Dissida Final Fantasy: ~Interwined Souls~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by StardustXtreme, Jul 6, 2011.

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  1. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "Let me over and deal with the clown, Sakura.' The male voice of Zidane Tribal told the nervous Sakura, she nodded and touched her chest. A light formed around her as she changed form, her hair became shorter until it was in a ponytail and was light sandy blond. A tail suddenly appeared behind her, as her clothes began to become very baggy, her eyes opened to reveal light blue. A pair of daggers appeared in the now gloved hands of the newly transformed Zidane. He went after his target.

    "Tohru, I will take over for this battle." Came the calm voice of Cecil Harvey to Tohru, he smiled and replied, "Do what you gonna do." He touched his chest with his hand and a light appeared, as he began to change. His hair became long and wavy as well as turning white for a brief moment before his head became encased in a black hamlet. His eyes shone bright blue before they disappeared behind the hamlet. Soon, standing in Tohru's place was the knight, Cecil, who ran to the enemy.
  2. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    "Let me deal with the fighting." Lloyd nodded as he heard Squall inside of him. Lloyd grinned and replied with a simple,"You got it." He clenched his fist and a light envoloped him. Soon his hair became longer and a lighter brown, and his clothes changed as well. A leather bomber jacket with a fur trim and a white shirt took the place of his shirt; and blanks pants with 3 interconnecting belts as well as black boots and gloves began to form as well. Soon a 17-year old teenager with a scar across his face stood where Lloyd once was. After that, Squall ran toward the enemies in front of him.
  3. No Heart-X Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 12, 2007
    The Velvet Room
    "Hey, hey, let me take over!" Bartz anxiously exclaimed as the Warriors of Chaos approached. "Fine, just don't do anything too strenuous," Isaac said as he put his hand over his chest, causing light to envelope his entire body. As the light faded, his hair became brown in color and somewhat messy. His eyes became a muted gray color, a golden shoulder pad appeared on his left arm. His clothes became white and blue in coloration, with a cape falling down his back. A bright flash made the Crystal Sword appear in his hand, another flash made it into the Buster Sword, and another caused it to disappear. Bartz smiled as he rushed over to his enemy.
  4. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    "Heh! Action time already... Let's do it then!" Kurisu called out excitedly. "No... leave this to me." an inner voice spoke into Kurisu's mind.
    Kurisu hadn't had long to get acquainted with Cloud Strife... the ex Mercenary who formerly belonged to a group called SOILDER, but he couldn't help but wonder... why were the two of them were a pair? They were so different from each other.
    "Tch... Fine. I'll see what you can do then Cloud." Kurisu said as he clenched a fist in front of him, and a light seemed to form from the centre.
    The light enveloped his body and took on a new shape before vanishing and a new warrior stood in the place of where the teen stood moments before.
    The warrior wore a bluey-purple turtle neck and had straps with armour on his body and a Guantlet on his arm. He had blond spikey hair, that and glowing blue eyes... MAKO eyes.
    His hand reached up to the hilt of the Giant Sword on his back. The Buster Sword.
    And Cloud looked at the enemies before him, one in particular catching his attention.
    The man in the black trench coat, with the long flowing silver hair and the incredibly long sword known as Masamune.

    "...Good to see you. Cloud." Sephiroth spoke, with a dark smile.


    Ignelia looked at the warriors of Chaos before her and her new comrades. "I'm guessing these are the guys we were told about." she asked her inner voice.
    "Yeah! That's them. Leave this to me Iggy!" Tidus spoke to her.
    Again, the two didn't have time to get to know each other long, but they both seemed to get on fine as both of them had abundant amounts of energy between them.
    Ignelia started running forwards, holding out her hand as a blue Crystal like sword appeared from nowhere in it. Then the light extended along her body and morphed until a new form, replacing that of the little girl, now an adolescent man was seen running forwards towards the enemies. Clutching the blue crystal sword 'Brother Hood' in his hand as he moved forwards with amazing speed.
    Tidus, he wore interesting clothing of Yellow and black with one leg of his shorts being longer than the other, an emblem on the longer one that matched the emblem on the chest of one of the Chaos Warriors. There was a weird Gauntlet like object on one of his arms, and he two had yellow spikey hair. And last, a necklace with the same emblem as before around his neck.

