Dissidia: Marvel vs Capcom

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Lite, Sep 30, 2011.

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  1. Feenie Finny, Fin of the Feenie Fish

    May 10, 2008
    Aberdeen, Scotland
    OOC: OMG Mia! D: And lol at Phoenix and Edgeworth's roles xD

    BIC: X-23 stood quietly and shyly in the corner of Cosmos' warriors, studying her comrades. At a first glance, she could see a dog with some kind of fiery, china plate on it's back, two crazy looking androids and a demon...thing. "Some warriors..." She muttered to herself under her breath, pushing two sharp and shiny adamantium claws out from her knuckles, cringing slightly as they appeared. She sighed and looked over to the distance, noticing a young woman with long brown hair walking towards them, her expression a mixture of determination and sorrow.

    "Bonjour, mes amis! Gambit has come to join the party!" Gambit stated as he entered the area where everyone else was, twirling his silver staff around and around to entertain himself. He looked around at his "friends" as he entered, noting the presence of one Deadpool and one Wolverine. "Ah, wonderful..."friends" they are..." He also noticed two very similar men in red cloaks. He sighed slightly at his companions, wondering how often they would be fighting themselves rather than the enemies.
  2. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    OOC: Vergil's Essence description was edited for...Well, so it would make sense. Anywhom, moving on!

    Underneath Chaos's throne, Doom sat alone in the dark cell Chaos had thrown him in. It looked almost like a typical jail cell. A bed, a toilet, and a series of bars preventing him from leaving. "This is absurd. Keeping me enclosed in a cell!? I am royalty! No so-called "God" is going to tell me where to stay!" Doom said to himself. "At least he's going to let you back out at some point. I've been stuck in here since the last battle." A voice said. Doom looked to where the voice seemed to come from, which was the cell across from his. He couldn't see who was talking, but what he could see were three horizontal red lines going in a vertical pattern. "Last battle? What nonsense are you spewing?" Doom asked. "What I'm saying is that Chaos is a horrible beast. No matter what he offers you, or what he tells you, never believe he's got your well-being in mind. Heck, he's probably gonna kill you off or leave you in here when he's done with you." The voice answered. "That doesn't answer the question, fool. What is this last battle you were talking about!?" Doom said, his anger growing. "Heh, somebody's got a temper on him. Okay, I'll explain. Chaos has been fighting with this other Goddess, Cosmos, for who knows how long. Every time he gather's the same warriors from the same worlds until they've all been killed or have gone missing. Last time around, I was in the place of Edgeworth, but when I didn't do something the way Big Red wanted me to, he threw me in here. I've been here ever since." The voice explained. Doom's worry grew greater. Was he going to be left in here forever? He didn't want to stay to find out. "So how about we help each other out, huh? I've seen the kinds of things you've pulled off in your world, so I'm pretty sure you could get us outta here. Deal?" The voice asked. Doom thought about it. There was really nothing for him to lose in the situation. "Agreed. I will help you. Doom replied. He stood up from his bed, aimed each of his fingers at separate bars and fired plasma blasts at each of them, breaking them open. He stepped into the hallway. "For a God, his dungeons are poorly made." Doom scoffed. He blasted the other man's cell open. He stepped out, revealing himself. He had dark skin and white hair. He wore formal attire, almost like a lawyer. His biggest distinction was the large mask he was wearing over his eyes. There were three red bars on it that, Doom assumed, the man could see through. "Name's Godot. Thank's for breaking me out of there." Godot said. Before Doom could introduce himself, Godot interrupted. "No need to tell me your name, I know plenty about you, Victor." Godot pointed down the hallway. "I'd say that way's the way out. Shall we?" Godot asked.

