Detention, Health, homework, ect;...

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by HellKitten, Nov 19, 2007.

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  1. Nailpolish <3 Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 14, 2007
    where the hell do you think?
    har me too byez
  2. Mirai King's Apprentice

    Feb 17, 2007
    Detentions: Don't give a crap. I never get'em. Though, staying after school is a stupid "punishment." If I was principal, those kids who are always in trouble would be scraping the gum off the table for a week.

    Homework: I only have homework in History and Mr. Harrison gives us nearly two weeks to do a small 4 page thing in the book. Easy. But, I could see how it would be stressful.

    Uniforms: Once again, I don't give a crap. We have uniforms and I always wear it. Is it unconfortable? No, not at all. Just a polo shirt and cackies (sp?). It doesn't help nor hurt my work. We didn't have uniforms last year, and my grades were great.
  3. Sabby Sleepy Panda Assassin

    Oct 16, 2006
    in your hearts
    LAWL tell me about it we go to the same school and went to a middle school surrounded by that area xDD
  4. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    If you have to study hard for grade 7 tests, you're only going to see how insignificant your complaining is when you hit high school and especially pots-secondary education.
  5. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    Detention, staying after school not doing anything is supposed to be a form of punishment. You did something bad, and they want to make sure you don't repeat the same mistake. For some students, the more rowdier ones, won't care as like you said, but that doesn't mean what they're doing is right, is it? The reason they repetitively receive this penalty is because of an error they made. If they were doing everything right, like they should, they wouldn't have received it in the first place.

    If the teachers are giving you detention immediately, say, every single time you talk in class, that would be wrong. Having a sort of strike system would be appropriate, however. The first two times, they'll just scold you, and then the third time, they send you to detention. The student should learn from their mistake and, not wanting to be punished again, won't cause any more problems and thus, will no longer need any castigation.

    So basically, I see nothing wrong with detention, unless it is given out without a fair warning or two the first few times. However, it depends on how bad the error was. Say a student had got into a fight with someone else - that, I believe, would deserve a detention immediately, in my opinion, so truly, dealing out the detention should be based on fair, justified standards.

    Seeing as how often, other activities are usually enjoyable, detention is a punishment that takes you away from fun. If you didn't do something wrong and thus get sent to detention, you could be free to do as you please. As for therapy, I'm sure if it's that vital, say, life-threatening, the teacher would let it go, but apparently it isn't as important, which is why they do not. Sure, lounging about after school may not be healthy, but who says that when you get back home, you can't do something athletic? Like run outside in the backyard, instead of sitting at home and watching TV or something. Although I have to admit this isn't the best way to be exercising or anything, just be sure not to make the same mistake, and you won't receive detention, which isn't exactly given out just because you were doing nothing wrong.

    Hmm...well often, in my family, you finish your homework first, and then play. So speed right through it (doing a good job though, if you can't, take your time) and then you can have as much fun as you want. I despire homework, but I always tell myself this: If I finish it all, I can do anything enjoyable I want. So do work first, playtime later. If there's no time, then well, often, like my mom always tells me, there's always the weekends. 5 days of work and 2 days of relaxation are always enough. Well, I'd prefer 3 days of relaxation, but hey, parents are always right. XD Anyhow, what I'm saying is, finish all your homework on Friday, then on Saturday and Sunday, you can have fun. It should be more than enough.

    If you're having trouble finishing homework per day fast enough, often, you need to try to find a pattern to hurry and do a great job, yet get enough sleep. Such as sleeping early, but waking up early ("the early bird gets the worm" as the phrase goes!), maybe eating breakfast while doing it (making sure the breakfast is full of nutrients and egg, which is healthy for the brain). Just doing whatever you can and by finding the right method, I'm sure you'll find enough leisure time, and enough time to finish your other obligations.

    Hm...well, you say that these tests, they make you study forever and you fail in the end, but that can't be true, or absolutely everyone in class would fail. Grades do tell whether you've studied or not (I hate to admit), but like, sometimes, maybe you're studying the wrong thing - I've done that like a gazillion times. I could study, but I'm not memorizing/writing/reading the right passage/formula/etc. Often, I find that the tests are very close to the homework. So do well on the work they give you, and the tests shouldn't be that hard. Basically, keep studying on practically everything and learn the pattern of the things they do want you to study, so you can be sure to get it right and pass with flying colors.

    As for dealing with it...cutting, I have to admit, is something I've considered, but I never do it because you have to realize it's dangerous and can lead to your death (by accident - it's possible!). To deal with it, take a break. Just lie back, clear your mind. Watch a little TV, write a poem, go on the computer, sing a song, take a bath/shower, whatever's relaxing and does not require any thinking. Almost anything is better than cutting...

