I'm not sure if i'm putting this in the right section or not, but i've got a few questions and concerns about DCA. Primarily, I just talked with a friend that was at the park not too long ago and he was telling me that they have a large amount of the park blocked off primarily surrounding buildings near Paradise Pier and that the lake has been drained. I did a bit more research into this and learned of all the goings on that Disney is doing to try and boost attendance and overall morale for DCA. My question is this: Should Disney tear down and basically wipe sections of the park from the map, or should the park be left alone. Discuss.
I don't even understand why they built it. They already had the park in Florida. Anyway, I think draining the lake was a waste, and its going to cost more to fill it back up.
They would regret it if they touched it. It is stupid to invest in a huge project to just tear it down because the econmy is in the crapper. It is like throwing your money down the toilet. Completely a waste of they did that. Where did you find this info? I would like to know if you have a link to it or something.
first i have to say i LOVE the rollercoaster at california adventure because its just so fun! disney should not ruin the park or change any of it, though, because it would be best if things were left the same.
Here's a link I'm not going to lie, my only interests in DCA was the roller coaster, the new toy story shooter, and the Tower or Terror. Everything else is geared toward a younger demographic and I think that might be what has hurt California Adventure. However, with the inclusion of a Test Track esque ride, i'll be intrigued and will have to check it out.
Well in general DCA is geared toward younger kids, which is why their rides are mostly directed at that audience. I think they should include newer rides for an older demographic as well so that there is a wide-spread variety of rides. I don't think they should tear anything down though.
I don't understand why they would go and shut down stuff in the park....They should just leave it as it is. I mean...sure, it doesn't get as much audience, but that's cause most of the time when tourist want to go to disneyland...they go to disneyland.. not the other park revolving around the state, which it was built in.
Exactly. When I think Disney and California, I think Disneyland not DCA; so it's no wonder they don't get as much attention as the actual Disneyland theme park.
Well...That was stupid. They should've just left it alone. There's no point...I don't really get it but whatever. They should leave it alone. xD
what the necro bump? So I was at the park last month, and the only area's that are closed down, is the theatre (where you could watch a movie on california) where they are constructing a Little Mermaid ride, and they drained the lake to put in an ungodly amount of light boards for a night show while also it looks like they are extending out the path a good fifty feet. That's it. They are putting in a Car's ride/land between the Tower of Terror, behind the Bug's Life area, and wrapping around to the string of resturants on 'the warf'. Eventually, they will begin to work on the entrance, but I think that will be one of the last things that they will be workinig on in all honesty. I'll post pics in a bit.
They should have left it as it was. I see DCA as like a 'once every now and then park' because they have just alittle better rides then DL itself. It was stupid to shut down some stuff. I was understand if they were adding to it, but there just shutting it down because they don't want it anymore?