Disney announces Kingdom Hearts "Customize"

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Jun 23, 2008.

  1. Xaldin ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey everyone, it seems as though today Disney has surprisingly announced a little addition to the i-mode called "Kingdom Hearts Customization." What it is exactly isn't fully known yet, in fact there is little information on it. However what we do know is that Kingdom Hearts Customization allows users to customize their phone with content that was produced and used in the Kingdom Heart series. Also there is a World Map part of this, which is said to be used for events during the season ect. This service is set to be put on the Mobile Phone and Yahoo's EZweb in the middle of July.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Source: FF7AC Reunion
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Jun 23, 2008.

    1. Shizzy
      im kinda confused... but it sounds cool...
    2. Versuvio
      I dont know how this will work out .. but i think it will be pretty neat! ^.^ !
    3. Ampex
      I thought 358 was cooming out in summer 2008 in america. Then I find out it's late 2008, early 2009. Now it's being de;ayed even longer?

      *goes to sulk in a corner*

      However still a nice find Xaldin.
    4. morris1113
      woah are u serious!? i was really waiting for that game to come out sometime in the next few days, i just bought my Nintendo DS lite. but now its coming out late 2008 or early 2009?! what a rip off................................well i cant say that because honestly guys, i would rather wait a long time for a game thats good, then wait early and get a game thats a piece of trash.

      but when u have a team of Disney and Square-Enix, you just cant go wrong. even though i download all my DS games, i will purchase this one because im just that confident that it will be well worth the money its asking for.

      as for the cell phone buisness, i never was fond of the cell phone thing cuz if u didnt have the right cell phone for any reason then your screwed. Kingdom Hearts Coded is likly gonna see america, but i dont see my phone playing it.
    5. once_in_a_blue_moon
      haha so true :rolleyes:
    6. ShadowKey
      So you can put Kingdom Hearts stuff on your phone?


      Weird. :locked2: