It's a new series of Final Fantasy but get this! They have Leon from VIII and Sephiroth in VII. Those two I only know from this vid and the others may have been in other Final Fantasy games. I can't wait!!!! Playing as Leon while fighting Sephiroth may have been my dream after all. PS, the game is in PSP.
cool they've got leon+sephitroth and tidus he's awesome XD i can't wair till it comes out Dx is there going to be an English version ??
I agree. I want it now cause now I need FF players to play as since I'm busy playing Rockband and Warhawk and Bad company.
Thats so frinkin awesome!! I can't believe that Squall will fight Sephiroth xD And tidus looked like a badass xDD
Another good PSP Game?!?!?! I must get it!! Well not only for the PSP aspect, but I really wanna fight Sephiroth as Squall.