Destiny of the Forgotten

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Donaut, Oct 21, 2007.

  1. No Heart-X Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 12, 2007
    The Velvet Room
    OOC: oh, if you guys make a fanfic for this, DON'T KILL MY CHARACTER CAUSE I DON'T POST!!!! I can usually go online during the weekdays because of school

    BIC: Xeno saw a book that glowed, he took it and started reading it
  2. Jaxed Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 2, 2007
    Looking for a place to use my usertitle
    Darxess:"'re the leader of Organization XIV.............and its destroyer..........."
    Jaxed:"If you only knew........"
    Darxess:"Don't give me that crap! And don't give me another "Oh, they were corrupt" speech either!"
    Jaxed:"Fine.................I knew Organization XIV for a long time.........and they all seemed to be good people.............but, one day, they suddenly turned...........People I knew all my life suddenly were plotting to kill me. It was almost as if something had changed in them, as if something inside was driving them to madness............"
    Darxess:"Then whay wasn't I affected?"
    Jaxed:"Its simple. Because you are not a true nobody. And neither was I."
    Darxess:"............I understand............So........It only affected nobodies?"
    Jaxed:"Apparantly so."
    Jaxed:"Because I fear that something is sistimatically hunting down the nobodies..........Wiping them out entirely..........Its only a matter of time before they target your Organization."
    Darxess:"The brotherhood?"
    Jaxed:"I don't know of this brotherhood.......but I doubt it was them............Hell, I doubt want is causing this is even human..........."
    Darxess:"Do you have any idea what we are facing?"
    Jaxed:"It only affects I do not know."
    Jaxed:"All I know is that destroyed Organization XIV from the inside..........They were nothing more than mindless beasts.........I still look back at that day with helplessness.............Knowing that there was nothing I could do for them..............It was then I decided to bring them peace..........I had to round up some old knights to make sure that they wouldn't be affected."
    Darxess:"What about Xalan?! Wasn't she affected? How did she survive?"
    Jaxed:"Thankfully she wasn't fully infected when we came. We were able to bring her in and cure her so that she would be able to survive........After that, we brought her up as a knight to hide her from whatever was destroying the nobodies..........."
    Darxess:"Which is why I met her when I was captured......."
    Jaxed:"You were captured?!"
    Darxess:" your knights to top it off."
    Jaxed:"How dare they! I never gave them that order!..........................Wait..........WAIT! Oh no............NO!............It makes sense now.........First the knights are driven to attack your fortress, the same ones that attacked you earlier.........and then they capture you against orders.............I believe........that this goes beyond nobodies now."
    Darxess:"What do you mean?"
    Jaxed:"Don't you get it?! The knights I sent were infected with whatever attacked Organization XIV!! That's why the knights were so evil. They no longer had control over their bodies and mind...........It might fault that they gave you so much trouble............"
    Darxess:"I see................But doesn't this mean that the members who fought the knights might be infected?"
    Jaxed:" couldn't very well mean that."
    Darxess:"So...........the virus has spread...........If affects both knights and nobodies and I was with both Organization XIV and kidnapped by the knights, why am I not affected?"
    Jaxed:"Because, you are an inbetween being. Neither nobody nor human nor heartless. You have the body of a nobody, but your heart still exists."
    Darxess:"So I am safe from the infection?"
    Jaxed:"That is not guarenteed.........But you might be safe for now."
    Darxess:"That's good news."
    Jaxed:"But never let your guard down. For all we know, you might be infected right now, just not showing the symptoms. Heck, for all we know, you might even drop dead at any instant."
    Darxess:"And for all we know, you might get a skythe to the neck if you don't change the subject."
    Jaxed:"I understand."
    *Jaxed bows*
    Jaxed:"That's all I know about what happened to Organization XIV. I am sorry I kept it hidden from you for so long............"
    Darxess:"That's all right. But we better get moving, we have too many enemies to stand still."
    Jaxed:"I know how you feel. During my time in the knights, standing still only resulted in death."

    OOC:Summary: Basically it tells why Organization XIV was wiped out and why the knights attacked us all throughout the first of the RP. But the last sentence is the most important to everyone else.
  3. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    OOC: ...A Virus...? Oh, and I just realized. No-Heart X was Dakrai... Or "The Dark"... Heh heh...
  4. Jaxed Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 2, 2007
    Looking for a place to use my usertitle
    OOC:Yeah, but super-intelligent. It hunts for specific prey, not by instinct, but by which one will benefit it the most. It is also capable of completly controlling its host while keeping it alive. Also, since its super-intelligent, it will be able stay dormant until its ready to strike. Its also good at keeping itself hidden. However, it may or may not be related to "The Virus" we fought earlier.

    And lol at Dakrai.
  5. Pirateguywithapplepie Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 23, 2007
    Doesn't matter. 'Cause it's time.....
    OOC: We have a new Virus?

    BIC: Xane went to the main chamber which was more or less a broken pile of the Ultimate Organizations chairs.