    He closed the gap between him and his intended target.
    "I'm coming for you old man!" he yelled out to his father.

    ...His father, Jecht... the one who had been described like a wrestler earlier, gave a deep chuckle.
    "Heh, bring it on kid. Try not to cry while you're at it."
  5. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    'Aren't you going to let me take care of this? The others have already switched.' Firion's voice called to Aiden as he took off, heading straight for the other side, his eyes fixed on the man dressed in gold with a long staff by his side. From what Firion had said, it was his opposite in this war...a personal enemy. 'Not yet. Ever heard of a little something called tact?' Aiden responded.

    "Oh? You dare to challenge me without a weapon? You're a bold one aren't you?" The Emperor said aloud, keeping still in a sitting position despite having no visible means of support. He waved his hand lazily causing his staff to fly forward telekinetically and making it seemingly draw on the ground before him as a glowing insignia appeared on the floor. "Or maybe you're just ignorant. I will teach you some respect, fool."


    Abel's eyes were fixed on Garland, the heavily armored knight with a weapon even larger and heavier than Cloud's. The knight had an intimidating appearance but he couldn't turn back now. 'You're up, Warrior!' Abel called out to the Warrior of Light in his mind as a bright light engulfed him for just a split second and when it faded, a blue-haired main was now charging forth with shining blade in hand and a shield in his other. His eyes narrowed upon seeing Garland as he began to get ahead of the group, picking up his speed. "You will know the power of my light!"
  6. Princess Rapunzel Flower, gleam and glow

    Feb 14, 2007
    "Time for the show to being." Kuja smiled as he floated in the air and cast Holy to Tidus. He watched his 'brother' went after the insane clown general, Kefka. Zidane jumped and dodged Kefka's fire attack.

    Golbez was silent as he waved his hands and pieces of the ground floated into the air, Cecil watched and continued to run, changing to Paladin and attacking the Cloud of Darkness. Golbez turned briefly and tossed a piece to Cecil, but he shattered, "Sorry, brother. I have something else to care take of at the moment." "Let us see how strong you are, then, brother." Golbez said softly.
  7. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    Terra began to hover and followed her fellow Warriors but soon, she found herself standing on a pillar of rubble as the witch was firing purple projectiles at her but witha wave of ehr hand, she created a shield of pure magic to deflect them away as Shinji within felt a sudden strain and he breathed a bit heavily, Cosmos did warn the Warriors about the consequences of magic while sharing a body. "Are you all right?" Terra thought and shinji onyl gave a smile. "Don't worry about me Terra, just focus!" He responded to her

    Luneth saw teh barrage of deflected projects and began running foward, passing the Warrior of Light as he saw the Cloud of Darkness charging up another beam as she had soemhow managed to get away from Cecil using his duality power to cancel the attack on Cloud as Luneth leapt higher than he ever could as Cecil was pitted against Garland but he joined teh fray, giving a few stirkes upon the helmet before moving as the projectiles barraged the field but he was then runnign alongside Bartz as orbs of eletricly began to show up and Bartz had managed to steer clear but unfortunately, for Luneth, he wasn't fast enough and was sent soaring in the air. "Luneth!"" Shinku's worried tone said as Luneth managed to regain hsi balance in the air before landing on the ground.

    Kefka in the meantime was facing against Zidane as Golbez was using magic to spilt debris apart as he casted some fire spells before grabbing a hold of Zidane's tail with a insane grin and twirled his body around before letting the tail go, sending Zidane flying out of control.
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