    So basically, what I have to say is that the schools, you have to conform to it, and often, they do have a reason for everything. It's not like the teachers walk around, leering at the students, thinking, "Hahaha, which student am I going to send to detention today? Ah-ha! Someone's being annoying by tapping too loud! Detention!" So truly, there's nothing unfair about it that I can see. Although I wish they could lighten up, the best thing I can do is conform to it, flowing along with the change (especially, as everyone mentions, when you go to highschool...and then college...).
  6. Repliku Chaser

    I do understand how school can be stressful but there are reasons for it. I had in school suspension twice and after school detentions a few times. It never really got me that stressed. I knew the reason for it was because I failed to do my homework often and was rather lazy in school, and yet they knew I 'could' finish it I had a lot of problems at home and just didn't feel compelled to do it, so I never blamed anyone really but myself even if I did feel at times I was swimming in homework. In the end, I think the detentions and all helped me do better and they weren't such a big deal.

    School was stressful but a lot of it is not the teachers' faults really. They only have so much power and influence. Really, they are rather boned when it comes to disciplining children anymore and too many parents won't do anything, saying it's someone else's kid etc. If I saw a kid 'cutting' I would certainly be calling for help and getting that kid some psychiatric care, so I am not sure what the gripe is there. I'd much rather get the child assistance than hear a few weeks later the kid was found dead in his bedroom or in the school latrine.

    As for homework, yeah, it sucks but you get used to it. It's a matter of prioritizing your life and if you want good grades in school, you do it. If you don't care, you don't. I will say in school I really didn't care unless the classes themselves were important to me as in the material interested me and I wasn't bored out of my skull. In some ways I regret that because I know if I had applied more attention I'd have done better, and I had to go to a community college to boost my GPA so I could go on to a University. I don't though regret it in another way, as it proved to me what I'd known all along which was the way the lessons were taught and all the stupid things around me of other students drama whoring were what held me up. College has a LOT heavier books than in High School, that's for sure, but at the same time knowing that I have to pay for them and these classes I take and that it's for some career, it motivates me to care more. Also, there are no name-callers or bullies or things to distract me. It's a total different environment, but I will say I get more homework, even if I can space it out better now.

    I've thought about it a lot and wondered if maybe school systems should start mirroring college more so that you are 'in' a class room of a class for more time in one day and the classes aren't all 5 times a week. That would reduce homework in one sense because if you had 3 classes in one day, 3 in the next, 3 in the next, and alternated, that night you'd have homework for 3 classes instead of 6 or 7. Also, tests would be separated better. Of course, that suggestion would fall on deaf ears if I brought it up, but it is the one way I think would change some of the strife 7th graders on up would feel, even if things were somewhat confusing at first.

    As for uniforms, I am rather neutral on them and don't really care either way whether I had to wear them or not. After school I could take them off and wear regular clothes so I don't see why people are that against them. At least it stopped some preppy males and females and bullies etc from pointing out they have $300 dollar shoes while I'm wearing 30 to 50 dollar ones etc. I also did like the freedom of wearing clothes of my own choice to school as well but won't say that I weigh it as superior or inferior to uniforms. The one thing I will say is that if the uniforms are 'ugly' then that's just rotten.

    As for sports, yeah, I hear your point there too. I could not afford, or rather, my parents could not, to send me to sports where I would have to buy a lot of equipment so I tended to join ones where there wasn't that much needed or I'd just do sport games with friends after school instead, which tended to be more fun any way. In High School I did more and in college I do some but the cost for sports is quite a bit. However, I could also do more because I took up a job. If you want to do sports and your parents are complaining of the cost, maybe you can get yourself something of a small job like a paper route or babysitting. It's something at least. If not, try to find some friends to do sports with around where you live or see if your parents would let you go to a gym or something.

    I hope things get better for you or anyone that is miserable with the way school goes. It does get better as time goes on because you get used to it, but you need to take the time to make yourself a system and stick to it. It does get you ready also for life after school, which also requires a state of order so that you can be successful.
  7. clouddart100 Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 26, 2007
    This is all so true
  8. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    i haven't read the entire thread but what grade ARE you? they have good reason to do all that stuff.

    without detention kids would be going around becoming a$$holes becuz no one punished them. kids who dont' have empathy need some other restraint from being bad

    you NEED homework. you need practice to make sure you actually understand things. you'll forget if you dont' practice

    basically, your concerns are unfounded
  9. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Some of you need to remember this is Intelligent Discussion and not the spam zone. Please keep that in mind when posting.


    Detention: if you do something wrong, you have to be able to face a consequence, no wrong doing goes unpunished. IMO it is lack of discipline that is making so many kids turn into brats these days. If a detention is what is needed to make you learn then I don't see what the problem is. Should have done the work/not skipped class/not beat that kid whatever it is that got you the detention.

    Homework: It is impossible to teach everything in the ammount of time that classes provide, you /need/ to do work outside of classes too so that you can fully understand the work. Homework also helps to reinforce the work that you have done.

