Anime/Manga: Divine❃Rose

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Maka Albarn, Jan 3, 2018.

  1. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014
    Gavin 4 banner.png

    He stood there when Shawn asked a silly question. 'Where do you want her at night or us?' Of course they wanted to stay as close to Flukkins as possible. By the sound of things Shawn wanted to stay inside. The farmer spoken and said, 'Well she ain't a fan of spiders. But who is? And she don't like cabbage. I guess it's the smell.' "We are experienced spider exterminators at this point." He gave a slight glace to Zephyr. He did not really plan on giving Flukkins any other food then what was left to them to feed it. "I do not think that spiders will be to much of a problem." It turned out that no one really bothered Flukkins which was a good thing. 'And you guys can sleep here outside, or in my cottage. There's a guest bedroom in there. And a comfy couch you can make into a bed.' "That will not be necessary I do not mind sleeping outside." He had brought a tent and sleeping stuff to stay outside. He could always start a fire. Why go inside when you could look at the stars at night.
  2. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    Conrad had found a way to the person they were looking for, the lady he approached cared little for the flattery, the hag was getting personal for her as it had attacked her family directly. "I am sorry that we didn't arrive sooner, Madam. We intend to rid you of this beast." Conrad assured her. "That would be much appreciated, let me gather my friends so we can go." Conrad said as he turned away from the woman to rejoin Lakoda and Everette, the latter of the two just explaining what they had discovered. Conrad came to a rather sad conclussion that he had just spoken to the mother of that lost child... He felt bad for what he had said... "The woman I spoke to said that our contact is with her boy, they were attacked last night... she's willing to lead us there." Conrad said his tone a little more quiet than normal, if they had arrived sooner then perhaps they might have been able to stop that attack, deep down he knew it was pointless to think like that as it changed nothing, all they could do now was avenge the child and Conrad already felt like they were here to rain vengeance on the hag that had destroyed Lakoda's life. This would be the day where all the hurt that had been done to her would be avenged, he could still remember the moment she had told him what had happened here and the anger he had felt at the injustice. They would help Lakoda drive the blade that was forged by the hag's own hands home.
  3. Swordsman_John Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 19, 2014
    Shawn Galewind 4.png
    He stood there after the guy gave them the information they needed. Personaly he would rather keep a close eye on Fluffkins. "Do you need us to do anything else why we are here?" Having nothing else he needed to ask.
  4. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    The farmer paused briefly, seemingly double-checking his own instructions before shaking his head towards the group. "Nope, just follow my instructions and you'll be fine. Now I really must be going and I do appreciate ya'll going to all this trouble for me. " With a wave to the group and a kiss blown towards Fluffkins (who actually grimaced in return), the farmer had left.


    Zephyr, whose attention had been spilt between the farmer and the alpaca itself, turned his attention to the group once he had left. "I suppose we should feed her first." Having never owned a pet, the uncertainty in regards what to do was strong. "Unless anyone else has a better idea." The floor was open and he was hoping that someone else would have something better to offer.

    10,000 jewels weren't too much for her and she was quick to dig through her pockets to find the exact amount and hand it to the man. She returned the look that Everette had given her with a simple smile and carried on with her shopping. Said shopping really only being accepting the bag with the necklace and thanking the clerk. With nothing else, she returned to the other with her bag in hand. "See, that didn't take too long."
  5. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail

    Pet Sitting

    "I'm going to have a look at the cottage," Nagata said while stretching her arms above her head. "Unlike the likes of you, I like a warm bed inside. You boys have fun. I'll come check on you in a moment." With that, she waved a hand at them and walked away, swaying her hips as she made her way to the humble abode.

    Lost Voices

    Lakoda caught the bag of sweets that Everette passed to her. It was then her smile fell when Everette relayed the news about someone losing their life. Her hand instinctively went to her throat where her charm hung over the x shape scar. Flashes of violence and screams entered Lakoda's mind briefly and she blinked away any tears that came to her eyes. She perked up when she heard Conrad relaying the same message, gripping at the heart charm to ground herself back in reality. If she had her own voice, it would have shook when she spoke. Instead, it was the same monotone. "Let's go to the inn then," the heart sounded out.

