Kingdom Hearts II Discussion of Secret Ending

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX' started by DarknessKingdom, Mar 29, 2007.

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  1. oblivionblade Destiny Islands Resident

    May 26, 2007

    It would help because voices help add a level of depth and realism of the video. This is important to cast the illusion of the character actually being there. For example when the characters are fighting it didn't look like Square Enix considered Mass, Weight, Muscle Build, and impact to the environment which are all important parts of casting the illusion of CGI characters actually being there.
  2. Cia (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧*.✧

    Mar 16, 2007
    Hollow Bastion
    Oh, I see. I think it wouldn't matter. We'd know they were there, I mean we have movie proof.

    Besides, if Nomura did have voice actors, then Normura being Nomura would have just made them grunt the whole time because Nomura is just so helpful that way. That would've been a waste because voice actors would've been useful for speach and full sentences. What's the point of that if they were only going to grunt and etc. Ya' know?
  3. RikuNotRikku Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 19, 2007

    If they just grunted, then we would understand their characters a little better. They would have seen more real to us. If they screamed, we would be more likely to feel sorry for them. If Aqua just gasped a little when she saw Ven being held off the cliff and when she ran to Ven's side, that scene could reduce someone to tears. Little things like that would have made them feel much more real.

    Have you ever seen someone being like, "Omg, I love aqua, she is so awesome." or, "Terra is teh coolest, man." I have never seen that, and I think it's because we can't relate to the characters yet.
  4. ankaret777 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    Radient Garden: Town
    *cough* not me! *cough*
  5. Cia (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧*.✧

    Mar 16, 2007
    Hollow Bastion

    Understanding the characters are a key importance, yes. But I still don't understand how they would've seem more real. We know they're real. I still don't think we need them grunting. We can tell they are grunting by their facial expressions; them voicing them would've just added more proof on top of fact.

    "-things like that would have made them feel much more real."

    Would have made them feel more real to themselves or would have made them feel more real to us. That's sort of a confusing statement.
  6. RikuNotRikku Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 19, 2007
    I ment more to us.

    Basicly, if would be easier to relate to them if they at least made sound. Its a sort of psycological thing. Yes, we know they're there, but I don't really care about these characters yet. I would care a little more if they had voice acters. Nomura probably didn't want them to say anything as to not give stuff away/be misterious, so grunts and sceams would have been the best we got.
  7. Cia (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧*.✧

    Mar 16, 2007
    Hollow Bastion

    Oh ok.

    Yes, they would be easier to relate to. They would seem more real. It would help us establish that they are human.

    But it wouldn't really give us any other information. I mean, we already know all the above with out voice actors.

    And just randomly pointing out: Nomura is Nomura and he stepped it up another level. Not only did he make the characters not have dialogue; and not only did he not have them grunt, but his next level of Nomuraness left us without grunting. I mean, the least he could do is have them grunting, but no... not even... *sigh* Sorry, pet peev on how Nomura works.
  8. esakrreh Destiny Islands Resident

    May 15, 2007
    Yeah... Terra is already my favorite character. Dunno why.

    ... God damn! I can't believe I didn't notice those keyblades in the first secret ending before. That might mean that Birth by Sleep happens directly after Terra, Aqua and Ven pick up thos keyblades. But then... where did they go in that case?
  9. Cia (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧*.✧

    Mar 16, 2007
    Hollow Bastion
    ... where did what go?
  10. La Sofa ('_')-l3 No worries

    Apr 5, 2007
    What I think is:
    There is going to be a keyblade world from all the keybladers from future, from part and present. Terra, Aqua, and Ven are new Keybladers from the future that went to the past(Sand place) which is still the future to Sora. And that something was created from the POD that could be Ven, the evil bald guy. or someone else not show yet.
    Thats what I think...
  11. Cia (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧*.✧

    Mar 16, 2007
    Hollow Bastion
    ... Time travel... the only thing we haven't brought up. Genius.

    That's a whole new ballgame, right there, wow.

    Your first sentece doesn't make sense to me. What's a POD?

    :/ But then again, now that I think about it. Time travel would be unlikely...

    But another then again, good Ansem the Wise was a nerd... so much of a nerd that he created phenomenal contraptions. I remember Hollow Bastion; those shmancy elevators and Space Paranoids, too. *rubs chin* Could be...

    ... that I need to sit on this idea some more. *scribbles on drawing board*
  12. La Sofa ('_')-l3 No worries

    Apr 5, 2007
    Ya'know the POD. The thing Sora went in to get his memory back. Birth by sleep. Something was born because of that... And time travel with the Keybladers all became in one huge war. A huge Keyblade War... Because only 2 keybladers can be chosen in one time. Which was Mickey, and Sora
  13. Cia (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧*.✧

    Mar 16, 2007
    Hollow Bastion

    Oh. Sora's pod. It shouldn't be capitalized. I thought it was an abreiviation for some long title.

    ... and I didn't know only 2 keybladers can be chosen in one time... How's that possible, I don't think it is. I mean, they added a whole bunch of people to Sora & co.'s weilder group: Sora, Riku, Mickey, then there's Roxas, too, and Kairi.
  14. Zed_Azrael Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 30, 2007
    Sorry, all...I was digging through some of the older posts, and this caught my eye.

