Anime/Manga: Divine❃Rose

Discussion in 'Role-Playing Arena' started by Maka Albarn, Jan 3, 2018.

  1. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail

    The gavel of the staff indicated that the time to speak out was done. "Your words will not sway me to change my mind," the Chairman's voice boomed. "What happened in that village had been unfortunate. However, you are still seeing the events with ignorance. We must go over all evidence before we are sure they can be trusted... Izra included. Master Midarah, teach your students to keep their tongue in check."


    Master Midarah's eyes did not sway from the head of the Magic Council. They were shining with determination, and she did not feel like putting her own students in place. "Chairman Gran Doma... I know there are regulations, laws, and rules to upheld. I know all evidence must be looked over with the upmost care. So since I have done the Magic Council so many favors in the past regarding questionable mages, I will ask one of my own; Let Izra come to the Divine Rose under my watch and care. I will take full responsibility of her and see to it she comes on the trial dates. If she continues to be interrogated and imprisoned here, I fear she will grow bitter of those who uphold the laws and let darkness take hold of her heart."

    "Master Midarah, this isn't just some child who's been cursed or has more magic to deal with than normal-!"

    "I am somewhat aware of Izra's history now that you've told me," Master Midarah stated with her eyebrows somewhat furrowed. "But based on what my guild members have relayed to me and the evidence so far that has been laid out, I see no reason to treat her with such hostility. She defected from her dark guild. There must be a reason for it. One from a dark guild doesn't put their own life on the line for an entire people who hated her. The mission she took on herself had no way for her to get any gain out of it save to give the children in Murgate a better life and bring those doing wrong to justice. She even denied the payment that was offered to her when she was hired to be rid of the village of rats and mice, was she not? That's not like a Dark Mage, Chairman."

    The Magic Council mumbled amongst themselves for a moment and then stopped speaking. "We will need a moment to debate a decision in private."

    "As you wish." Master Midarah bowed and then the small group was escorted out of the courtroom by one of the employees. The large doors shut behind them and Master Midarah turned to the others. "I told you not to speak up, but it was necessary," she said to them with a smile. "The council knows best, but they can be so blind by justice..." The young woman sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Are you all holding up alright?"
  2. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    As the mention of some child having more magic than normal, Thea felt all eyes of her and began to back off, nervous. She didn't like all this attention, and it felt negative. Thea believed that the council liked her, but the way they were looking at her now, it didn't seem that way. She was almost thankful that they were led out of the room and Thea stayed close to Midarah. "Why are they so mean today? They aren't usually this mean!" Thea tried to ask although it was largely based off her miss reading things before. "They are going to let Izra go right?"
    Getting home Everette had not been able to sleep on the way back. Everette made sure to stay awake and keep an eye out during the time they traveled. Even if they helped the town, something didn't seem right about the whole situation and Everette couldn't put his finger on it. At least everyone was safe though. In the end they managed to get home safely. Walking through the doors of the guildhall, Everette looked over at Conrad. "Tell Midarah I will have the paper work in tomorrow. I need sleep." He said sounding worn out. As he passed Lakoda, he signed a greeting to her, but didn't stop to have a conversation, sleep sounded really welcoming right at that moment.
  3. Swordsman_John Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 19, 2014
    Shawn Galewind 4.png
    They finally arrived back at the guild hall. Lakoda asking if they wanted to join her for some food.
    "Sure I would be happy to. Just give me a few minutes." He walked away notice a few minutes later more people arriving Everette mentioning something about Midarah. So she wasn't here, that put a hold on him asking her something for now. He walked to where the food was grabbed a sandwich and ate it quickly. He then grabbed three more and walked back to his mission partners handing one to each of them, keeping the last for himself.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2018
  4. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Zephyr strongly felt the urge to bark back at the council and not simply take this lying down, but he restrained himself. If he lashed out then it would only hurt the chances of helping Izra and the others. Once out of the courtroom, the first thing Zephyr had done was to punch the wall closest to him. His frustration still remained despite it being lessened by his act of aggression. "I'll be fine." He just needed some time to cool off and that was all. He would most certainly need that time before going back into that room.
  5. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014
    Gavin 4 banner.png