    It didn't take long for the farmer's wife to lead the small group to the inn. The group was invited in, and they walked to one of the larger rooms of the place. A young boy around ten was sitting on the bed, one of his legs wrapped and propped up on a pillow. A man sat on the edge of the bed, speaking lowly to the boy with a hand on his shoulder.

    The woman cleared her throat, which made the man turn his head. "Ah, Martha. I didn't expect you to come back so soon."

    "Yes, well, these mages here said they were looking for you."

    "Mages...? ah, yes, you're here for the job aren't you?"

    Lakoda hung back behind the group. If she learned anything from missions it was to let the others speak first. She wasn't sure if her signing or her charm speaking for her would bother these folks and so she waited patiently for the others to answer first.

  6. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    Conrad saw Lakoda's reaction to him relaying what the lady had mentioned, as they walked to the inn, Conrad stuck to her side and offered his hand as reassurance. He remembered the time she had been so wounded she thought the healer helping her had been the hag and he had taken her hand to remind her she wasn't alone. He hadn't thought of it too much in the moment other than make sure she was alright. The innroom they were lead into was rather spacious as far as innrooms went, it was bigger than the one they had treated Renza in. The farmer's wife gave them the short introduction and Conrad stepped forward. "
    Yes Mister Drove, we are mages from the Divine Rose Guild here about the attacks of a mysterious entity." Conrad said. "I am Conrad, and these are Everette, Maira and Lakoda. What can you tell us about the attacks. How frequent do they happen? Do they all happen in the same place? Are they limited to a specific time of day?" Conrad asked, maybe something could help them find a way to find this mysterious entity they suspected was the hag that had stolen the voice of their friend. The only plan other than searching these woods systematicly would be laying a trap but the villagers probably weren't going to be too inclined to cooperate with that and understandably so, maybe they could ask the boy what had happened to him as well if asking their contact proved fruitless.
  7. Swordsman_John Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 19, 2014
    Shawn Galewind 4.png
    "Perhaps we should see what Fluffkins wants. Did the farmer leave a time frame in which we need to feed her or play with her or for anything else on the list?" He really didn't have much more of an idea then Zephyr had in what to do.
    There job was more or less to make Fluffkins happy so hopefully them winging it would be fine.
  8. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014
    Gavin 4 banner.png

    He stood by Zephyr and watched as Nagata left and he wondered if she was going to help.
    "I am sure what we have to do is in order. It is not that hard to judge what a pet wants and when. It is quite possible that Fluffkins just ate." That said he was sure the farmer would have said something if Fluffkins just ate. He the walked over to Zephyr and took a look at the list he was holding.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2018
  9. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery

    Yukyo walked around with Thea as he kept trying to keep himself calm and collected with all the fish around him. As he kept trying to keep his mind off of it he had noticed Thea wasn't with him. He looked around until he saw her with a little kid. "So who's the pipsqueak?" The kid had introduced himself as Paul Tater. He started to walk off and Yukyo immediately followed. "Can I eat some fish instead?- I-i-i mean fish some fish! Ya know, from out of the ocean......yea." He scratched his head as he tried to cover up his real motives.
  10. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    "If you say so." Zephyr had said, then glanced back to the list in his hands. If feeding her was taken care of then grooming her would be next on the agenda. He motioned to the cabinet that Mr. Marrocc had shown them before he left. "Hey Shawn, mind grabbing the perfume and tools in there?" After grooming it would just be playing with it, which how exactly did one do that with an Alpaca anyway?

    Fluffkins on the other hands continued to watch the males as they tried to figure out what to do next. Her eyes seemed to train towards the one with the list in hand before looking to the one with dark hair one. She wasn't certain about what they were about to do but was certain she wasn't going to like it. and she had ways of dealing with things she didn't like.

