Voice the characters yourselves? I mean, before Voice Acting became practically a requirement in most games. Did you ever voice over the text yourself just for fun? I have a lot of the times, especially when my mom is playing with me and she reads slower than I do. I also do it for games like Super Mario RPG because it's really fun to make different voices for all the characters. Does anyone else?
I did so on the FF series, and Mario. Even Legend of Zelda since it usually doesn't have voice acting.
I mainly do this for Pokemon where it's just a bunch of text. I also did this for Chrono Cross (still like the voice I did for Poshul) and a few others.
I have never voiced over a video game, but I will voice over some anime for my little nephew. He likes to watch with me when he comes to visit and being 3, he can't really read the subtitles. He always gets me to read them in silly voices.....his little giggles....:3 so worth it.
I know I got the habit from my boyfriend at the time. He did it for Illusion of Gaia and Super Mario RPG and it was so much fun I started doing it myself. lolz... I do it for Illusion of Gaia and Legend of Zelda, too. I think it's really fun and makes it more interactive and fun to play the game that way. I know people who do it for their lets plays and it's REALLY fun to watch them talk in different voices. Though one host said at one point it killed his voice to do a high-pitched one for three hours.
I was too young to really remember a lot of video games without voices. But, mainly I did not voice them because things would get out of control between me and my brothers. We would try to make the funniest sounding voices come out and it was a ball for the first five minutes. Afterwards, it'd get old and we would just resort to just reading it ourselves. Nowadays, especially with Nintendo games, I would just read it in my head. Kind of contradictory for becoming a voice actress, but I always like to imagine the voices in my own world.
Haha I did voice acting sometimes, mostly on games with little to no voice acting in them like Final Fantasy games (old ones) and especially Fire Emblem games. It so much fun acting out voices on how you think they sound like.
I did so a LOT. I do it when I'm alone though... Like when I pretended to be Sephiroth on the bathroom...
Hell ****ing yeah. My ex and I voiced all the FF games that we played together (VII, VIII, IX and X) and it was so much fun.
I don't really voice act for games like KH where the characters have voices, for Anime, Fanfiction and books I'll normally think of the voices myself. Even for my own books I'm writing each character has a different voice. It's good practice 'cause I am an actor/singer and sometimes you need different voices for when you play different characters.