Destiny of the Forgotten

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Donaut, Oct 21, 2007.

  1. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    "...Yes... you will" Vecked replied, as he suddenly edged his feet, pulling the hoverboard into a tight turn and flying towards Wing. He stopped, and let out the blue jet's of flame onto Wing's form before sending fists of flame with one hand, and grabbing his gunblade with another.

    "Wing! I am a being of Light! The only way you can beat me is if you use Darkness!" Vecked yelled, as he continuously drenched him with flame...​
  2. Jaxed Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 2, 2007
    Looking for a place to use my usertitle
    *Jaxed slowly woke up*
    *Jaxed turned to see that Highwind was already awake and alright*
    Jaxed:"Good.....................he survived............."
    *Jaxed slowly looses consiousness*

    OOC: I will wait for the fight to be over before waking up Jaxed entirely.
  3. Wing Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 2, 2006
    Error: No Data
    wings magic wasn't fast enough to block him from all the fire, his clothing burned then his flesh in some areas causing him to cry out in pain. He closed his eyes and dropped below the Falmes before unleashing an Aero Attack that consumed his body he couldn't attack, but he was safe.

    "Darkness!? Never, I've purged the Darkness from My Heart!" it was then the xardius's words returned to him "We shall defeat your ultimate Darkness..." Wing suddenly felt a pressure inside his body.

    "Then so be it..." said A voice that came from Wing's lips, yet it did not belong to him. Suddenly the navy blue that surrounded him Vanished, and was replaced by a black Aura Wing hadn't seen since he fought a battle he thoguht would rid his heart of darkness...yet the Heartless still resided inside the depths of his heart locked away for just this very moment.

    "No....No....I won't Give....In." His eyes turned Indigo and he smirked. "but for you Vecked, i'll make an Exception." Wing felt himself slipping Away the Heartless was now controling him.
  4. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    Vecked's lip's formed into a smirk. "So you can be preserved..." He whispered, before blasting forward with his hoverboard and ramming Wing in the skull before thrusting off in the sky "It's been fun Wing but I really want to see if your friend can survive in space... Xardius was his name?" Vecked chuckled.

    "Ironically... Your new friend had the same power's as me and the old one... And if your new friends dead then I would have killed them both... What was the old one's name...? Oxyrt! that's right..." Vecked thought aloud "...He could control blue flame... Something only a machine could do... Not even I can do that... And yet... I killed him..." Vecked glared into space for a second, before turning to Wing "Oh well, guess I was more powerful then I thought..."
  5. Wing Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 2, 2006
    Error: No Data
    Wing flew back and nearly lost consiousness after the blow to the head...Vecked had broken through his defences...was it because of the darkness? He suddenly Felt his Heart Ache after hearing vecked's Words

    "NO! VECKED YOU WONT HURT ANY ONE ELSE! He Flew on as fast as he could, no longer caring for himself anymore. Vecked had defeated Oxyrt and imprisoned him in the Darkside of Midgar, an now he was going after Xardius...his mentor and comrad agaist the Darkness that lied in his heart...the same Darkness Wing had accepted only moments ago...It no longer mattered to Wing if he lived or died...Space could sufficate him all it wanted, he would fight till there was no life left in him.

    HAVE SOME OF THIS! WIND OF DARKNESS! A Balck Wind emegred and chased after Vecked, Hitting the hover board.

    "Now you're all mine!" He Said throwing the Twilt Oathkeeper like a Boomarang
  6. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    Vecked glanced back and did a quick attempt to dodge, but it was too late. The blast of air sent Vecked flying off his board, his armored hand grabbed the side of it. Vecked slowly grabbed the board with his other hand but was hit once more by the Oath-Keeper, it sent two grenade's flying out of his armor and hitting the board head on.

    The board's engage started to smoke, and some of it's armor and balancing weight's cracked. The board began to spin to the side, and Vecked fell to it's bottom. The jet's of blue flame's burnt his armor hard, and Vecked fell off.

    He landed on the ground hard, and slowly got up but quickly fell back down. He was burned, not to much because of his armor, but still pretty badly. And yet he still held a smirk "Lets do it that way..." Vecked muttered, pulling out a gunblade and sending four shots. Miniature pinpoint tracking missiles where shot from the gunblade and flew towards Wing at an amazing speed.

    Vecked grunted as he got back up and quickly did a search and recover on his Hoverboard. It came flying towards him, completely ruined... But the self destruct mode could still work "Look out Wing... You can't escape this one" Vecked whispered, as he set the timer for the hoverboard, his newest bomb on and pelting it at Wing...
  7. Wing Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 2, 2006
    Error: No Data
    Wing to enraged and in a downward dive at Vecked to Dodge the missles and hover board. He hit the earth and his Wind barrier dissapeared. He slowly stood and pointed the Twilight's Balde at Vecked then summoned the featherdancer. He dropped to one knee and felt the impact that vecked's last move had made, seeing as how his entire left side was bleeding profusly.

    "You can not defeat me...the Wind, and the Gaurdian of Twilight!" He Pushed through the pian using his right side to lead as he charged Vecked's form. He pulled the keyblade that was empowered with Twilight across his body and over his left shoulder and slashed with all his might at vecked, then repeating the slash with his left hand...craking Vecked's Armor.

    "Twilit Darkness!" He shouted, and a balck ball errupted craking the armor further.Wing was going after Vecked's The heartless monster inside Wing was going after Vecked's heart...