    Doom and Godot walked down the hallway. At the end of the hallway, Doom tripped on a wire trap, triggering an alarm. Red lights were flashing down the hallway, and a woman's voice was playing over an intercom. It was blaring: "INTRUDER ALERT AT CONTAINMENT CHAMBER! RED ALERT! RED ALERT!" Godot laughed. "Didn't think Tech was Big Red's thing. Whatever, blast this door open, quick!" Godot said. Doom nodded and blasted the large door in front of the wide open. Just before Doom and Godot began running into the next room, a horde of multi-colored crystal figures began pouring from the room, completely trampling Doom and Godot. After the trampling ended, Godot stood back up. "Ouch, what the hell was that!?" "Manikins." A familiar voice came from behind the two. The duo turned around to see Miles Edgeworth walking closer to them. "Hey, Edgy! How long has it been? One millennium? Two?" Godot asked jokingly. "Quiet, Godot. Do you have any idea what you two have just unleashed? Those Manikins were sealed in there in the 12th Battle by the warriors of that time. And now you've re-released them back into the battleground!" Miles exclaimed. Edgeworth snapped his fingers, teleporting the three of them to Chaos's throne. The God's expression changed from bored to angered."What are these two filthy insects doing in my presence!" The God exclaimed. "These two escaped custody and..." Before he finished, a loud rumbling came from behind Chaos's throne. Just then, an army of Manikins stormed through the Edge of Madness and into the battlefield. "You fools released the Manikins!?" Chaos exclaimed. "Y-Yes, your highness. I will take them to the Court immediately."Miles said. He quickly opened a portal to a dark area and pushed the two through it.

    Finishing with the Cosmos characters:

    Zero can Fly while in Essence mode
    Like X, dashing on the ground is light-speed.
    Z-Saber can sap energy from enemies when it comes into contact with them.
    Zero's "Rekkoha" is his ultimate attack while in this form. The range of which the energy blasts go have been doubled. Using this move uses up all of Zero's energy.

    She can launch her claws at enemies. If the claws impale an enemy, energy is drained from them and used the energize herself.
    She can move fast enough to dodge almost any attack. Moving really fast drains energy quicker.

    She is given the"Cosmos Judgement" ability. When she uses this ability, she disperses her energy in all directions, giving her energy to others who are using or have emptied their Essence of Cosmos energy.
    Ammy's speed and Strength are also increased.

    Gains a new weapon: Blade of Harmony. The Blade of Harmony can deflect any Chaos-based attack back at the user, turning the attack into one of Harmonious energy. Samanosuke can also fly while the blade is in his hand.

    Here's Gambit's Essence of Chaos abilities.

    His Bō staff is extended in length, enough to make it double it's original size.
    His cards are always charged, so they always explode when thrown.


    Logan continued to ignore Deadpool's banter, worrying more about what was just injected into him by Dr. Doom. It didn't hurt, in fact he felt much stronger. Just then, an army of crystal-looking creatures came running towards the group. The majority of them kept going, but some of them stayed and eyed the group. They didn't look like anybody any of them had seen before. One of them looked like a man with spiked hair and a large sword, while another looked like a woman in a dress with a staff. "The hell?" Logan said, bringing out his claws. "You guys better know how to fight. I ain't helpin' ya up if you get a boo-boo." Logan said as he charged into the large group of enemies.


    Phoenix Wright and Mia finally reached the group of Cosmos Warriors. Luckily they weren't too far away. They approached the group, getting their attention. "Hey, you guys, Stop for a sec'. Me and Mia here need to give you something from Cosmos." Phoenix said. (OOC: Gonna godmod here for a sec) The group turned around, looking to the duo. Mia raised her hand, a bright light emanating from her palm. The light spread apart, going to each of the warriors. "There, now you all should be ready for battle." She said. Just then, a group of crystal warriors rushed towards the group, weapons drawn. Mia stepped back, while Phoenix pointed to them and yelled. "G-Guys, behind you!"

    OOC: Hopefully the Manikins should start up some action. By the way, to activate your essence powers, your character just has to imagine being filled with power. Simple as that. It works the same for both factions. If I missed anybody with the essence descriptions, let me know, please.
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