Kingdom Hearts II Discussion of Secret Ending

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX' started by DarknessKingdom, Mar 29, 2007.

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  1. Saiya-jin Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 23, 2007
    I'm sure theres a DL link in this thread somewhere, but I don't really have time to shift through the pages right now, could someone post a link of for me?

    Please and thanks!
  2. Godlas Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 27, 2007
    Infront of you. duh
    [dont know if anyones talking about this yet here im not reasing threw the whole thread T_T]

    the picture that almost looks like kairi on the big screen

    and um -yay?- 1091th post..
  3. C This silence is mine

    Sep 30, 2006
    What about the picture that is of Kairi?
  4. Nate_River Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 28, 2007

    Attached Files:

  5. Noise For Love and Justice

    Sep 30, 2006
  6. Ralz Moogle Assistant

    Mar 26, 2008
    Everyone's starting to think that the Keybalde can be weilded by anyone. It all started with one Keybalde master: Sora. It was supposed to be Riku, but it chose Sora when Riku chose the darkness. Kairi was able to weild the Keyblade Riku gave her maybe because he allowed it. Like how Sora allowed Jack to hold the Keyblade. Perhaps these few have the power of the Keyblade, or the Keybalde may truly be weilded by anyone. Who agrees?
  7. sora is a cutie Moogle Assistant

    Mar 25, 2008
    omg do i have to spell it out

    okay u r all wrong except for the people who said the person who got frozen was either sora or roxas
    Warning what u r about to read is 100% true and has been researched:

    okay before the events of kingdom hearts like 100 years or longer before sora was chosen for the keyblade
    there was a keyblade war and back then the keyblade did not choose it's master thats why in the video u c all the keys around in the desert
    okay the soldiers that u saw r known as chasers there are 4 main chasers there are also paths one can take
    2 of the chasers were good and i forget the name of them but they stayed good there was 1 that did not know what to choose and was good but turned evil then relizing what he had done he chose the good side perminently( sound fimiliar 2 a certin someone???????) anywayz but 1 was truley evil and after the other 1 left him he got an aprentice. turns out that each of the 3 soldiers has an element: fire, water, and earth.
    there were also 2 kings and the good king said to his followers that the war would end if the keyblades could choose there masters and together that is how the keyblades became free and wondered the universe some in the light some in the dark, when the evil king found out about this he was mad and sent his followers to destroy the others. the good king found out and sent the 3 followers to different worlds so that the evil king could not destroy them. the evil king heard and sent his 2 followers after them but they were seperated and landed in different worlds. the elements i talked about turns out that sora, kairi, and riku are the three good chasers and to prove that point u can go under a translator to c what kairi,sora, and riku mean in japaneese. any way sora is earth which we know is the element of the chaser tera. riku means fire and kairi means water. Xeanort is one of the evil chasers but who is the other??? the preview at the end of the game is for birth by sleep and explains wat different worlds they were sent to and the whole thing i explained just a microspic part so get the game when it comes out for psp this year n_n
  8. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008

    no no you need to get your facts straight. Sora means sky in japenese for starters.
    where are you getting all these ideas from, what do you mean by "research"?

    the only beliveable bit of your theory is the whole thing about the keyblades not having masters.
    if thats even true...
  9. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    Learn English and Spelling, please? M'kay

    Oh, and WTF's the warning for?
  10. Supercpro Moogle Assistant

    Aug 29, 2008
    It isn't Sora or Roxas its Van for the birth by sleep game. The girl that's hair Is blue is Aqua who is related to Kairi and the last guy that looks up with brown hair is Terra who is related to Riuku Apparently Van, Sora, and Roxas have somtin to do with wind. Kairi, Aqua, and Namine have smtin to do with water. Terra, Hayner and Ruiku are earth
  11. Tahno The official Charlie Sheen of Republic City.

    Jun 24, 2008
    Pro-Bending Arena; Republic City
    I think you may be right. But, about the Hayner part, Hayner's just a character from Final Fantasy.
  12. Explode Who?!

    May 20, 2007
    New York
    Actually, Hayner is an original character, but I doubt he has anything to do with Riku or Terra.

    By the way, it's "Ven," not "Van."
  13. SoraUchiha Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 31, 2009
    Its simple

    the guy that looks like roxas is soras dad.....that would explain why a big part of sora looks like him....
  14. SA5UK3 Twilight Town Denizen

    Nov 5, 2007
    Someplace Really Cool
    I honestly think that when Sora was sleeping Roxas was trying to get "alive." Since he could not take the form of Sora, he took the form of the spirt in the "Room of Sleep." I think that might be it cause "Aqua's" armour/spirt is within the "Room of Awakening", the room Xemnas visits. It makes a little sense because otherwise there would be no importance for "Castle Oblivion." Also if you see the convesation between the Org members talking about a connection between the "Room of Sleep and the Room Of Awakening." I think that's why Roxas looks like Ven.