    "Nice..." Xane said. "Wonder what the kitchen looks like...."
  6. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    OOC: I'm sure there will be a conection made with the Two Virus's after a few small talks....

    BIC: ...
  7. Pirateguywithapplepie Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 23, 2007
    Doesn't matter. 'Cause it's time.....
    OOC: I also see that you have a better Vecked pic in your'd ya make it?
  8. hidden_light Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 31, 2007
    In a house...
    Bellatrix groaned as she stood up. She heard Darxess and slowly proceeded to the main chamber. As she approached, she saw the the rubble from the once finely crafted chairs everywhere. She sighed before spotting xane and waving.
  9. DarKnight36 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 11, 2007
    On the internet obviously
    OOC: HOLY! No-Heart X is the creepy Darkrai! WHOA! MEGA BRAIN FART! (Guess we'll have to stop making fun of him in the fan-fic...and Karxo too...DANG IT! THERE GOES ALL OUR HUMOR). Ahem. Technically, it was Nulix's humor, not mine, by the way.

    And now, for the ultimate battle...And a preview of the future...

    BIC: 1 year earlier - The garage door screeched as it groaned its way open. Light flooded the interior, flooded around the massive shape that was still holding the door open. With an earsplitting crash and a flex of the massive arm, the garage door was pushed all the way open.

    The man inside looked scarcely human. Thick hair hung over a bandaged eye that still leaked blood in a steady drip, drip as the blood soaked through. Grit and grime covered his body, and his muscles were flax, his bones pressed against the skin tightly. His skin was a pale, worm white and old scars and scabs crisscrossed his body. Strung between two chains, his arms extended to their fullest capacity, the man hung, seemingly half-dead.

    "I have come for you, my liege," the shadow said from the doorway.

    "Finally," the man said, his voice surprisingly deep and rich. The chains cracked and with a roar of flame, Scourge was reborn.

    "Let's go," Scourge said, touching the bandaged eye. He moved towards the shadow, and with each step, his body became less and less pale, more muscled, sleek. By the time, he reached the doorway, he looked as if he'd been eating well for over a year.

    "This way, my liege," the hulking shadow stated, and the two disappeared into the light. The garage door crashed to the ground, closing forever on the prison that had once held the mightiest harbinger of destruction the worlds had ever known: the destroyer of worlds...the Scourge.

    Better known by some as the mentor of Darius Lionheart: Rune.


    10 months earlier - Patrick sighed as he idly swished the straw around in his Sunkist soda. He watched a bubble pop, and felt the last bit of his patience escape with it into the atmosphere.

    "What are we doing here Tyre?" Patrick whined, leaning back and thumping his feet onto the table. "We've been sitting here for the past hour now, and there's nothing showing for it...We could be out trackin' this guy, but NO, just because Wirdeekuv put you in charge of this assignment, we have to sit in a sweat-hole for a bloody hour, doing nothing. I could have found the guy in less time than this..."

    "It's only been 20 minutes," Tyre said calmly, sipping his own Grape soda. "And this is the likeliest location for the "Cow Killer" to show."

    "Cow Killer?" Patrick asked skeptically, his brow furrowing.

    "That's what he calls himself."

    "What a lame name for a serial killer," Patrick said. "So, great, we're chasing some guy who calls himself the "Cow Killer" by sittin' in a dirty run-down pub where he's supposed to frequent."

    "You nailed it."

    Patrick groaned and kneaded his temples. "Tyre, I am BOOOOOORED!"

    Just then the bell jingled, and both heads snapped around.

    A man stood in the doorway, his face seemingly frozen in a perpetual grin...not that the grin was anywhere near pleasant. A goggle constricted the skin around his eyes and magnified his eyes so that his pupils seemed tiny and the whites of his eyes huge. His nose was long, large and sharp, and his teeth were pointed like a shark's.

    In short, he was the "Cow Killer."

    "That him?" Patrick said, nearly bouncing up and down.

    "Yes," Tyre said. "Now calm down, don't want him to overhear."

    "The guy's got holes for ears, how he gonna hear anything? Why does he call himself the Cow Killer by the way?"

    "Well, it comes in short from my hatred of cows for one, and my hatred of cow lovers. Since this world is pretty much the burger kingdom where they all love cows so much, I've made this my home base and I've decided to knock some sense into these cringy cow-lovers. Got it yet?"

    "Huh?" Patrick said.

    "You boys shouldn't talk so loud," Cow Killer said, his grin widening, if that were possible.

    "Told you," Tyre muttered.

    Cow Killer's arms swept back, belying his size, and swept forward again, bringing a massive butcher knife crashing down. Both Guardians of Larenska leaped backward as the table smashed in half. The Cow Killer spun in a deadly dance, ripping apart chairs and tables and counters as Tyre and Patrick dodged away.

    "Hmph," Tyre said. "He'd be in pieces already if I had my sword."

    "Yeah, well, his head'd be goo if I had my club, but since we don't....NEXT BEST THING! HI-YA!" Patrick leaped forward and around Cow Killer's blow and smashed Cow Killer in the nose...nearly breaking his knuckles in the process.

