Dissidia Literary

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Princess Rapunzel, Dec 31, 2010.

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  1. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    Jaster grunted from the force of the other man's punch. He staggered back several steps, then regained his balance. "Not bad, but I've been hit by banthas harder than that," he said. "Damn...of course my flamethrower is what got destroyed..." Switching to his helmet's internal communication, he said, "Do I have anything else that can cause a burn?"
    After several minutes of dodging attacks and delivering some of his own, his HUD displayed the indication of his wrist rockets. "Bingo," he muttered, then switched the helmet back to external communication and said, "Darren! Would an explosion be a good substitute for the sun?"
  2. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    "That just might work!" Shouted Darren. "But I can't say for sure."
    Darren felt utterly useless. Here in this freezing place, barefoot, not allowed to use weapons...
    But what if...
    But he had to find somewhere safe.

    Darren said, "Cover me, I'll be right back! Just trust me!" And with that he sprinted away.


    "Hmph. Coward." Said Steve. He though of running after Darren, but these enemies would no doubt follow him. He decided to just have some fun here, while he could.
    "You know, that helmet of yours really hurt my first. You're gonna have to pay for that!"
    Steve lunged at Jaster once more, hoping he could cut through the layer of armor with his fingernails extended.
  3. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    "Stay safe, lad," Jaster shouted after Darren. "I hope he knows what he's doing..."
    He turned his attention back to Steve. "Yeah, Mandalorian iron will do that," he spat back, sidestepping and avoiding the lunge. "Tell me, vampire, how good's your eyesight?"
  4. Guardian Soul hella sad & hella rad

    Jul 26, 2007
    "Why thank you for the compliment." said Shirou as he pushed harder and harder against Dein Nomos, trying his best to hold the sword off and possibly overpower his opponent. "But here's the thing. My plan isn't just a simple 'two attacks at once'. I was actually hoping that you would dodge the sword. You see, my twin swords are special. They have such a strong bond that they attract themselves to each other. As long as I hold one sword, the other one will always come back to me." said Shirou as a light smile came onto his face. "Now come back Kanshou." And the black sword that was stuck on the wall behind the white hair man loosened itself and started to spin rapidly towards Shirou. The only thing keeping the sword from returning to its master was the enemy that stood in between them. "Now it's time to make a decision. Block me or block the sword."
  5. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009

    Steve was outraged.
    "I'm not a Vampire! Those fools are pathetic. No, I'm a half-Vampaneze! Darren barely knows about our kind, I'll bet whatever he told you is false! My eyesight is far better than that of any Vampire you've ever seen!"
    Steve jumped in the air and flew at Jaster, going for a punch in the chest.

    [[OOC: I'm sorry, I really dropped the ball when I told you about Steve's weakness earlier. He's actually a Half-Vampaneze and completely immune to the sun. For a moment I forgot he was only half.
    Let's just say Darren forgot that >.>]]
  6. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    "Impressive." Was all Duke said as he closed his eyes and a burst of light engulfed him as he changed to his EX Mode and the swords appeared on his back and he grabbed one of them as he hit it aside to change it's course behind Shirou.

    "Retrieve your sword Warrior of Cosmos and see what these weapons I hold, the Spiral Draco have in store for you, I should grant you a little infomation about them since you told me of your sword's partnership." Duke said as he hovered above the ground. "These weapons were spawned by a 14 headed creature so it says in legend as each of these are destructive in their own right, nine were created and if one was found, it would show the way to the eight remaining," Duke said and looked at Shirou.

    "There is only one of these Spiral Draco remaining in this world and I believe Lowell holds one, the last war originally had two." Duke said and stared.

    Luke heard the sounds and peeked around the corner. "Hey...it's someone I remember." he whispered quietly as Duke already heard the steps. "Reveal yourself."

    Luke knew he was caught and stepped out. "Damn." He said as he rubbed his crimsion hair. "Well, I guess you won't let me leave quietly." Luke said and pulled his sword out.

    "...Team up if you so desire, I have no objections, be it two of you or nine." Duke said responsively
  7. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    OOC: Lol, that's fine. xD

    Jaster smirked from behind his helmet. He waited until Steve was only a few feet from him, then said, "Take a hard look at this then!"
    He pulled a flash grenade out of his belt, activating it and closing his eyes just as Steve was about to punch him. The grenade went off, causing a bright burst of light and sending both men flying back a few feet. Jaster got up shakily, dazed only by the force of hitting the ground.
  8. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "Sorry, but I have another prize I want to break." Voldemort summoned more manikins and left. Lloyd groaned, "Yuri, I'm going after Voldemort."


