A while back, okay like a few weeks ago, they announced the launch for a Digimon adventures 3 Anime. This will be set several years after Adventure O2 and is being made to celebrate the 15 year anniversary of the first Digimon anime (feel old yet). There was a picture released for what the digidestined look like too:
I am really curious about it, if season 2 isn't dropped from the cannon than ALL HUMANS are now digidestined, the status quo is all messed up, and probably why they skipped to make fresh series afterwards. I don't see any Dark Lord having to fight 7 billion people and their digimon. Even though they had left some plot open (like the DARK OCEAN), it will be impractical to use so many people (like they did in the end of season 2). What I could see happening: 1) Some political thing, the relations of Digimon X people, Tai will eventually become a diplomat if I remember well 2) Establishing "roles" for digimon in our society. 3) Our world now is like the pokemon universe with monsters being a normal occurrence, digi battles and gyms are a possible way to go. --- Whatever is made, will be far different from previous instances of the franchise.