    Maira's first act had been to wave upon being introduced by Conrad before falling silent as the first batch of questions were asked and thought about what sort of info each one could provide. A time frame sounded like it could be the most helpful in this situation. "Who were some of the villagers that ended up vanishing?" In the same vein, knowing who had vanished could reveal a pattern of sorts that they could use in their search.
  11. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada

    Everette nodded his thanks to the woman before looking to the man who was seated there. Before Everette could speak up, Conrad did introducing them. Everette gave a bit of a wave before shoving his hands in his pockets, listening for the answer. He gave Lakoda a quick look, staying near her just in case. She seemed nervous so he didn't want to leave her alone. He had caught her touching the necklace that she had gotten her years before. Everette reached one hand over and just took Lakoda's in a reassuring manner before turning back to the man that had hired them. "As much information as you have will be helpful, even if it seems insignificant." He added to Conrad's questions.

    After meeting the man that was more like a child, but had the voice of a man, but the mannerisms of a child, Thea turned to Yukyo as the person walked off. "Do you really think he is in charge of the mission? Is this a joke? And we aren't supposed to be here to eat. Come on. I want to get the job done so I can go shopping! I haven't been out of the guild hall since last mission and I really want a new dress, especially if this mission makes mine all smelly." Thea stated before running after the boy.
  12. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014
    Gavin 4 banner.png

    Once he had a look at the list he knew the order that they had to deal with stuff. Now that was delt with he could turn his attention to Fluffkins. He looked over to fluffikins and just smiled at it. "My name is Gavin" he told Fluffkins giving a slight bow. He was not being nice for the sake of it. He knew that all of this was new to the animal and the less aggravated the animal was the better for them all. He knew that he had to treat the animal with respect. He also knew that he might be the only one here with any sort of animal knowledge.
  13. Swordsman_John Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 19, 2014
    Shawn Galewind 4.png
    He walked over to the shead grabbing the perfume and tools. He then walked over and set them down by zephyr. "My name is Shawn" he said to Fluffkins. Giving a slight bow to her.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2019
  14. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    "Thanks."Zephyr placed the list into his back pocket and grabbed the perfume and brush. He examined them both briefly before handing the brush over to Gavin. "I'll spray it with some of the perfume then you brush it." So Zephyr entered the cage gently as to not freak out Fluffkins and started spriting it with the perfume. She was given a good 5 sprays around her entire body before Zephyr hopped out. Not before he had accidentally breathe in some of the perfume, causing him to cough. "Well, that's done." He said in between coughs.

    Flulffkins actually grimaced when the perfume was sprayed but took joy in seeing the blonde start coughing as a result of his actions. Then looking to Shawn and how he had lowered his head to her, only one thing came to mind. Leaning forward and one bite was taken out of Shawn's head. Fortunately she didn't snag a lot of hair with that bite, but still, it had to hurt while Fluffkins casually chewed on it.

    In that span of time, Zephyr had looked away to check the instructions once more, having only glanced upward to see that Fluffkins was currently biting Shawn's head.
    "Hey. Hey! Let him go." The teen had resorted to waving his hand in front of the alpaca in an attempt to get her to let Shawn go.
  15. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014
    Gavin 4 banner.png

    He watched the events unfold and rubbed his temple. At least Flulffkins was having fun. Shawn has his hair in Flulffkins mouth. He guessed that he should do something about that. He took the brush Zephyr gave him, walked over to the treats took some out and walked back. He then offered them to Flulffkins. He then began to pick out the dead grass out of Flulffkins wool and brush in a downward fashion.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2019
  16. Swordsman_John Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 19, 2014
    Shawn Galewind 4.png
    As Gavin and Zephyr distracted Flulffkins he noticed she opened her mouth in that moment he pulled away. He then walked over to were water was. Finishing washing the spit out of his hair, he walked back to the others with his hair wet.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2019
  17. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail

    Lost Voices

    Lakoda was grateful for the support her friends were giving her. She took Conrad's hand on the way to the inn, only to let go once they were there. She remembered well how Conrad would comfort her in her greatest times of need. As the questions were being asked, another hand took hers and she looked down to see it was Everette. She smiled a little and squeezed it back, waiting for the explanations.