    When the old man had said, 'What happened in that village had been unfortunate. However, you are still seeing the events with ignorance.' He thought that it had been rather clear. Sure there were unknowns, but why worry about that now? What was important now was that everyone was safe and that included Izra. Then Master Midarah seemed to want Izra with them as well. 'Master Midarah, this isn't just some child who's been cursed or has more magic to deal with than normal-!' His eyes light up for a moment. Did they know, well more specifically did this old man know about his past? They were then shortly escorted out of the courtroom by one of the employees. 'I told you not to speak up, but it was necessary, Are you all holding up alright?' "Not speaking up in the past has showed me that it does not work out that well. I have a feeling they might know of my past," he said this with a worried tone. That was when Thea asked, 'They are going to let Izra go right?' "I do not know but she will be fine she is a fighter after all." He looked at Master Midarah, "it seems like the Magic Council are hiding something." That said they always seemed that way. With that said and done there was nothing to do but wait.
  6. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail


    Master Midarah lowered her hand and then knelt down in front of Thea, putting a hand on her shoulder. "When things like what happened in Murgate Village come to light, the Magic Council feels absolutely responsible for letting it go unnoticed for so long. They are supposed to protect the world, and when this comes out, the reputation of the Magic Council is at stake and people question if they can really protect the world from such horrible things. So they hold an iron fist to try to set things right again..." Master Midarah sighed out. "It seems cruel to us... But it's sadly necessary sometimes. Otherwise people much crueler than the mayor and some of the town's people will get away with more heinous of crimes." The young woman looked up to Zephyr when he punched the wall and then to Gavin when he began to speak. She frowned slightly and stood up, dusting off her kimono. "Not just your past Gavin, but Thea's. And another in our guild as well. They know most members of the Divine Rose, and know that they have become successful mages despite their circumstances." Master Midarah looked to Thea and smiled gently at her. "This is why I requested Izra's release into our custody."

    The door opened, and a staff member bowed to the group. "Master Midarah, the Magic Council has reached a decision and wants to speak to only you."

    The master looked at her guild members and nodded her head to them before looking back ahead. "Very well. I will be back..." With that, Master Midarah proceeded forward, the door closing behind her.

    It was only a few minutes, but it seemed to drag on for hours while Midarah was in the courtroom alone. The voices inside were hushed, and hardly distinguishable. Soon afterwards, the door open and Midarah appeared to the group again. "Good news," she said softly to them as she placed her hand on Thea's shoulder. "Izra is coming home with us today. However, she will be under a 'house arrest' of sorts while the case is studied and the trial is underway. She will not be able to leave the guildhall unless I or an S-Class Mage accompanies her at all time. The others, Jack, Maliel, and Kyo will be taken to the place where the surviving children are being cared for to help out and be under close supervision as well. It's better than being imprisoned here though," she said with a brief sigh. "Izra will be waiting for us outside. The meeting with the Magic Council is over, so lets be on our way."

    With that, Master Midarah led the group back to the outside world. The sun was shining lowly in the sky, and crows cawed somewhere in the distance. A carriage waited at the bottom of the stairs for the group, as well as four rune knights standing around a figure.

    Izra was looking at the ground with heavy shackles on her wrists and ankles. They were nullifying her magic, making her feel more weak than normal. Her eyes had dark circles under them, her hair in front of her face as she stared at the ground. It didn't look like she received much rest since the time she seen the others.

    Master Midarah approached the guards and frowned at the sight of the shackles on the girl. "That won't be necessary. Please remove those from her."

    Izra hadn't noticed the others behind Midarah yet and kept her eyes down. The Rune Knights looked at each other and then reluctantly took the chains off of her. She did nothing to fight it, and didn't even move once the chains were removed from her.



