xD newest. http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/7884/spideybnwfrtaggx9.png http://img80.imageshack.us/img80/8826/spideyfrtagun7.png
Looks good. v2 for me. Right side is kind of too bland though. It's not even negspace. Also, you might be missing some negspace on the left side. On a final note, even though I don't think you can fix it, I'm not liking that straight shadow on sidey's face. Great text, effects and colors though 9/10
Gray-scale FTFW. I love it. My only suggestion is working on brightening up that light a tiny bit, and putting some more effects on the left side, again, a small amount. Good job! =D
Yeeeees, you make Spidey very desirable to the ladies D: Totally sick sig, great stuff mah boy! V2 owns, it has a much greater impact than the grayscale one. Nice work again!
Not your best in my opinion, but still very good. I personally don't like the web to the right of his head. It's too big and attracts the eyes a bit to much. Also, it's vertical lines mess with the flow a bit. Also, text could use work. Anyway: 8/10, great job