Hmm, the premise seems interesting and I wonder what an MMOFPS is exactly, but I'd like to see more than concept art and a synopsis. Oh well. Looking forward to not-Halo anyways.
Late response, I know, BUUUUT: Sounds more like it's taking inspiration from Warhammer 40,000 rather than Halo. Referring to mankind's golden age, similar to the time before the Age of Strife. This hints at it being the far future after such an a dark age that most technology is forgotten. Knights, similar to Space Marines. They're seen as the main protectors of mankind. Alien monsters, similar to Tyranids or Necrons. Both alien menaces that are hell bent on destroying everything that isn't them. The concept art doesn't look like 40k's gothic aesthetic, but it doesn't really look like Halo, either.
Looks interesting. Have to say the ship looked like cocoon, but maybe that's just me. All in all it sounds like something i'd be able to play. I'll check it out, thanks for the info ^^
I'm chalking this up as a Borderlands title with a coat of fundamental sci-fi paint. I never really considered Bungie to be phenomenal writers--great lore, but pretty remedial execution on the storytelling front--but chances are I'll bite if they can live up to the ambitious vision they've talked our ears off about.