Ok, so I'm on the Chaos fight in the Shade Impulse section of Story Mode. Chaos is kicking my ass within like 45 seconds into the match. Here's my Character stats if u need them: Character: Cloud Level:32(This is most likely the problem) Brave Attacks: Neutral: Double Cut Toward Opponent: Climhazzard Away from Opponent: Blade Beam Neutral Air: Slashing Blow Toward Air: Rising Fang Away Air: Aerial Fang HP Attacks: Neutral: Cross-Slash Neutral Air: Braver Equipment: Weapon: Hardedge Hands: Buckler Head: Leather Hat Torso: Silken Shirt Accessories: HP Near Loss Ex Guage > 70% After Summon After 30 Seconds Summon: Odin If there is any other info needed please let me know.
Just stay in the air, and when he comes dashing, guard, then use Cloud's three hit combo to slam him into the ground,repeat process until you got enough brave, then instead of using the combo use Braver. In the third form though, he'll use some teleport attack sometimes, instead of dashing into you, when he does that, mash guard button, if you think it's safe after attack, if not, wait until he goes to the ground again and wait for him to dash.
level till your higher (i used 50 the first time, then 70 the second time so i have omnislash unlocked, using that combo off of the bravery attack doesnt give him time to rebel, i use magic pot non auto, and have EX bar charged, first fight, use normal attacks, (this is the hardest round) second round use EX and kill him, (hopefully break him while performing the limit) and third round when he does his one hit break move, wait till you are not in "break status" and then mimic his bravery (which should be about 4000), get a good hit in and your set,
Its because you are extremely weak. Shade Impulse Chaos is level 48. (No offense) First off, it would be smarter to use a character other than Cloud at such a low level. In short: at the lower levels, Cloud sucks. At this point you probably only have one speed boost and one jump boost (maybe a jump times boost I cant remember) which means you're extremely slow. Not to mention you probably haven't learned the branch moves Omni-Slash V5 and Finishing Touch, which means your only method of attack is using Braver repeatedly (Cross Slash is too slow and misses easily and Chaos is too fast to be hit by Meteorain). STILL remember Braver isnt the ultimate attack either, which means you dont want to rely too heavily on it anyway. My word of advice is to level up your Cloud. Try to see if you can get Omnislash v5 at least and jump/speed boost + before facing Chaos. Not to mention try finding better weapons/equipment... As for the summons, try getting a summon that freezes your bravery or multiplies it. Going through a break as you know only makes Chaos stronger and god knows he'll easily finish you off with his infinitely ranged attacks.
Yeah, no offence taken, ive only been borrowing the game from a friend. i got cloud up to lvl 39, and i managed to get to round 2. but until christmas, i wont be playing. Thanks for the info, it really did help. also thanks to everyone else who contributed, i appreciate that as well. This thread can be locked now, since my question was answered.