there is this petition to localize 2 digimon games and they are so close nameco has acknowlaged them and will do if they get enough signatures please help thank you
I think I already signed it ages ago. I'm extremely pessimistic about this since we're talking about Bamco here. They don't give a damn about what their Western fans want.
Y'know, I've had this in my signature for...what, more than half a year? Dunno why I bother anymore though, clearly they think we want some cheap brawling game with barely any characters.
i signed this ages ago, back when it got released tbh i'm surprised it's got so many supporters most petitions only get about 4000 when it comes to localizing a game and then people just forget about them
This is some very interesting news. To sum it up: Acknowledgement is the first step towards progress, at least...