I made some since the game is coming out tuseday, more to be put later and are for use only on KHV: Terra Bradford: Kuja: Cecil Dark Knight: Cloud Strife: Onion Knight: Bartz/Buttz: Ganbranth: Ultimencia: Tidus: Shantotto: Cecil: more to come CnC <3
Too light, odd contrast, and the white background makes it all seem boring. Try more effects and color to make them more appealing.
Im not a fan of effects as much since in my mind it ruins the picture...so yeah .-. Thanks :3 I guess
I'm not big on these. Some of the gradients mess up the characters, but the least you could've done is add backgrounds to them. Cecil 1 and 2 and Garbanth look like nothing's been done to them. Whatever you did to Ultimecia, do it again. Dont be afraind to just use some filter effects too.
Seems too bright. Cut down the contrast or else it looked like you just scanned the game screen. Other than that, that's a good job. ^^ Continue and take my tip.
Yea it toooo Bright... and you should have added a unique different color for a character that suits them like the Bad guys have a different colour from the God Guys. Look more unique and different.