    Lakoda's eyes brighten when she saw the others return from their mission as well. Samuel and Everette looked ran down to the ground though and she felt sorry for the lads. She signed back to Everette a greeting and to rest well before she noticed Conrad sat by the window by the piano. She smiled when he motioned for them to sit with him, and then she took a sandwich from Shawn. "Thank you. Let's go sit by Conrad," she suggested. She then went over to her dear friend and sat down beside him, giving him a side hug. "How was your mission?" she asked as she looked him over with slight concern. "Everette and Samuel looked so tired... You're doing okay?"
  7. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    Everette too was exhausted, had he been the only one to snatch some rest on the train? Sure they couldn't all do it lest they miss their stop, but it surprised him a little bit. It didn't mean he was in as great a state as he held himself the mission had been exhausting, even without his body fighting off the poison for a couple of hours. "Sure thing, Everette, I'll mention it if I see her. Sleep well." Conrad said with a friendly smile. He'd probably go find her a bit later, if she was around at all. When Lakoda gave him a side hug he wrapped his arms around her in response. "It went... well all things considered." Conrad said hesitating a moment to find the right word, they had helped the village and resolved the problem but there had been some significant challenges thrown their way. "The two of them have been up a long time on the mission and used a lot of their magic especially Samuel in helping victims and devising an antidote. Everette fought hard against the serpent that was poisoning the villagers through their water. I too fought the serpent alongside Everette, but because I was exposed to the poison I had some time to rest up after the fight while the antidote was made..." Conrad explained. "I'm fine now though... thanks to Samuel and his antidote, maybe a bit tired from the journey, but I'm fine." He didn't want to worry his dear friend too much altough she knew that with Samuel with them he had been in capable hands. "How did your mission go?" Conrad asked before taking a bite out of his meal.
  8. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    Thea nodded her understanding, but she still didn't like it. She was going along with what was said just for show more than her actually agreeing to it. She knew better than to spend too long arguing with Master Midarah. And when she spoke to Gavin, Thea shifted uncomfortably as happy as she usually seemed, Thea never liked talking about her past, or at least the part that brought her to the guild. She liked living out her high end life style that she had grown up with, but beyond that she tried to avoid most of the stuff about her past, she simply found it too painful to face.

    And then like that Midarah was called away and Thea was left waiting with Gavin and Zephyr, who she chose not to talk to for the time being. She didn't know how much they knew but didn't want questions asked about it either. It was fortunate that Midarah didn't take too long before she came out and told them that Izra would be able to come back with them. She didn't care if the older girl was under house arrest, at least it was a good sign that she wouldn't be in too much trouble.

    As they exited the building and Thea saw Izra, she got a little upset, the girl looked tired and not in good shape.
    "Izra! Areyou alright? You get to come home with us now! The guild is great, nothing like these grumpy old people. Come on. When we are back I will introduce you to Samuel and Everette, they are like big brothers to me. Oh and Nagata. She buys me a lot of pretty dresses." Thea went off before hugging the girl trying to make her feel better.
  9. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014
    Gavin 4 banner.png

    He stood there not doing much. Master Midarah then said, 'When things like what happened in Murgate Village come to light, the Magic Council feels absolutely responsible for letting it go unnoticed for so long.' "That did not seem to be the case in Airlenten 13 to 15 years ago," he said offhandedly. Then Master Midarah said, 'Not just your past Gavin, but Thea's. And another in our guild as well. They know most members of the Divine Rose, and know that they have become successful mages despite their circumstances.' So it was not just his past but everyones. "What happened in Airlenten changed me. It made me want to make a difference. What I did to protect Storm made a difference. I used magic to save him. Sure at the time I was only between the age of three and five but..." His voice trailed off. "As for being a successful mage I would not say that about myself. I help those that are in need. To make a difference in the world." He did not think there was anything special about what he did in Murgate Village nor anywhere else. The mayor got away and he was to slow to stop him. He did not know what that was but he would not call it successful. Master Midarah then told them that Izra was coming back with them. Izra was outside when they arrived with heavy shackles on her wrists and ankles. He did not think that was all that necessary. When Thea ran to Izra he could not help but smile. He tuned to Zephyr and said, "It is good to see her happy." He knew that when the news that Izra was coming back with them that it had to be Thea that went to her first. "It is good to see you Izra." He wondered what they did to the young girl.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2018
  10. Swordsman_John Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 19, 2014
    Shawn Galewind 4.png
    He fallowed Lakoda to where Conrad was. He listened to what was being said. Conrad telling them bits from his mission, fallowed by him asking how theirs went. "You could say it wasn't a cake walk, but it was interesting, we learned a few interesting things." He looked over to Lakoda wondering how much they should really tell Conrad, telling him about Samuel's having an older sister, was one thing an other to tell him the mess with the dark guild Hydra's Claw, with the people/bird Reuben, Lytton, Jy, and the pendant of power thing they we for sure after, that was most likely in the cake that Lady Erin ended up opening and holding on to.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2018
  11. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    Zephyr hadn't said anything when Midarah alone had been called back into the room. He could guess why it was the case but said nothing to about it. Nor did he speak to Gavin or Thea while they waited. The minutes indeed seemed to drag on until Midarah had returned with good news. The house arrest aside Izra would be coming back with them at least and that was good. Same with Maliel and the others. Long as they weren't being left directly in the care of the Council.

