I have been talking to some players for some time now, and have come to the conclusion that there are those who joined SOS with higher expectations of how much the Disney characters would be interactive; myself included. Of course, Krowley likely has the worlds mapped out strongly before setting us all up on our little adventures, so it makes sense that our characters may get ignored if their intentions deviate too far from the track established for the world. So where does that leave others who really want to spend a little quality time with their favorite Disney characters? It leaves them a bit at a disadvantage. Therefore, I have a proposition. Here's the pitch: The setting is a small little grotto in Land of Departure or somewhere. Somewhere that doesn't conflict too strongly with settings made familiar in SOS. The characters are the characters you portray in SOS as they are. No continuity, just a little bit of a fun mini-RP game. For the sake of keeping things simple, your first post involves you typing into a logbook that depicts where your character is going and who they want to interact with. It works a little like a Character Meet-and-Greet in one of the Disney parks; it's more about the characters than the setting. SOS is your opportunity to play in the world, and this is your chance to talk more closely with its denizens. Naturally, the big idea here is that I will be role-playing as the Disney characters. It's what keeps this an RP instead of a Fanfiction competition. I will do my best to maintain an ultimately Disney-esque atmosphere, but know you're free to use your characters as you choose. It's SOS Sandbox mode. Nothing you do in this idea has anything to do with what happens in SOS. This is not the RP. This is merely the pitch. Once I know what others think about this, then we can discuss more of the schematics like what will be available. Personally, I really want to see this idea become a reality. What do you think?
Players will have an opportunity to Roleplay as certain Disney characters at a point in Part 2. I know I probably should have been more flexible with these characters when it comes to letting you interact with them, but I try to give you liberty during investigation missions to talk to these characters.