Dissidia: Final Fantasy Rp

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by TwilightBlader, Jun 23, 2010.

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  1. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    The Goddess of Harmony, Cosmos
    The God of Discord, Chaos
    These two gods have been locked in eternal conflict, summoning warriors from different universes to battle. These warriors fight until they die and are reborn to fight again. They are trapped in a cycle of life and death, doomed to fight for all eternity. But this may change, the end of the war seems to be close as the forces of Chaos seem to have the advantage, having overpowered Cosmos' forces. If the forces of Cosmos fail to stop Chaos' men then everything will sink into discord.​

    Alright so basically Chaos and Cosmos are at war and summoned warriors from the final fantasy games to do battle. You can choose ANY final fantasy character from ANY final fantasy game you want but they must be on either Cosmos' or chaos' side. If you want a hero to be on Chaos side or a villain to be on Cosmos' side you must have a good reason why.You don't need knowledge of all the final fantasy's just knowledge of who you are role playing as. If you want info go to www.finalfantasy.wikia.com. Also only certain characters know what happened during the previous war (the gods, Garland, Emperor, Golbez, Kefka, Ultimecia, and partly Warrior of light and Sephiroth)

    No Godmodding
    The character limit is 5 characters but this might increase
    No OC we have alot of final fantasy characters to choose from
    Please gain permission from before killing somebody’s character. Even though your character get revived that only happens until one of the god's forces loses
    Please be in character. Eg. Don't make Kefka a nice and kind person even though he is not
    More rules might be added



    Final Fantasy 1:
    Warrior of Light: Twilightblader

    Final Fantasy 2:
    Firion: Twilightblader

    Final Fantasy 3:
    Onion Knight: Aerith G.

    Final Fantasy 5:
    Bartz Klauser: Aerith G.

    Final Fantasy 6:
    Terra Branford: Aerith G.

    Final Fantasy 7:
    Cloud Strife: Protecter212

    Final Fantasy 8:
    Squall Leonhart: Protecter212

    Final Fantasy 9:
    Zidane Tribal: Protecter212

    Final Fantasy 10:
    Tidus: Aerith G.

    Chaos: Twilightblader

    Final Fantasy 1:
    Garland: Twilightblader

    Final Fantasy 2:
    Emperor Mateus Palmecia: Twilightblader

    Final Fantasy 6:
    Kefka Palazzo: Twilightblader

    Final Fantasy 7:
    Sephiroth: Protecter212

    Final Fantasy 9:
    Kuja: Protecter212

    Final Fantasy 10:
    Jecht: Aerith G.
  2. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    I want Terra, Jecht, and Onion Knight!
  3. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Well well finally a Dissida RP!

    I'll go and grab Zidane, Kuja and the third one will be Squall then :lol:
  4. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Cool your both in
  5. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    When can we start?
  6. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    We can start now and I increased the character limit to 5. Anybody else can still join if they want.


    And so as one war ends, another one begins. With the defeat of Cosmos' forces, the foreseer of this war, the dragon Shinryu awakes from his slumber and revives all those who have fallen to fight again. He then goes back to his slumber to awake later on and revive the warriors once more. Fearing defeat and the fate of discord, Cosmos pleads to her warriors to find the Crystals and put an end to the conflict for good
  7. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    OCC: I'll help annoy Squall by taking Bartz and Tidus.

    BIC: Terra and Onion Knight walked along a path of where they were. Terra sighed, worried about her powers. Onion Knight turned to her and smiled. "Don't worry. I'll protect you, so you don't have to use your powers." But Terra noticed he sounded unsure and sighed.


    Bartz sighed and looked at the feather in his head. He really missed his chocobo, Boco, and hoped he was alright. He gripped the feather and looked around.


    Tidus leaned against a wall and sighed. He saw his old man during the battle between Cosmos and Chaos, but Firion had fought him, making Tidus a little pissed. He admitted he was with a unique group of people, staring at the people wit him.


    Jecht walked through the place he was at, and sighed. He wished he would have fought against his crybaby brat of a son during the battle earlier, but he figured Firion was pretty tough. He stopped for a moment and sighed, stretching his neck.
  8. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    OOC: It's Bartz Aerith, not Bratz and sicne the char limit is 5, I suppose I'll take up Cloud and Sephiroth

    Squall checked his surroundings, no-one else was with him, just the way he preferred things after the battle as he was up against Sephiroth earlier who was definitely no pushover as the man who could easily repel his Lionheart.

    "That doesn't concern me..." He thought to himself, He did originally want to battle Ultimecia but she had her eyes on the only female in Cosmos's group and then and there, Squal walked forward without nay concern.


    Zidane awoke to find himself in a tree alone as well. "Aww man....seperated?" He asked himself and leapt down to the floor, last he recalled, he was against the forces of Chaos and faced off against that clown and the armor guy named Exdeath.

    "That clown guy sure gave me a run for my money, geez...I should of gone for someone else." He said to himself, he did remember Bartz and him quickly built a friendship during their time together and luckily, Tidus with his speed and acrobatics, was able to him Zidane reach Bartz to stop Exdeath's attack.

    "Gotta find the others...I'll be a sitting duck alone." He said to himself and walked in a direction, hoping to at least run into his friend.


    Cloud stared at his group, he was certainly with a unique group, one was a man named Cecil Harvey who could use both the powers of Light and Darkness to his call as his armor would change to signify this but now Cecil wore the darkness so he looked similar to that of a knight who has death draped around him

    Cloud turned his attention to his other members, another was called Firion who was very verstile with the many weapons he wielded as Cloud was surprised it wasn't weighing him down and finally a young man who looked had a bright and cheerful aura surrounding him and his clothing definitely out of this word, then again, everyone in Chaos and Cosmos's sides wore different attire.