    The sight of Izra though was a different matter. She clearly had treated as a criminal and all for upholding the 'justice' the council believe in. None of it sat well with Zephyr, not at all. It made the fact that she was coming back with them all the better. A simple nod was what he offered to Gavin in response to Thea being happy before he too approached Izra. "We should probably get you some rest first when we get back."
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2018
  12. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Izra's head snapped up when she heard a familiar voice. Her eyes landed on the small group before her, shocked by their sudden appearance. "Th-Thea...?" Izra was suddenly hugged by the little girl, which made her stand their in stunned silence for a moment. The guards moved away from the pair while Izra stared down at Thea, not believing what she was seeing. Her eyes suddenly became cloudy with tears, and her chin quivered in a moment of weakness. Izra fell to her knees and brought the young girl into her arms, hugging her tightly as she was trying to get a hold of her emotions. "Thank you.... Thank you for coming for me..." She squeezed her firmly one more time before letting go and looking up at Gavin and Zephyr as they joined with the rest of them. "I didn't expect to see you here," she stated with a nervous laugh, sniffing and rubbing at the corner of her eyes.


    "Here are the girl's belongings," one of the knights said as they pulled out a gunnysack with a few items and then an intricate black instrument case that had carvings of butterflies and leaves on vines. Master Midarah nodded as she took the things reverently. "Thank you... I assume we're free to be on our way?"

    "Yes ma'am. You may leave at any time."

    "Very well..." Master Midarah looked to the small group and smiled softly at the reunion. Despite for the reputation of the Divine Rose taking in "strays", she didn't mind it one bit. This was one of the reasons why she decided to become a master after all. "Come along then," she said to the group. "Let's go home."



    Lakoda blanked out during Conrad's explanation, blinking her eyes as she absorbed as much information as she could. Snapping out of it, she folded her arms and stuck out her bottom lip in a pout. "Aw! You got to go monster hunting without me?!" She scoffed and turned her nose in the air. "No fair..." She then looked at him and gently nudged him in the shoulder. "At least it went well, and you're not dead. I would have brought you back to life just to kill you again if you died on a mission with or without me." She then glanced at Shawn, and she smiled before her shoulders shook. She was giggling, but of course no sound but the air escaping her nose could be heard. "Sort of... We were delivering some cakes and cookies to a baby shower... We got ambushed by these pesky mages from a dark guild I believed. They thought we had an artifact on hand and... turns out we did." Lakoda scratched her cheek in thought and took a bite of her sandwhich. The joy of not being able to speak was to have a necklace doing the talking for her while she could eat. "Did you know that Samuel has an older sister...? Apparently she was the one we were delivering the cakes and goodies to... The artifact was something Samuel's older brother made? Some kind of protective talisman... Did you know he had an older brother, too...?" Both her and Conrad had been in the guild for a while, Lakoda longer than him by five years. Both of them knew of Samuel, but Lakoda was stuck in her own little world for a while due to unusual circumstances. In the past years of being in the guild, she had flourished into a more confident young lady; no longer shy of her inability to speak like everyone else.
  13. Vladek515 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 12, 2015