    Harry left when Luke appeared and ended up at Hogwarts. He figured no one would be here and sighed, Voldemort appeared and smiled. "I knew that you would come here, Harry." "Voldemort!"
  9. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Archer continued threw the forest, jumping from branch to branch. "hmm? There seems to be some fighting up ahead" Archer muttered to himself as he stood on the tree branch of a tree near the border to the tower "So it's true, Shirou Emiya is here" Archer muttered to himself ad suddenly a bow appeared in his hand. Taking aim he shot two arrows at Luke and Shirou. The arrows weren't any normal arrows, in fact they were not arrows at all, they were swords
  10. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Yuri sliced through a manikin. "You can try but these guys...!" He noticed more coem as he blocked a Luke manikin and kicked it in the stomach, for looking like crystal, they sure kept the flesh parts on hand which is kind of horrifying. "have other plans!" He said and noticed one of his manikins come for him and Yuri blinked. "...I seen better." He remarked and grabbed a lloyd manikin and pushed it in front of the Yuri one, forcing it to slice through it's kind and Yuri pulled back his fist and punched the Yuri manikin hard in the face.

    "I hate copycats...they have no sense of styl-" He was about to finish until he blocked another Luke manikin.
  11. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "Alone as always, huh?" Voldemort said, Harry shouted, "What?" "You don't have any real friends, Harry. The people you call 'friends' are only by your side because you're famous. See how alike we are?"

    "No......." Harry whispered. "I'm not like you. I'll never be like you! My friends are with me because I'm me! Not because I'm famous!" He thought back to when he met Lloyd and the others, none of them seemed to care he was famous, neither did Ron or Hermione. "I'll show you the strength my friends give me!" "Bring it on, then." Harry and Voldemort took out their wands.

    The two of them began to fight, blasting spells at each other. Harry's wand changed into the Elder Wand while Voldemort's appearance changed. "Time for you to disappear!!!" Harry shouted, shooting a powerful spell at Voldemort. He fell to his knees and gasped. "I'll get you back, Potter......." As he disappeared, a small dark red stone appeared. Harry stared at it and held out his hand, then it disappeared. "Harry!" Lloyd appeared and smiled.
  12. Guardian Soul hella sad & hella rad

    Jul 26, 2007
    "Impressive...looks like somebody decided to take the third option." complimented Shirou as he jumped back from the enemy, again trying to widen the distance between the two. "And I thought that I really got you ther-." He was about to finish his sentence but then he sensed the killing intent of somebody. It surely wasn't the enemy that was standing right in front of him and then he saw it in the distance. The red cloaked knight, Archer, with his bow aiming right at him and red haired boy that had just entered the room. "Crap!" said Shirou as he started to run towards the exit of the room. "Redhead! Run! Now!" The red haired boy looked dumbfounded, wondering what was wrong. "The danger is coming closer." Increasing his speed, Shirou starts to sprint towards him. Grabbing him in his arm, he jumps out of the room right before the two arrows hit. In that instant, all sound is lost and the only thing that can be heard is an explosion.
  13. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "Lets get back to Darren and Jaster," Lloyd said, guiding Harry back to Vampire Mountain. Harry smiled and followed him.


    Mithos sighed as Voldemort appeared in front of him.
  14. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    OOC: Is Yuri not important enough be mentioned?

    Yuri breathed a bit, he took care of manikins heading his way and he was thankful he got a breather.


    Duke reverted to normal as he stared at Archer. "Another one joins the war." he simply stated and turned as he walked on.


    Luke was pulled. "Wh-" He felt liek he was falling and he looked at the guy. "I hope you have a plan to stop us from dying from the ground!" He yelled at him. This honestly reminded him of Tear accidently warpping them faraway from his home.


    Asch stood forward in the light of Voldermort and Mithos. "Seems like your plan worked for a change Voldermort." He stated.
  15. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "I'll get that brat back and make him pay!" Voldemort said, Mithos looked at Asch. "What do you want?"


    "Guys! I found Harry!" Lloyd and Harry walked up to them. He turned to Harry. "So did you find what we're after?" Harry held out his hand and the stone appeared. "It's a crystal........"
  16. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    "A crystal...I wonder what that's all about." Yuri wondered to hismelf while staying on guard.


    "Nothing that concerns you Mithos." Asch answered with arms crossed. "I'm just amazed that one child can beat a man who says he is the most feared person in the world where no-one dares utter his name." Asch said with little humor and looked at Voldermort in the eyes showing no emotion. "Don't bother, your plan managed to work, it's only the other Warriors now..." Asch trailed off, he hated that he had his replica right here who stole everything from him.
  17. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    OOC: Aerith, are you talking to Darren and Jaster?
  18. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    OCC: Lloyd led Harry back to Darren, Jaster, and Yuri, to both of them.

    BIC: The stone disappeared, Harry said, "I don't know, it just appeared after I defeated Voldemort........."


    "What plan are you talking about?" Voldemort asked.
  19. Guardian Soul hella sad & hella rad

    Jul 26, 2007
    "You know. Most people would be thankful for having their life saved." said Shirou angrily. "Archer's arrows aren't your average arrows." Getting up from the ground and dusting himself off, Shirou started to run down the staircase. "For now, we're getting out of here. So hurry up!"

    OOC: I'm out for the day.
  20. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    OOC: Well...Jaster's in the middle of a fight and Darren ran off somewhere. >>
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