its digimon world dawn and dusk , this may be my opinion but it looks kol o.0 (I must be drunk , seriously o.0.)
lololololol.. Digimon Dawn & Dusk! Such a Pokémon rip-off. Screams Diamond and Pearl. Everything about "Digimon" is just a fagged-out version of Pokémon :/ I think it's time for them to let it die now, insteadda trying to milk more money off the Digimon series xD
You do know digimon came out before Pokemon, right? >_> Anyway, it's pretty much going to be like every other Digimon game. FAIL.
No it didn't. The whole Digimon thing started in 97, Pokémon was created in 95 and released as "Pokémon" in 96. <_>
Yeah I just ****ed myself up by saying that earlier xD I wanted to be sure of what I said, so I looked it up >_> Turns out I mixed up the dates of when Digimon & Pokemon Started.