to see in. When we hear the flute, we try to cover our ears and muffle it out. Sometimes we are successful, and sometimes not. When we're not, that's when everyone ends up falling asleep, and then we wake up to find one of children gone. It's very disconcerting..."

    The boys ooed and awed over the strange magic that was just demonstrated to them.

    "Can you do that again?" The boy with the suspenders asked with excitement.

    The boy with the green eyes nudged his friend and smiled. "I'm Theo. The shy one over there is Teddy, and this excited one is Tristan. We're all brothers. I'm the oldest one. Teddy and Tristan are twins. It's nice to meet you, Thea."


    "I dunno," she answered honestly. "She was coming to see me when we were first brought here a few months ago. And then it suddenly stopped. She hadn't told me why... I wasn't told why." She then looked up at the adults, seeing that they were busy and looked at the mage. "Something weird is going on," she whispered under her breath. "N-not just with the flute and the kids disappearing, but something else. I can't explain it well... Sometimes... Sometimes kids go missing without the flute music coming. They get taken away by guards late at night, and we never see them again." She pressed her lips in a thin line and looked down at the ball when another servant walked by, chasing after a rambunctious little boy. Once they left, she hesitantly looked at Zephyr and continued on. "Sometimes when we eat dinner, we get really sleepy... So all of us sleep through it. Except I was awake and I swear I saw the guards take them away. And then when we ask where they went... We're told their families moved away, but no one ever leaves Mudgav... No one."
  2. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    He was actually a bit surprised to hear that Maliel hadn't visited her sister at all. Zephyr knew that if he was in this situation that his sister would visit him and vice versa. The fact that she wasn't told anything about it confused him. You'd tell the family if something came up that prevented them from visiting one another right? That whole thing didn't sit right him, not one bit. Hearing the whisper, Zephyr crouched down to her level so that hear her easily.

    From that point onward Zephyr listened intently to what he was told. His eyes even glance towards the servant chasing the boy before refocusing on the girl. Things weren't adding up, why would they start taking the kids away from here when this was made to keep them safe from the flute. "Is there anything else you can tell me?" Nothing about what he was told sat well with him at all, especially with Thea being around.
  3. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014
    Gavin 4 banner.png

    He just sat there for a moment then the maid answered him. 'Well, it's happened at least six times since I've been here helping over the last... three months I want to say? There's always fog that rolls into town, we live in a swamp after all.' That did not explain the life that the fog had. 'When we hear the flute, we try to cover our ears and muffle it out. Sometimes we are successful, and sometimes not. When we're not, that's when everyone ends up falling asleep, and then we wake up to find one of children gone. It's very disconcerting.' "Humm interesting." He knew full well that they had to get going soon. As he sat there he tried to keep a eye on the others. He had to say this trip had been helpful. "Is there anything else that happens?" He asked them both. "Is there anything else you can tell me?" He had a feeling about something and if he was right it would explain so much.
  4. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail

    A Price Unpaid- Gavin, Zephyr, Thea

    The maid shook her head. There was nothing more to tell on the matter. "Just only that we've failed countless times to keep the children safe... Every time the flute music sounds off anyways."

    It's kinda scwary," Cindy admitted while the maid dried off her shoes. "It's wike a bad dweam. But you don't see anywing. You just get sleepy, and... sleep."


    The girl chewed on her cheek before she thought of something and pulled out a necklace of sorts from under her shirt. It was a small vile with blue liquid inside that glowed faintly with a silver spider wrapped around the cap of the container. "Maliel gave this to me before she stopped seeing me... Told me that a single drop cures almost any ailments and gave it to me for good luck..." She slipped it off her neck and handed it Zephyr, closing his fingers around it and pushed it towards him. "Whatever is happening... I think you need this more. Keep it hidden. Maliel told me the adults would take it away or get mad if they found it."

    Just then, the front door opened and in came in a young man with a couple of adults with boxes and goods coming in. Some of the children saw and immediately crowded around him, obviously happy to see him.

    "Alright, alright, settle down, you Candy Monsters," the young man joked with a chuckle as he ruffled a child's head. He then pulled out some lemon drops from his coat pocket and started to hand one or two out to each kid that came up to him until the crowd had been appeased.