    Sephiroth leant casually against a pillar within the forces of Chaos, he already made some notes about the 'allies' he supposely has, Garland was a destructive force and a direct messenger of Chaos, Mateus was simply a power-hungry man who wished to become a god. "Like that'll ever happen." Sephiroth thought and continued his analysis, Cloud of Darkness and himself never really interacted so he had no idea of her form used in battle. "A possible ally but who knows..."

    Sephiroth turned his attention to Golbez, that man never really spoke in a straight answer but rather, in riddles but he was a powerful force if one knew as Sephiroth's eyes shifted to Exdeath. "All he really talks about is the Void and wish to gain complete control of it, he could be useful," Sephiroth concluded and then his eyes came onto Kefka and Sephiroth immediately had a dislike for him.

    "Not a ally I'd rather join with...he also seems to be a backstabber just as much as Mateus." Sephiroth instantly concluded and then to Ultimecia, he had a slight interest in her wish to control all time and compress it. "A possible ally perhaps but stay on my guard.

    Sephiroth's eyes came to Kuja. "A very odd one indeed with his tail but all he talks about is this 'Zidane' and how the fights are like acts to a stage." Sephiroth thought to himself, he had to argee he could sense the dormant powers in Kuja and judging by it, it could destory a planet if need be.

    "And finally..." Sephiroth crossed eyes with Jecht. "All I know is he is a man who fights at close combat and his son is on Cosmos's side...as for partnership...that's unclear at the moment." Sephiroth concluded of hsi analysis.


    Kuja just smiled as he hovered. "Soon Zidane...you'll be a piece in my outstanding play and the actors have just begun!" he thought with glee.
  9. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Bartz began to run around, looking for Zidane. He really hoped he was alright and gripped Boco's feather tightly.


    Jecht stared back at Sephiroth. "What do you want, man?"


    Tidus stretched and sighed. "So, now what?" He asked the others.
  10. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Mateos stood in the middle of the other minions of Chaos with a smirk "the long conflict between the gods shall soon see it's end. Those fools are unaware of the roles they play." Mateus said

    The warrior of light stood by himself looking up at the sky "Cosmos... We have heard your plea and will carry out your orders. I will cut threw anything fate sends at me and find the crystal" He said as he began to walk forward
  11. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Bartz looked around and gasped for air. He wondered where Zidane and the others were and hoped they were alright. He continued to run.


    Jecht leaned against a wall and listened to Mateus, wondering what he wanted.
  12. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Sephiroth just plainly ignored Jecht's question as he listened to Mateus's speech. "What he says is true...perhaps." Sephiroth thought to himself, he had some knowledge of the previous battles of Cosmos and Chaos as he always fought Cloud since he was his opposite, at one point, he even took his own life to test the endless cycle.


    Kujia had to agreed with Mateus on what he said. "It'll be a grand play that'll have them begging for mercy." Kuja laughed in his own way.


    Zidane kept on running, attacking a few Manikins who were in the way. "Someone needs some originality!" Zidane to fought himself as he just defeated a crystal-version of himself until he found himself somewhere completely new, he was on the moon with a blue planet in the distance as there was a crystal palace and huge airship far away.

    "Now where am I?" He asked himself in his thoughts until he spotted someone and immediately knew who this was. "Well, if it isn't Bartz!" He said, grinning.


    Squall placed his Gunblade on his shoulder as he took down a Manikin that got in his way. "This it?" he asked himself calmly as he dismissed the Gunblade in a flash of light, something Cosmos granted the Warriors in need as he paced himself onward, Cosmos mentioned something about Crystals.

    "I'll complete my task on my own." He thought to himself.


    Cloud wondered what these Crystals might be since Cosmos wished for them to find them, but she didn't give any clues as to how to get them or start searching.

    "What do you think?" Cloud asked his comrades, looking for a answer.

  13. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "Zidane!" Bartz ran toward him.


    Tidus shrugged his shoulders and sighed.


    Jecht mumbled something and sighed, stretching his arms.
  14. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Mateus smirked and teleported away

    Kefka noticed Mateus teleport away and grinned as he teleported towards where Mateus was and rested his arm on Mateus' shoulder "hey your a pretty cunning guy, I need your help with one of my toys" Kefka said with a grin at the word toy

    "Oh and I assume that you mean the girl when you say toy. Indeed, she was a valuable asset in the previous war. After all, once she lost her control of her powers it it helped us to kill that goddess" Mateus said and closed his eyes "Very well I will help you with this so called plan, but it better not intrude on my plans" Mateus said

    Kefka began to laugh "oh this is simply wonderful. I shiver in anticipation of what is to come. Soon my dear we will have fun just like old times" Kefka said and laughed some more
  15. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Jecht watched Mateus teleport away and sighed.


    Terra held a shiver as she felt someone talking about her. Onion Knight kept her close.
  16. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    Just then a crystal appeared ahead infront of Terra and floated there for her to grab

    The warrior of light continued on his path to find the crystal "with the crystals wee can put an end to the conflict for good" The warrior said to himself
  17. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    Terra tried to grab the crystal.
  18. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    THe moment she grabbed the crystal, it shattered and began to electrocute her

    "well this was easier than I thought. I thought you fools would have at least been more cautious" Said Mateus who appeared before them with a grin on his face
  19. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "Terra!" Onion Knight caught her as she fell, the two of them looked at Mateus, who appeared before them.
  20. TwilightBlader Child of the Sun

    Mar 31, 2007
    "now lets see how well she controls her powers now" Mateus said as the electricity transformed Terra into her Esper form and caused her to go beserk. Mateus grinned and teleported away. The only way Terra could snap out of it was to knock her out which was a difficult task
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