Dissidia Final Fantasy Rp

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by TwilightBlader, Mar 9, 2009.

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  1. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Cosmos the Goddess of Harmony
    Chaos the God of Discord
    These two forces have been at war for what seems to be eons. Cosmos and Chaos were of equal strength. It was believed the conflict would last forever. However, the balance is now broken. Both Chaos and Cosmos have summoned warriors from different universes to fight from for them to end the war once and for all. Now the fate of the universe depends on those who have been summon to fight in this war between harmony and discord​

    Pretty much the goddess cosmos and the god chaos has summoned final fantasy characters to fight against each other. Cosmos summoned the good guys and Chaos summoned the bad guys.

    You can be anybody from the whole entire Final Fantasy series. When you post which character you want you must also post whether your character is on chaos or cosmos's side. Please make your character stay in character and have a proper reason as too why they are on the side they are on. For example: Kefka wouldn't be on Cosmos's side because he wants to destroy stuff ( but this doesn't mean betrayals can't happen). Regular rp rules apply and 3 characters max. If you have any questions just ask


    Warriors of Harmony
    Warrior of Light (light) - Twilightblader
    Cloud - Roxas81334
    Squall - Roxas81334

    Warriors of Discord
    Garland - Twilightblader
  2. Roxas81334 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 10, 2009
    Listening to music
    can i be leon an cloud? They are on cosmos's side because the want to put an end to the fighting.
  3. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    sure your in
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