    "Oooo, Jack! Not before dinner!" A maid chided as a child giggled and danced away with their piece of sweets.

    Jack sheepishly smiled and slipped his bag of lemon drops back in his jacket. "Whoops, did I really come that late?" He then spotted the little girl talking to Zephyr and quirked an eyebrow. "Hey Selena," who's your new friend?"

    The girl smiled shyly and shrugged. "This is one of the mages that's here about the flute guy."

    "Oh really?" Jack smiled warmly and nodded to Zephyr in respect. "I'm Jack. I'm the errand boy around here and make sure everything is stocked and good to go. It's good to see a guild coming to help us out." He then turned to Selena again and rubbed the back of his neck. "Has your sister come by to see you yet?" Selena's face fell and she shook her head.
    Jack seemed surprise by this news. "Still?"

    "Good evening, Jack," Kyo said as he approached and bowed in respect. Jack greeted him with a murmur and Kyo looked to Zephyr before looking to Jack. "There's some peculiar news in town today."

    "You mean besides the mages?" Jack said with a slight smirk and winked to Zephyr before Kyo held back an eye-roll.

    "Farmer Gav is giving away baby chicks again. Only one..." Kyo then glanced to where Thea was. "Possibly two..."

    Jack suddenly grew serious and rubbed the back of his neck. "So soon? Mmm... How's the weather going to be?"

    "Storms might be at three," Kyo said with a little shrug of his shoulder and pulled out his pocket watch to have a look. "Also, Farmer Gav is still holding on to that calico cat." He looked to Selena who was sitting there quietly for the whole conversation. "He's thinking of giving away her only kitten instead of one of the baby chicks."

    A flash of anger seemed to cross over Jack's eyes before he sighed out and then picked up the box of goods. "That's a shame... Hopefully it'll be a good rain storm tonight. Well, it was nice to meet ya," he said to Zephyr, "but I have to go put away some groceries. I wish you mages good luck." He then saluted to him and walked away from the group.

    A bell rang, and Miss Prine was standing there with a stiff expression about her. "Time for dinner, children. And it's time for our guests to be off." She brought her glasses up to her nose and cleared her throat at Gavin, Thea, and Zephyr.

    Kyo bowed politely. "Of course, Miss Prine." He then looked to the three, Thea, Zephyr, and Gavin, and smiled to them. "I'm afraid we must make our leave now..."
  5. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    "It's nice to meet you too." Thea smiled as she held out her hands and started making small fireworks in her hand and cute designs. Suddenly the fireworks connected into a dragon shaped ribbon that weaved between her figures. She giggles as she made the display for the three brothers, happy to have a new audience to show off her magic to. She paid next to no mind to the man who walked in the door as she continued to make friends with the three boys. Her tricks got more elaborate as she did them, creating small butterfly's and such, nothing ever venturing far from the palm of her hand though, knowing the flames would hurt others if they touched them.

    Tinarah was so distracted that she hardly noticed the conversation behind her or the eyes that looked at her. However she suddenly heard the word kitten and turned around and looked at the older boys.
    "There is a kitten? Can I see it? We have to go now anyways right? Please will you take me to see the kitten? I bet it is so cute and fluffy!" Tinarah begged before looking at Gavin and Zephyr. "Can I go. I promise I won't be too long. You don't have to come with me or anything. I promise I will be back before it is too late and then we can do our jobs. I just want to see the cat. Is that okay?" She asked them knowing that while they were her equals, they still tended to treat her like a child and would be mad if she just ran off without asking. At least by asking she wouldn't make them mad.
  6. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    The animals drank water in town, if the hay was the source it would be rather strange if the source was the hay, the crops were fine, he believed the farmer on his word, the man was after all the expert on the matter, furthermore people didn't eat said hay and while they handled it they had almost fully determined that the disease itself wasn't contagious and if it was, not in such a degree that it would infect this many people simply from handling hay. Although it wasn't impssobile, hay contained a lot of dust and it might be a vector of infection although it seemed unlikely. He didn't think that samples of the crops would be a necessity at this point. "Do you know by any chance where the water came from, from the rain water supply or the well?" Conrad asked and thought for a moment. "Has the pureeing helped at all for them to keep the food in?" It was more a question out of curiosity and concern as he was saddened by the looks of the sick animals and turned to the farmer. "I think that's all I needed to know, I trust your word on the crops, you know more on the subject than I do, should things change, please inform us. We'll do everything we can to find a solution, I hope those poor animals will make it too." Conrad said thinking for a moment, he had to look into the crops and the animals and while animals seemed sick and just like the victims didn't seem to get better, but out here also didn't seem to get worse either which was rather strange as a sickness wouldn't simply stop and not change at all.
  7. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014
    Gavin 4 banner.png