    Conrad listened attentively to what was being said he raised an eyebrow at how vague Shawn was putting it almost as if he wasn't allowed to know what had gone on if Shawn thought that was necessary for this mission Conrad wasn't going to argue just another thing they couldn't talk about. He turned his attention to Lakoda who was pouting at him for having gone on a monster hunt without her, as it was a thing they usually did together. "Well Lakoda I seem to recall having given you the chance to come along and well furthermore it didn't exactly say we were going to hunt a giant serpent." Conrad said with a smirk that quickly changed into a broad smile accompanied by laughter as she poked his ribs and claimed to raise him from the dead just to send him back herself for dying on her. He was familiar with her soundless laughter and was glad to see her laugh. "You really thought I would die like that? Oh no it takes more than that to be rid of me and know that the same goes for you, missy" he added with a grin on his face. He fidgeted with his hands surpressing the urge to sign along with his speaking because of the awkward situation it had lead to that morning.

    As Lakoda gave an explanation for what happened on their mission Conrad simply listened while taking a bit from his food, his breath caught at the mention of a Dark Guild and he stopped chewing a good thing too as more rather shocking things were revealed and he controlled himself enough to chew and swallow before speaking up. "
    I never knew... he never mentioned them to me, I mean I guess there always had been the possibility of him having siblings but I didn't know..." Conrad said rather surprised at the news of Samuel's siblings. The mage and him got along rather well and even helped each other out, but he had never spoken of them. "So are you going to tell him about it all? You know him becoming an uncle and all? I won't breathe a word of this to him unless you want me to." Conrad if he were in Samuel shoes would want to be told but he wasn't Samuel, but he still thought he deserved to know what was going on with his family. "Those mages from this Dark Guild, did they mention a name or did you see their mark?" he was merely curious as he had had a run in with members of one in the past.
  14. Swordsman_John Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 19, 2014
    Shawn Galewind 4.png
    He sat there as Lakoda and Conrad talked, Lakoda mentioned what happened on there mission. She talked about how they were attacked on the way to the baby shower. He wasn't sure to begin with if they should tell Conrad, but guessing what he had to deal with it seemed he had just as much trouble as they did. He decided as this point he might as well tell him everything. "They are called Hydra's Claw, with people and a bird, there names were Reuben, Lytton, and Jy. The bird had egg magic, one of them had shadow magic and the last had speed magic. The guild mark had three heads on it of I'm guessing a hydra in a shape of a circle, kind of like the heads were following each other, and linked in the middle. We still don't know why they wanted this artifact, but then again why would a dark guild want anything. I'm assuming the baby is a mage of some short and the artifact is to help protect the baby. As for telling Samuel, about everything I think someone should, he seemed tired though and I thought it would be nice to let him rest for a bit."
  15. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    "Why wouldn't we come for you? You are my friend? Besides it was unfair that they just took you away before I was even awake and able to defend you, so the moment I was on my feet again I came here for you and now you get to come home with us!" Thea exclaimed excitedly as Master Midarah tried to usher them to start leaving. "Come on. You can even share my room if you need a place to rest right away. I don't mind. I was just sleeping for a while so I am not all that tired." Thea continued to babble on towards Izra as they started off, clearly the entire encounter not dampening her spirits in the slightest, even if for a brief time the magic council made her very uncomfortable. Izra hadn't seen that so hopefully she wouldn't have to explain, it was never easy to explain. She was more than willing to try, but she couldn't deny that it bothered her to some extent.
  16. GarrettFinch Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 19, 2014
    Gavin 4 banner.png

    At first Irza seemed to be in shock to see them. He just stood there letting Thea have her moment with Irza. Then Irza said, 'I didn't expect to see you here.' "I seem to remember you saving our lives back at the village and we could not just leave you here." At this point Master Midarah seemed to want them to go and he did not blame her he did not want to be here any longer then he had to be. Thea had said something about sharing a room and he just smiled at her not know what to say. "Well we should get back to the guild hall." With that he stood by waiting for the others.
  17. CrownMoksha Decimo