    I like the idea of Terra being a physical manifestation of Xehanort's memories because, well, in the secret ending of KHII, Birth By Sleep, one of the lines of text that flashes across the screen is "Xehanort's Memory."

    Of course, this could just mean that the events depicted in the secret endings are part of his memories (when he had them, anyway), but that just seems too...simple, for lack of a better word. Squeenix has an annoying history with making us struggle over ambiguous statements (refer to all of Nomura's interviews), and it would make sense that this would also be one such example in which they're pulling our legs and laughing at us.

    But if we were to operate on the premise that Terra is the third being of Xehanort -- the memories -- it would also shed some more light on his title, "Lingering Sentiment."

    It has been mentioned time and again that Xehanort had no recollection of his past. Perhaps that was because they had already left long ago.

    I'm a big fan of time travel and the like, so I think it's quite possible that some jumping between time periods was involved, and if Xehanort was Terra, and if Terra lost his memories in the event depicted in the secret ending Fate of the Unknown, it would explain why the unexplained lingering sentiments of hate toward Xehanort was preserved in the Terra that you battle in KHII:FM+.

    The idea of these feelings not being carried on to his Nobody, Xemnas, is fairly comprehensible, as well, as many of the Organisation have stated that Nobodies do not feel anything, and therefore cannot express the blind hate that plagues the remnants of Terra.


    Yeah. I'm going to bed now. I'll say something else later...
  15. Kanji Traverse Town Homebody

    It could be said that Roxas was not technically a keyblade master, since he used Sora's heart, and that Kairi was not chosen, she was only able to use a keyblade thanks to her pure heart (she never went to the Station of Serenity, but it's obvious she has the potential to become a keyblade master). However, if I remember well, the Secret Report said there wasn't a definite number of keyblades, and that anyone worthy of it could be chosen.

    I hope time travel will not come into the storyline, since I'm not fond of that plot device, especially when it's not set early on as part of the universe. The theme of fate and the idea of history repeating itself (maybe with gaming alternating between past and future) seems much more interesting to me.

    About the keyblades picked up by the knights in the secret ending, they're not in Birth by Sleep. Which has led me to believe those scenes, though similar, are not set at the same time : Sunset Horizons is not directly followed by Birth by Sleep. In my opinion Birth by Sleep happens in the past, and Sunset Horizons in the future (the knights in the latter would be Sora, Kairi and Riku).
  16. DarkRikuMan King's Apprentice

    Apr 9, 2007
    Riku never went to Station of Serenity. Oooooo what if that tutorial for KH3(i know it not called that.) Also i said Sora becomes Ven and you guys yelled at me!

    OMFG! I just watched and studyed the secret ending again and listen to my findings. Our eye theory is correct. Ven,Aqua, and Terra all have blue eyewhile Badly has orange. Also Baldys keyblade has a keychain. So does his clone thingy. That means they are keyblade weilders. Also Baldys clone things face looks like chasers armor. Baldys clone also rides his keyblade like Terra does when you fight him. Could Baldy have taken Terras data and made a clone or copy? Also at one point Baldy clone has 2 keyblades. Also Aqua is the only chaser that uses magic. She uses reflect to protect Terra, Thunder to attack, and she makes herself and iceshard while shes falling
  17. Reiyyan Moogle Assistant

    May 31, 2007
    What higher being siad is right, i am sure there can be more than 2 wielders at the same time. Also the time travel i have a few theories on them on another forum. I have stated the time travel i spossible either due to the worlds powers or due to the power of darkness. If you guys wish i shal bring them here.
  18. Cia (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧*.✧

    Mar 16, 2007
    Hollow Bastion
    Pgrph1: Oh... so anyone worthy of it could be chosen. So there can be any number of weilders running about.

    Pgrph2: Hehe, me too. I laugh at time travel. Hm. History repeating itself. I doubt it within itself. But then again, something could happen to the worlds again like in KHI. That would be probable and still history repeating itself. It would just depend on what would be repeating. Something sectional or the entire emotional or physical dilema, or both.

    Pgrph3: True and I agree. I mean the names too, "Sunset Horizons" and "Birth by sleep". One suggests an ending and the other suggests a beggining. Ending, past; Beggining, future. :/

    ... what's Station Serenity? (is not COM aquainted)

    Also, that eye theory is on their keyblades. There's a symbol on them. An eye symbol... just adding to what we already know.

    Yay, supporter. About those theories; bring 'em in.
  19. DarkRikuMan King's Apprentice

    Apr 9, 2007
    O.K staion of sernetity is where you start KH1 with sora and you get dream weps and where you fight twilght thorn with roxas. I didnt see eye on keybade?
  20. Cia (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧*.✧

    Mar 16, 2007
    Hollow Bastion

    Oh ok. I see.

    Yes, there was the discussion of an ingraving in the some keyblades of an eye. I believe Riku's keyblade, Blady's, and the Soldiers had eye symbols on their keyblades.
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