    Gavin just sat there while the maid shook her head. 'Just only that we've failed countless times to keep the children safe... Every time the flute music sounds off anyways.' "I learned a few things, so you were helpful." The young girl then added, 'It's kinda scwary. It's wike a bad dweam. But you don't see anywing. You just get sleepy, and... sleep.' There seemed to be something about the sleep that just did not add up. He said nothing about his thoughts. Just then, the front door opened and in came in a young man with a couple of adults with boxes and goods coming in. "I think I should be going," and stood up and walked over to Jack. He just stood there and let thing unfold for now. Jack then said, 'I'm Jack. I'm the errand boy around here and make sure everything is stocked and good to go. It's good to see a guild coming to help us out.' This visit seemed out of the blue and he would have thought that they would have been told about someone else coming.

    That was when Kyo spoke up. That there was some peculiar news in town today. 'Farmer Gav is giving away baby chicks again. Only one...' Kyo then glanced to where Thea was. 'Possibly two.' Why kyo, why? They had enough to put up with. Then there was talk about a cat. A flash of anger seemed to cross over Jack's eyes before he sighed out and then picked up the box of goods. He then wished them luck. It looked like they had to leave. He spotted Thea, and Zephyr not to far off. "We need to talk." He then added, "privately", before ether of them said anything about what they learned. That was when Thea said, 'There is a kitten? Can I see it? We have to go now anyways right? Please will you take me to see the kitten? I bet it is so cute and fluffy!' He was not all that surprised at what Thea was going on about. 'Can I go. I promise I won't be too long. You don't have to come with me or anything. I promise I will be back before it is too late and then we can do our jobs. I just want to see the cat. Is that okay?' If it had been any other mission he might of let Thea go off by herself but at any moment the flute could go off. "I do not think that is the best idea. I don't particularity mind were we go as long as we get to talk." He left the choice up to Zephyr.
  8. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    Zephyr gave Selena a nod, pocketing the vial that she had handed him right as someone else had entered the town hall. Having spent years dealing with people cutting their eyes at him or looking away so that they could whisper their gossip, Zephyr had gotten good at noticing the small little expression people made at times. So Kyo's glances towards Thea and Selena as well as Jack's brief expression of anger were not lost on Zephyr. It raised an internal eyebrow to all this that lead to equal concern. "Yeah, nice to meet you too." Jack seemed like he was a nice guy, which was good to know. Thea soon came up asking if she could go see the kitten. Zephyr didn't really mind as he was more curious about what he had just learned, but he didn't think that they would just allowed him to waltz in and see some of the old records. "I don't see the harm in us all going." He said with a shrug. He didn't mind cats either so why not.
  9. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014
    Gavin 4 banner.png