    Jan 11, 2011
    On board the DenLiner
    "You helped us out, least we could do is to return the favor." Zephyr said, smiling as his hands found their way into his pockets. He was starting to feel a bit more at ease about this whole thing. Even if the trial was something that they would have to deal with, later on, it was still a ways off and not the prime concern right now. There was still something else on his mind though, something he would likely bring up later on with Midarah. At the very least I should tell her about it. For now, such thoughts were cast aside until they actually got back to the guild hall.
  18. LadyAzura Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 21, 2012
    Garreg Mach Monastery

    Yukyo had gotten off the wagon as it arrived back to the Guild Hall. He had started stretching a bit before walking back into the Guild Hall. Lakoda and Shawn had walked off to converse with the others. The young man looked around before seeing Everette and Samuel walking off, looking quite exhausted. It was then that he remembered a certain trick he had found out earlier during the mission. A small smirk ran across his face as he started planning a "relaxing" way for them to de-stress. He walked outside for a moment to begin his little trick.

    After several minutes, Yukyo walked back inside and walked up to Everette. "
    I'm home~!" He slapped his back as he had announced his arrival. "It's good to be home!" He took a step in front of Everette. They kept walking as Yukyo took a quick glance at the window. "So! I found out something pretty interesting while I was gone. One of which has to do with our dear dear Sammy!" He smiled as put a hand on his hat. He immediately took a few more steps back before revealing his other finding. "The other this is..." He paused before letting out the sound of a cat. In the next few moments, several cats had jumped through the window, pouncing on Everette. More and more cats continued to jumping through the window, burying Everette in cats. "I can call animals and have them do stuff for me! Yay!!!" He clapped as his smile continued to shine on his face.
  19. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Izra smiled kindly at Thea, and then looked at the other two boys. Without much of a word, she approached them and gave them both a quick hug before backing off and bowing her head to them in respect. "Thank you again..." The small group loaded into the carriage, Izra sitting in the middle by Midarah and Thea. They were soon off, and well on their way back to the guildhall.


    "I believe we have an extra room prepared for you," Master Midarah commented to Izra. "That way you don't have to give up your room, Thea." The woman chuckled and folded her hands in her lap. "Did they tell you the conditions of your release...?"

    The light in Izra's eyes faltered and she looked down at the floor. "Yes. That I can't leave the Guild Hall unless I'm with you or an S-Class Mage...?"

    "We might make other arrangements down the line," Master Midarah said with a slight smirk on her face and winked at the young mage. "After all, you did save my guild members... They're like my family to me. And, well, I just met you today, but I have a feeling you will be made apart of our family... If you already haven't," she said, referring to Thea.



    "I think I will tell Samuel he's an uncle later... Who knows, he might already know about it?" Lakoda listened to Shawn's explanation, and then glanced around a moment. There was a paper napkin on the table, and Lakoda had a pen in her pocket. She pulled it out and drew three dragon like heads, all facing counter-clockwise and had frills on their spine. They all connected in the center and Lakoda pushed the napkin towards Conrad. "Kind of like this..."

  20. Aelin Best Waifu

    Jun 30, 2011
    British Columbia, Canada
    "Oh yeah. Thank you for saving me Izra. I am sorry if I scared you." She said quietly knowing how worried people looked when she woke up. She wasn't quite sure how much that she missed during the time she was out. She had missed Izra being arrested and the end of the battle, she couldn't only assume that Izra helped her out again. It was at the very least a polite thing she could do. Thea sunk back into her seat, leaning against the wall of the carriage. She was very tired still, and didn't want to rest before coming here, now she was worn out. She thought she was just resting her eyes for a moment, but next thing she knew she was fast asleep.
    Everette was just about to open the door to his room when Yukyo pushed his way in front of him and into the doorway to his room. Yawning Everette was going to push past him when Yukyo mentioned something about Samuel which made Everette concerned. "Fine, Fine I will bite, come-" As he tried to call Yukyo in, Yukyo summoned a bunch of cats to flood his room and attack him. Everette while often trying to at least enjoy people's jokes he couldn't keep himself awake enough to enjoy this. Trying to push the cats off, Everette looked at Yukyo. "Please call the cats off and just tell me what you learned, please." He didn't want to sound rude, but his head was pounding and the only thing he could think of was sleep.