    Stress: wait until high school? Just wait until you are in college x_X

    Also, so what if your parents can't afford for you to play a sport? Me and my friends used to go play on the tennis courts at the park with out equipment etc etc, you can still be active without having to pay a lot of money. though I don't know if that is the same in America.

    Like Evilman etc said, there is a reason why schools are like that.
  10. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    yes please remember that.

    Stress: yea, college, SERIOUSLY, just wait, you'll see

    Yea, you can play for free at parks here in the US
  11. Quiet Elegy This is the death of beauty.

    Apr 11, 2007
    Well, my school is rather easy going, don't do your work you do have the homework of what you haven't done. They keep saying if you pay attention and try to get your work done in class you should almost never have homework, even for the long 20-25 part assignments, and know what, it's true. Work piles up if you don't do it but when you do you get the reward, most of the time as long as we pay attention and acctualy try the assignments are easy and even the long ones could be compleated in a day or so if you felt like it. I'm not sure how other school are though.

    Tests? easy as remembering my best friends name if you do your work, all tests are based off things you have already learned so unless you study the wrong thing and haven't been doing you work it's kinda hard to fail them.

    We don't get after school detentions, we just get sent to the office to talk to the principle if we've been bad(this is durring class time by the way). Personaly I think some of the worse people should be given cleanup duty over say lunch hour (or recces if you still have it) I don't really belive staying after school doing nothing is a punishment, I would just go daydreaming till I'm let out (I have one hell of an imagination so I can keep myself pretty preoccupied). but also it can be really bad if you have someone picking you up or worse you need to take the bus home.

    School can really be stressful in more than one way, I've fallen victm of it too, I think we all have. Emotionaly can be one of the worst though, bullies can be awful, and the girls are the worst kind for making people emotionaly stressed out "you hair is ugly, you laugh like a mule, your fat, you anaraxic, you clothes are ugly" the list goes on. Not to mention when they just exclude you altogether, that's pretty harsh.

    Mental stress is another bad one and it ties in with physical stress quite a bit when you have alot of homework. your mind can get exauseted just like your body when doing something labor intensive like trying to solve complex puzzles or just plain having to answer multiple questions one after another.

    Physical stress is mostly noted when your doing homework, if your like me you leave it till nighttime, and that sometimes means staying up till 1 or ever 2am, this really takes it's toll, once or twice can be okay but when it get to ever other day or even everyday you wont be able to think so well from lack of rest and you will want to just rest and not do anything. Also not plaing what to put in you backpack can be a pain in the back, having to drag 3 or 4 textbooks home and end up using only 1 is a strain on your back and shoulders, that's not to good for later on in life.

    My school dosn't have uniforms, we have dress code like "no spagetti straps, no open back shirts, no mini skirts, nothing revealing like that, no crude language" but no you have to wear a tie and these pant and this shirt. Persnaly I don't see the problem with unifoms personaly they don't seem that bad and I don't unserstand why everyone hates them so much. I've felt one of my friends uniforms one and it was rather nice, yet they complain about it everyday. Although I can see the annoyance when having to change from pj's to school uniform, to normal clothes, to pj's again.I personaly hate having to change chothes (but I do anyway, I'm unhygenic like that) because the ones your already wearing are nice and warm (not to mention comfy if your talking about jp's)

    As for what you said about cutting... well there are other ways to relive stress, play sport with a friend ot two, your parents don't need alot of money to get you into a sport, play your own with a friend, it's free, it's fun, and you don't get yelled at for messing up. The street is free, the front lawn ids free, the backyear is free, a tree is free to climb, a park in the back of a school or anywhere else is normaly free, go there and play on the swings or the play structure, there are alot of games you can play plus you don't need to worry about having proper equpiment! I once played hockey with golfing clubs and a volleyball XD it was fun. and nobody was telling us we "you're playing the game wrong!" or "you're swinging wrong!" or "you messed up the formation!" there are other ways to, read a book, write something, have a shower/bath, take a walk, take your pet for a walk if you have one, lay outside in the sun if it's nice, dance in the rain if it's not (that's my favorite passtime), try to catch snowflakes or build a snow fort, rake some leaves and jump in them, or rake a whole bunch and jump from a little ways up a tree, me and my friends made a game where you walk by the pile like some other person (a grandma, a basketball played, a rockstar) then fall in the leaves epicly. Heck even just pretend your playing catch, you can throw as hardly or as sotfly or make up the best pass in the world and have your friends try to match the way the person threw (like a powerful imaginary throw the person to catch it would pretent to stager back a bit when catching it) ther is nothing more free than your imagination. also you could have a pillow fight. pretty much anything is better than hurting youself or others (pillow fight dosn't count as hurting others really)

    wow, that was rather long
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