    Gavin turned when Zephyr Said, 'I don't see the harm in us all going.' "I guess it is a plan then. Who knows we might learns something once we get there. We will get a prospective from someone who lives out on a farm on what he thinks is going on in the city." There was also the fact that on the way they could talk about what they learned at the school which might bring them to some answers.
  10. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery
    Yukyo took out his sword and sliced through the incoming oranges. Shawn had then spoke to Yukyo. "Yukyo, what do you think about turning to a horse or something perhaps making us go faster. I could used sandstorm and send it behind us..." He continued to slice through the oranges as Shawn was suggesting his idea. He then spoke out to him. "I'm more worried if the sand storm gets sent right back to us. Even if I turn into a horse, I can't attach myself to the reins. I'm not even sure if we have enough reins for three horses." Yukyo looked back over to the front and spoke toward Lakoda. "Are you alright up there?!" He looked back in front of him before looking over to Shawn. "Make sure the sandstorm doesn't hit us back. We can't risk getting these cakes destroyed or our lives for that matter." Yukyo ran back inside the carriage and looked for anything that could be used as a rein. He picked up another rein and scratched his head. "Well....that's pretty convenient." He ran up to the front and looked over at Lakoda. "Just focus on the reins. Me and Shawn got this!" Yukyo smiled as he petted her head. He got onto one of the horses back and attached the rein in his hand in between the two. He tossed back the other end to Lakoda before looking ahead and tying the other end of his rein. "Well, here's go nothing!" He jumped in front of the horse and his body immediately began to change. His clothes disappeared and his body became a horse. His coat becoming a sheer black. He immediately started running in front of the horses. He turned his horse head to the other two horses, almost signalling them to keep running and to pick up the pace.
  11. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    A Price Unpaid- Gavin, Zephyr, Thea

    Kyo scratched his cheek when Thea excitedly went on about seeing a kitten, and the other mages seemed to want to come with them. "Well, the farm is a long ways out of town," Kyo said while looking at his pocket watch. "And it will be dusk soon. Mudgav has a curfew for everyone to be in their homes by 9pm, sharp. We have about maybe three hours for that... How about this," he said to Thea as he crouched down to her height. "I know there's a mother cat and her kittens in the inn you are staying at. The owner will be nice enough to let you see them if you want."

    Delivery of Cakes- Shawn, Yukyo, Lakoda

    There was sprinkles of orange juice raining down on her and the girl frowned a bit as she tried to shield herself the best she could, ducking her head and hunching her shoulders. "No, but someone just jumped in front of us-" Lakoda blinked in utter surprise when Yukyo actually hooked himself up to a set of reins and turned himself into a horse. She felt the horse cart lurch forward to go faster and made sure she had a steady grip on those reins to keep it under control. She blinked against the sand that was around them, covering her eyes and glancing back at Shawn. "Do you see anything?" she called out to him.

    Nothing seemed to occur as they gained more speed, and soon they were out of the woods. Literally. There were no trees around, only a clearing with a bridge ahead of them over a river. "That must be the Wyseful Bridge and the Renifel River," she said out loud to the boys. Just as she was about to slow down the wagon, all the sudden, large eggs began to rain down in front of them, exploding into loud pops and smoke. The horses on either side of Yukyo reared up and neighed in fright, and Lakoda struggled to keep them steady as more eggs were raining down around them, exploding and making it hard to see.

    CAW CAW, MOTHER FLUFFERS!" A voice croaked above them. If they looked up, they would see-

    A bird?

    The large parrot, bird thing cawed loudly and then smirked down at the children. "Egg Blaster!" He shouted. His beak suddenly opened up, and large eggs began to shoot out of his mouth towards the group. The eggs broke open in mid air, and the yolk turned into large fists, heading straight towards them like missiles.

    Village in Peril- Conrad, Everette, Samuel


    The farmer had mentioned that the village water came underground from a river about ten miles away, and it was used to feed the larger stock that would come into town. He also mentioned that the pureeing seemed to help keep down the food, but that was all. The animals were still in pretty bad shape no matter what he did.

    Soon, Renza and Conrad were on their way back to down. Renza had a duck feather in her hair, and kept giggling as they walked, running with her arms out like a bird with her yellow flowers clenched in her hand as they made their way to the village square.