    "Once i control your heart Vecekd Flate, I shall be unstoppable!" the Bloosthirsty heartless cried into Vecked's Mind.

    Wing continued to hack at the armor untill Vecked Hit him with his gunblade on Wing's injured side, sending the boy flying to the right, where he hit the ground and didn't move...a pool of blood began to form around the unconsious Wing...
  8. Pirateguywithapplepie Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 23, 2007
    Doesn't matter. 'Cause it's time.....
    OOC: What's going on?

    BIC: Xane waited for Darxess to say something.....
  9. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    Vecked looked at Wing's form, before falling to the ground, and letting a little blood flow out. After a second he stood up once more and glanced at Wing "...This is what I'm trying to preserve?..." With that he sighed, and sat down on the grass... Waiting for Wing to awake... ​
  10. Wing Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 2, 2006
    Error: No Data
    Wing's hair had returned to its normal color his eyes as well the Darkness had retreated and Wing's Twilight form vanished. He was to weak to hold onto it... he slowly stirred...

    "W...What...are you...Trying to preserve....Vecked?" He asked as he turned his head to look at his greatest rival...

    "You've" He winced in pain. "Said it twice today...what...are you after?"
  11. Jaxed Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 2, 2007
    Looking for a place to use my usertitle
    *Darxess slowly turns toward Xane*
    Darxess:"I sense something.................I believe Wing might be in trouble........"
  12. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    Vecked glanced at Wing "...The Darkness... It's source is... Gone. I need to defend the darkness and preserve it at all cost... I guess I've kinda turned into a Warrior of the Dark" Vecked sighed "There needs to be Balance in this world... But right now it seems like where being... Forced into the Light... And you, Xardius, all of the UO, the Brotherhood even... and billions of others... They can stand the light... they'll just burn in it..." ​
  13. Wing Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 2, 2006
    Error: No Data
    " want to blaence the world? Then..why are you fighting us? We want to balence the worlds as well..." He panted... "If you want the darkness in my heart...then you'll have to help me detain it and then you can convert the heartless into pure darkness...i know you can. And if you still want me dead afterwards...then so be it."

    Wing cringed as the shooting pain went up and down his body.

    "Seems i'm not going to be around much longer anyways..." He said, a tear forming in his eye.
  14. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    "The Ultimate Organization... Your good guys... Just miss informed" Vecked replied, before turning to Wing "The reason I fought you... I wanted to see the Darkness... I wanted to see how it grew... But Fine... I'll help you with your heartless Problem... I need all the Darkness I can get..." ​
  15. Pirateguywithapplepie Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 23, 2007
    Doesn't matter. 'Cause it's time.....
    "I suppose we should help him out then..." Xane said.
  16. Wing Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 2, 2006
    Error: No Data
    Wing smiled a sad smile.

    "You can have it all...I know i'm one of your experiments Vecked...but now you need my darkness, and i will give it to you as i have with me what you want my...thanks..." Wing closed his eyes and suddenly Wing and vecked, along with Xardius stood in the Darkside of Wing's heart.

    "Funny last time i was here, it was after you gave me the dark friut..." He said as Xardius Held him up.

    "Now we wait for that monster..." Wing said in a low and angry tone.

    They didn't have to wait long however, soon before them stood a heartless monster the size of a Darkside, but resembled the Nobody type of a twilight thorn.

    "You have come to defeat me have you...the one who has given you power beyond you deepest imagnation? The one who restored your twilight Ability beofre you became whole once more? Ha, and you have help? The one who tried to kill me once before...and the forsaken Prince who fights with his own Darkness and Light? Wing...i'm make it to easy...I have been here for so long...are you sure you would ever feel whole with me gone? Me the Great Leviathian of heartless? Conqueror of Inverted Prism? Ha! If i die, you die...for without me, you are nothing."

    Wing shook his head.

    "None of that matters...if me dieing with help an any way to fix the worlds and Kingdom Hearts and birng Balance, then so be it." Foux appeared on Wing's Shoulded and nuddged his neck, as if saying goodbye. Wing used his right hand to call the Twilight blade, and the Feather dancer appeared as well, weilded on his right side as well, but being controled by Foux.

    "Ready you guys?" Wing asked Xardius and Vecked.
  17. Jaxed Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 2, 2007
    Looking for a place to use my usertitle
    Darxess:"Indeed.................If I could only find out his location!"
    *Darxess slams his fist into the wall*
    Darxess:"I don't where he is..........And because of that, I can't help him..........I would just be teleporting around, trying to find him, and by the time I find him, it might be too late............"
  18. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    Vecked gave a grunt as a response, a pulled out two gunblades... ​
  19. Wing Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 2, 2006
    Error: No Data
    Xarduis Stood and watched As Wing used what magic he had left to charge the Heartless Beast.

    "Vecked, we need to attack take the left, i'll thake the Right." Vecked nodded and Went to the leftside of the monster and both of the warriors...who both sought redemption for different things...slshed as if they were one upon the beast, causing it to cry out in pain...It sung at Vecked, but Wing used the floating Featherdancer to block the attack and sever the monsters left hand at the wrist...darkness poured from it as blood poured form a wound.

    "Vecked...we can end thins is one swift blow if we do it together..."
  20. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    Vecked turned to Wing and gave a nod, before indulging his gunblade's in flame, and putting his helmet back on. "Use wind!" He yelled at Wing who stood nearby...​