In death note, do you think Light got what he deserved? I don't think it was completely reasonable that he got killed, because what the agents didn't know was that he was actually trying to help the world. So, there you have answer is: Not really.
There's sort of already a thread for this, but hell, it's pretty much a different concept. Ahem. LIGHT didn't deserve it, but Kira did. Light Yagami was just a kid trying to get through life and be a good person. He was trying to make the world a better place by aiming to become a police officer. Hell, the day he picked up the DEath Note he was still just an innocent kid with a dream. Once L got involved, he became a true killer. The second Lind L. Tailor died, everything about Light changed. He became a madman who would kill anyone who got in his way. When you're evil, it seems as thought you're good. The people opposing you are the ones who are evil. The concept of good and evil is a childish thing. Who's to say L wasn't truly the evil person? In the eyes of the world, he's given such a high and mighty name, but he says himself he just does it for fun. Whereas, Light does it for a reason. I personally don't take sides in Death Note, but if you asked me, regardless of what Light/Kira 'deserved', he had to die. If he didn't the series would drag on and on and lose the charm that makes it Death Note.
I don't necessarily agree with this. It wasn't impossible considering how close he came. The way he went about it, however, was wrong.
Hard to say. I didn't really like seeing him die, but then again, the fact that he manipulated his old collage gf until he just killed her off, got his own father killed, used Misa for buissness needs as well as personal needs (if ya know what I mean...), and also killed L even though he was L's only friend (the fact that he killed L is enough....), I believe that he should have had a worse death. But, in the end, all that happend was that he died like a crazy person. Runnen around like a lunatic until he fell. *Sigh*, such a waste that someone like him got the death note. If he never obtained that death note, then he never would have gone crazy and turned on evil in stuff
He had a good dream and all, but let's face it, he became WAAAAAAAAY to corrupt. Before L died, I would have said that he didn't deserve it. After L died though (and I am certain that many will agree with me), he became way to corrupt. Oh ya, and I forgot to add to the list that his sister was mentally destroyed thnx to him...... So ya, he got what he deserved.
But he still kept his vow to his dream to help the world to become a better place, let's not forget that.
How did it become a better place? Yes, crime lessond. But incase you hadn't noticed, there was that episode when HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE tried to attack the SPK building in an attempt to capture L. Dude, he became a friggen dictator. How the hell did thing become better?
i say yes.i understand he was trying to help the world,but he lost track of that and just started killing everybody my is yes.
Yes... yes... yes... Light totally got what he deserved. I show no pity for him. He needed some mental guidance or something. Sorry... Is that too harsh. I just can't stand how he used Misa(However you spell her name) and killed all those people. He didn't even care when his dad died. He had everyone fooled. It ticked me off. It was so dramatic when he got shot though.:guns:
He was trying to make the world a better place to live but he did killed tons of people that were in his eyes evil without seeing if they were wrongfully covenited so I say yes he did
Why isn't there an option that says, "No, he didn't deserve to die but it was still entertaining to watch." I laughed when he died, but saying, "SAY WHA?!?!" at the same time.
Because I never thought of an option. But you still do have a point. He still kept his vow after that situation.