    The man stroked his long beard, trying to figure out how to answer all the questions at once. "The attacks, as you say, have been happening on the outskirts of town for about two months I want to say, at night when there's hardly any moonlight. First it was just passerby's or travelers on their way here, being picked off randomly. The stories were the same though. There was always a maiden singing in the woods right before the attacks... only a few managed to survive. Some say they saw skeletal figures, others say spirits. No one has gotten a clear look. The attacks started to move towards our town a few weeks ago. People would hear singing, children laughing or crying, people calling out for help, and then when they go out, they disappeared. Gone..." Mr. Drove looked over to the boy who was picking at the frills of his blanket and gestured to him. "Felix has been our first to actually escaped. Said he saw an old lady in the woods before being chased by skeleton monsters. We've lost at least seven or eight of our own so far..."

    Mr. Drove looked to Lakoda and narrowed his eyes.
    "How about you missy. Do you have any questions?"

    Lakoda wasn't expecting to be put on the spot and straightened to attention. She quickly shook her head no with a polite smile.

    "What's the matter, can't talk?"

    Her smile faded and her grip on Everette's hand tightened.
  18. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    When Lemivu singled out Lakoda and asked whether she could speak or not Conrad stepped up, standing half in front of her, placing himself between Mr Drove and his dear friend. "No, but she is a very capable mage, she saved my life a couple of times. Either way it is inconsequential." Conrad simply said before going over the information provided in his head. Hardly any moonlight, clever after all you can't really defend against what you can't see coming, so she definitely would attack with the new moon... either that or when it was cloudy enough. Conrad didn't believe it was merely random, the victims perhaps but the man had provided them with a pattern, a fairly clear one at that. "So the attacks come in the dark at a cloudy night or with the new moon when there's little to no light in the woods, clearly this isn't just one creature from the descriptions and the victims are lured into a trap... what happens when the singing or voices are heard and no one goes out?" Conrad asked, he seemed more and more convinced that this was the monster that had ruined Lakoda's life, all the evidence pointed in the direction, the pieces never seemed to line up as well the other times they had gone out and hunted this vile fiend. "How did Felix escape and what exactly transpired during that attack? It might help us formulate a good strategy to rid you of whatever it is that is out there. And the voices are they always the same?" Conrad asked, he tried to draw Levimu's attention away from Lakoda who had seemed to have gotten a bit uncomfortable with the scrutiny. What had happened to her was bad enough, she didn't have to pay an even higher price dealing with all this.
  19. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner

    Fluffkins seemed to be pleased with herself with the simple act of getting some of her spit in Shawn's hair as well as Zephyr's frantic acts to get her attention. However, despite all of this something was still amiss. The other mage had brushed her fur, without her approval no less. Who did he think he was, stroking her majestic rainbow fur like that. It was time to teach them a lesson. She ignored the treats offered to her and pushed her way past the gate and towards the nearest patch of mud. Her next step was prance about in said mud, splashing it about everywhere as best as she could.

    The 'splat' sound had caused a concerned look on Zephyr's face to form and slowly he looked up to find Fluffkins prancing about mud, making a mess both around and on her. "You've got to be kidding me." Slowly, but surely, Zephyr was starting to dislike Alpacas.

    Skeletal figures, spirits, old lady, Maira made note of all of what they were told in order to put it to good use later on. Fortunately, Conrad had spoken up after Lakoda was put on the spot, which allowed Maira to save her 'she's just shy' card for another time. She didn't have much else to ask, so she just kept an ear out for anything Drove might say in response to Conrad that would be helpful.
  20. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014
    Gavin 4 banner.png

    He watched as Fluffkins ignored the treats offered to her and pushed her way past the gate and towards the nearest patch of mud. He let out a sigh and he knew that Fluffkins was enjoying herself. Why she did what she did was beyond him. That was when Zephyr said, 'You've got to be kidding me.' "Hay you can not be clean if you are not dirty first." He stood there watching Fluffkins prance around in the mud.