    Samuel came out as well. He looked a little pale as if he experienced something bad and a light sheen of sweat was on his forehead. As soon as he was in the sunshine, he closed his eyes and tilted his head back, breathing in deeply and letting it out slowly. He then opened his eyes and looked down, seeing Everette making his way towards the well and smiled a little. He walked to him gradually, pushing his glasses up his nose and walked to him with heavy steps. "Hey, find out anything?" he asked as he approached him closer.
  12. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Everette looked a little concerned for his friend as he approached the meeting place. At least everyone seemed on time. "I have taken samples from the well and some of the collection barrels. Though there is an underground source for the well, it comes above ground a few miles outside the city. I was thinking of heading up there and getting a sample from there as well. If it is the well water it would be good to see where it is getting contaminated from." Everette pointed out pulling out the bottles of sample water her got before looking at Samuel again. "Perhaps you should come with us to the stream as well. It looks like you could use some fresh air. Is everything going alright in there?" He motioned to the town hall. He was worried about Samuel getting sick trying to heal everyone, and while by no means did he wish to prevent the town from getting better, he didn't want to lose a friend to it. "I think we could all use the walk. And then when we get that last sample we can work on what we have." Everette suggested before turning to Conrad. "Unless of course you discovered something? How did the trips to the farms go?"

    "Okay!" Thea was quick to agree. She didn't care what cat or kittens they were, she just wanted to pet the kittens. She didn't really understand why Zephyr and Gavin were so unsure about letting her go though and wanting to come with her. "See now it isn't a problem. You don't have to worry about me going. It works great. And we can talk about things while I play with the cats right? It all works out!" Thea stated to her too companions as she turned towards the door to follow Kyo back to the inn. She was more than happy with that compromise and was practically skipping along.
  13. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    The farmer had provided the last bits of information that Conrad had requested and with time it was about time for them to head back or they would be very late again, as Renza rejoined them being done feeding the ducks they said their farewells to the good farmer and went back on their way. Conrad smiled as he simply watched Renza, now adorned with a duck feather in her hair, running with her arms outstretched. They returned back to town a few minutes after they were supposed to have returned. When they returned Samuel and Everrrette were already waiting and discussing their finds. Conrad listened to Everette give his explanation of the samples he took and the source of the well water.

    Well the crops were fine, the outlying farmsteads have mostly been spared from this affliction, with people that are ill having been in town recently. Same with the livestock, the animals that are sick have been in town before they fell sick. The afflicted animal's condition remains unchanged. Although it was mentioned that pureeing food helps with them keeping the food in atleast, it might help with the patients too, make sure they don't starve." Conrad explained. "As for the animals here the hay is already waiting for them to eat here and the water they drink comes from the well." Conrad then thought for a moment and added "I can understand the desire for some fresh air but would it not be a better idea to check the samples that we have before leaving, it could save time on a trip that might turn out to be useless. But those are just my two cents on the matter, I'd say we just check what we have first, do what we can to relieve Samuel of some of his work until we get anything out of those samples."

    Conrad felt it was more practical to simply finish the task at hand before moving on to the next and their time would be better spent doing it in that order as the evidence seemed to point towards the source being in the village, and while more evidence seemed to suggest that the well was more suspicious, they ought to atleast confirm the suspicions.
  14. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Perhaps Conrad was right, they should deal with what they had first. Everette just wanted to check the one other place, but he had run out of time. It was more a matter of getting everything done before he forgot it all, his memory had never been the best for as long as he could remember. It was believed that his memory issues came from the head injury that he had gotten when he was younger, causing his amnesia, but because of the amnesia, he couldn't tell if his memory was any better before. Nodding Everette handed over some of the bottles before he pulled out his pen and wrote a note on his hand simply saying "check river." It should have been enough to remind him what his thought process was before that. "Alright we will see if there is any cause in any of these samples first, then if the one from the well comes up with anything we will venture up and collect a sample from up river as well." Everette agreed with Conrad, slipping his pen back into his bag before motioning to Samuel to lead the way to wherever he wanted to work.
  15. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014
    Gavin 4 banner.png

    He stood there a moment waiting untill they set off to the farm when Kyo said, 'Well, the farm is a long ways out of town.' Then he took out a pocket watch and said, 'It will be dusk soon. Mudgav has a curfew for everyone to be in their homes by 9pm, sharp. We have about maybe three hours for that.' "We are not from town," he pointed out. "The mayor asked as to find out what is going on here. The farmer may have some information or thought of what is going on." There was the fact that the 9pm curfew for everyone probably did not apply to them. "The faster we solve this problem with the missing children the faster you will get the children back." It seemed silly to wast time going to a inn. That was when Thea said, 'See now it isn't a problem. You don't have to worry about me going. It works great. And we can talk about things while I play with the cats right? It all works out!' It was not so much about the cats or kittens but the fact that going out on her own was a bad idea. He turned to Zephyr and said, "well what do you think?" It seemed like that people were acting odd in this town.
  16. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Village in Peril- Conrad, Everette, Samuel


    Samuel let the two young men discuss their finds, pulling out a handkerchief from his pocket and dabbing the sweat off of his forehead and the back of his neck. "I managed to bring a few people back from death's door," he said quietly after a moment, placing his hands in his pocket. "They were... in pretty bad shape. It almost looked like they had small pox; completely infested with pimples and boils... Mostly around their head near the mouths and nose... There was some sores inside their mouths too. They had the hardest time breathing, like their airways were being shut off... And their blood seemed... thick. I can't describe it really well. All were running high fevers or having severe chills, throwing up, cramping up in their stomachs, having muscle spasms or convulsions... It's not pretty in there," he murmured, glancing back at the Town Hall. He sighed out, shaking his head. "I want to do our research outside... I kind of need the sunshine after that."


    Renza wasn't exactly dismissed from the group, and quietly picked up a stick and started to draw doodles in the dirt while the boys talked. She didn't know if she was needed for anything else, so she decided to stick around unless someone told her to be on her way by now.

  17. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    Once again Zephyr had shrugged in response to Gavin asking him for his thoughts. Really he was more concerned with the information that he had obtained for Selena and heading back to the inn would both give them a place to talk while appeasing to Thea's desire to see a kitten. "We can question the farmer tomorrow. Beside we've done enough questioning for today." The 9pm curfew was a good thing to make a note of. Gave him a reason to be on the look out for anyone else roaming about after that time.
  18. Swordsman_John Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 19, 2014
    Shawn Galewind 3.png

    "Do you see anything?" Lakoda called out. "Ya some sort of bird thing". He now wondered if the people that were following them were trying to warn them, to late now he thought. With the sand around them perhaps it would make it harder for the bird thing to hit them. He quickly cleaned his sword of orange stuff and with a wave of his hand he just made the sand ahead of them move so they could see but hopefully the bird couldn't. The walls he made way gone by now somewhere far down the road. Making a spear he threw it at the bird (weapon make) making sure even if it missed it would harmlessly fall into the lake below. Still holding his sword ready hopefully for something good to happen. Curious he thought of how the eggs were actually cake ingredients he wondered what would be next, were they secretly playing candy land or rather cake ingredient land.
  19. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    Everette seemed to agree with his conclusion and listening to what Samuel described made Conrad feel a little bit sick to his stomach himself as the picture in his head was painted by the description that was given wasn't exactly pretty and he reallywished they could help them out. Altough the situation with the animals didn't seem very promising it was good to hear that regardless of it Samuel had been able to bring people back from death's door and it filled him with confidence that they could do this, they had clues they could follow still. Having seen the animals that had fallen sick in combination with the description that Samuel had given made him understand Samuel's position on the matter. "
    So we'll look into these samples in another place? Perhaps Renza can show us a place where you can work on them." Conrad said gesturing to the girl that was doodling in the dirt carefree. "Either that or if you need fresh air perhaps we can go find that river. I know I said it'd probably be better to get those samples taken care off but we need you in good shape here." Conrad said while Samuel's work was necessary he understood the need for a breather, but they could always combine it with something useful so they could keep making progress and do what was necessary.
  20. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    "There is a few places outside that I noticed were decent to sit around if we need." If he could remember how to get to them. Everette had a general idea but his memory was a bit foggy and it always turned into problems. It didn't seem to him that it would matter where they set up anyways, just somewhere that would get Sam away for a bit. "But I agree you need a breather Sam, so lets sit outside somewhere. We can go over samples, and if you find anything then we can move from there, if there is anything with the water from the well, then we will go to the river. If not we don't need to." Everette stated. "And Renza can stay with us as long as she is allowed, but I don't see the need to keep her here if the Chief needs her elsewhere." He also added.