    Haha just putting it out there.
  15. Dedlexington Moogle Assistant

    Feb 18, 2009
    well i think that the reason ven(birth by sleep character) looks so much like roxas is that when ven dies in birth by sleep (total asumption) Terra puts something in sora when he was young,(possibly ven's heart, soul or even his memory) which would also explain why nourma placed birth by sleep ten years later. And when roxas was born ven's soul (which is part of a nobody) was released in the form of roxas. Terra, however, I read a theory that terra is the one we know as zehanort, but not the true zehanort, because the ansem reports say that zehanort was found with no memory, and the only thing he may of remembered was his nemesis's name, zehanort, and took that name, zehanort. although aqua i cannot explain, it is possible that she excaped the battle in the secret ending which is said to be at the end of birth by sleep, and is still living today. But the one thing i am pretty sure of, is that she is not related to kairi,she looks nothing like her and kairi is not a keyblade weilder. And another thing, the room of sleep, in the final miz of kh2, you face terra, after he awakes, so it is possible that is the place where aqua sleeps or maybe were ven sleeps, considering when zehanort (possibly) terra, went down there he saw armor that looked like the armor in the secret ending, and said "It is good see you again my old friend." which would prove zehanort being terra, if he was familliar with one of these "chasers".
    And in one last note, did anyone relise the absense of a dark keyblade master and one on the road to twilight? Sora is light, and so is the king, riku is the road to dawn, so where is the two on the other paths (oh and this explains "the lost two" in the secret ending.)

    Oh and P.S. Terra means earth in latin, aqua obviously means water and ven could be venir which means to come. any thoughts?
  16. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Roxas was not being born while Sora was asleep, he was already completely born because Vexen almsot revealed his existence to Sora.

    Aqua is not a real keyblade weilder because her keyblade (and niether does Ven's or Terra's) doesn't have a keychain, but Kairi's does. And if she was somehow related to Kairi, her keyblade weilder status would be irrevelant. The keyblade doesn't pass down to each generation of a certain family...

    And even though i agree that Terra is Xehanort (have my own theory on the case, too many holes tho) Xemnas doesn't necessarily have to be Terra's Nobody to be familiar with the Chasers, he could be anybody connected to them.

    Mickey is the dark keyblade master, even though he found his keyblade, it is the chosen keyblade of the Realm of Darkness.

    and Ven is short of Ventus which means wind in Latin, Therefore we have
    Name /\ Japanese for=====Name/\ Latin for
    Sora = Sky >>> Ventus = Wind
    Riku = Land >>> Terra = Earth
    Kairi = Sea >>> Aqua = Water
  17. Dedlexington Moogle Assistant

    Feb 18, 2009
    I do not see how mickey could be a dark keyblade master, there would be no point, the dark keyblade masters bring chaos to worlds, and so far mickey has not been doing anything bad. although mickey turning dark would be a good plot twist. And if you see the secret ending, mickeys keyblade is stuck in the ground next to the other two, which all three chasers pick up, and which the seem to fight the two dark key blade masters. So there must only be five chosen keyblade weilders, three light, two dark. There already is three light so why would kairi be a key blade master?
  18. Boy Wonder Dark Phoenix in Training

    Aug 31, 2008
    Actually, here's how that works
    There are four realms (universes, dimensions, whatever you want to call them)

    Realm of Light: Where half the KH universe is
    Realm of Darkness: Where the other half is
    Realm of In Between: in between Light and Darkness, where Nobodies are born
    Realm of Nothingness: kind of the end of all worlds, where Ansem the Wise was banished to by Xehanort, eventually things in this realm cease to exist, the only way to survive is to remember your past.

    Supposedly, each Realm has a chosen keyblade master.

    Realm of Light's chosen keyblade is the Kingdom Key, it's master was supposed to be Riku but when he turned to darkness, Sora became Keybearer of the Light Realm.

    Realm of Darkness's chosen keyblade is Darkside (Inverse Kingdom Key). Although no one weilded it, the Darkside was always in the Realm of Darkness. When Mickey went into this realm and found the keyblade, his heart was strong enough to wield it without consequence (Mickey has never had to use any darkness from his heart EVER) So Mickey technically is the Dark Keyblade Master.

    Realm of In Between doesn't necessarily have a keyblade or chosen Keyblade Master but it could be said that since Riku's Soul Eater evolved into Way to Dawn after he decided to use darkness AND Light, his Way to Dawn serves as the Realm of In Between's keyblade, therefore making him the In Between Keyblade Master.

    So far the Realm of Nothingness has no keyblade or Keybearer, but it could be possible that Kairi is the chosen keybearer she remembered her past and it could possibly be where keyblade came from, since her keyblade has a keychain it is defintely a REAL keyblade.
  19. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    very interesting..... hmmm well there could be more realms out there that have never been introduced. in birth by sleep, we will learn that there were many different keyblade master's, but each one had their own way of thinking. I think that Terra, Ven, and Aqua all had the same Master, who's name is unknown. then we know of Master Xehanort who has the dark solider as his apprentice. the question here is, what realm do these masters fall into, and how many more of these masters are still out there. How many of them are evil? how many are good?

    If there ends up being a kingdom hearts three, then that game may be the last in the heartless storyline, meaning that they solve the heartless problem once and for all. any future games after kh3 would probably have a whole new story and completely new enemies.
  20. Dedlexington Moogle Assistant

    Feb 18, 2009
    But you guys are still forgetting about the paths taken by the keyblade weilders, the path of light, the path of darkness the road to dawn, and the road to twilight. Now riku took the road to dawn, And sora took the path of light. Assuming that the king isnt really on one of these paths and is just there to instruct the two, that means there is still two dark keyblade masters that we havent met yet. or is it possible that the two in BBS are still up and about?
    What if they have been waiting for the proper time to reveal themselves?

    oh and btw
    darkness=dark realm
    light= realm of light
    twilight and dawn= the realm in between.

    All begin in light, but they are all destined to return to there rightful realm?

    Oh and if the king is just a guide and not on a certain path, it would make it open for kairi to be a keyblade wielder.
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