    "Heh heh, sorry kid, but I ain't no push-over," Cow Killer said, swiping downwards towards Patrick's arm. Tyre swept in like a storm wind and with a swift smack of his hand deflected the blow to the side. Cow Killer's eyes bulged with menace...

    The bell jingled.

    "Am I interrupting something?" a new voice said.

    Everyone froze, and turned to look at the door.

    A man with military-cut jet black hair and piercing red eyes stared back at them. His arms were folded, stretching his dry-cleaned black shirt and a smirk was on his face.

    "Are you a cow lover?" Cow Killer asked. "Cause if you aren't, get out. If you are, I'll kill you!"

    "Well," the man said, throwing a hand into the air. "Depends on how you look at it. You see, I do like hamburgers."

    "SAME THING!" Cow Killer roared, and he sprinted for the man with amazing speed.

    The man didn't flinch. "You're all just pathetic, you know that?" he said, his smirk fading into a annoyed frown.

    Cow Killer's butcher blade sang out for his neck.

    Tyre blinked and missed it all. Patrick didn't and wished he had.

    The man moved so swiftly it was like a lightning strike. Milliseconds before the blade would pass too far to dodge, he moved under the blow, swept forward, and slammed a hand into Cow Killer's chest.

    Cow Killer had time to finish his snarl before his heart imploded inside his chest and the front of his body ripped apart with the concussive force of an implanted grenade.

    Enigma calmly walked to the counter as Cow Killer fell to the floor and rinsed his arm free of blood. After toweling it off, he pointed to the stunned Guardians.

    "Sorry to do this to you, but I'm afraid I've been hired to kill you all."

    And with that, he leaped over the counter, both hands raised.

    "NOW?" Patrick yelped.

    "Now," Tyre said calmly.

    Power surged around them. The man had time to blink before a surge of energy blasted towards him. Without moving an eyelash, the man cartwheeled to the side and gritted his teeth.

    Two fully-armored, fully-weaponed Guardians of Larenska stood in his view.

    Patrick's golden armor shone as he swept his massive club, the end littered with spikes as large as his forearm and the ball as large as a normal human head.

    "Meet the Guardian of Earth! Heh heh!" Patrick laughed.

    "I suppose I should introduce myself as well," Tyre sighed, sweeping his bow-like sword in a scythe pattern. "I am the Guardian of Water-Lightning."

    "Tyre and Patrick, Rank: Dragoons. Tyre - Weapon of Choice: Half Moon B-Blade. Fighting Style: Explosive arrows, and defensive martial arts with a shield pattern and a unique style of acrobatics.

    "Patrick - Weapon of Choice: Mighty Club. Fighting Style: Commonly known as the bull, combined with elemental power to smash up the fighting field in a pattern that leaves the opponent in disarray and off-balance in order to further the effect of the Bull." The man sighed. "I know all about you."

    Patrick had the sense to look taken aback. "Who is this kook?"

    "They call me Enigma," the man said, and suddenly his whole demeanor took an entirely different meaning.

    "Patrick, time-out," Tyre said, his eyes wide and his teeth gritted.

    "What?" Patrick said. "I've never heard of this guy..."

    "He's the mercenary who overthrew the entire Vetican army and overthrew the government. He's the guy who's taken on some of the most powerful mages and most skilled swordsman alive and not only survived, but defeated and killed." Tyre groaned. "Fully put, he's got more power than both of us combined..."

    "No way," Patrick muttered. "No fair."

    "Guess this isn't your lucky day," Enigma smirked.

    "We'll see about that!" Tyre cried. "Patrick!"

    Patrick roared as he swept forward.

    Enigma nodded approvingly. "So, you have chosen death by honor...Very well."

    Patrick's club smashed into the ground where Enigma had been, and the earth erupted. Enigma landed ten feet away and swept forward. Patrick ripped the club up, sending earth spikes for Enigma. Enigma swept between them, his fingers grazing the spikes. All of them shattered before they could move past him...

    Patrick grinned and a massive fist of earth smashed down onto a shocked Enigma.

    "GOT HIM!" Patrick yelled.

    "Not yet..." Tyre said.

    Cracks appeared on the fist, and then it shattered.

    Enigma brushed himself off. "You actually managed to hit me. You might be better than I thought."

    "Dang tooting!" Patrick roared, leaping forward.

    "Don't get cocky," Enigma warned, dodging Patrick's blows and reaching for Patrick's head.

    The arrow took him through the arm.

    Enigma gasped as lightning coursed through his arm. Patrick's club swung for his ribs, but Enigma's other hand shattered the end like a pillow. Enigma, cursing his luck, jumped backward as Tyre's next arrow detonated where his feet had been. He found himself running backward as Tyre's arrows came like a machine gun's bullets. Explosions tracked him across the room and Enigma swept up and over the last one, skimming along the ceiling and leaping down toward Tyre.

    Tyre didn't blink, just fired the next arrow. Enigma grunted as it took him through the gut, but he didn't pause. He landed and kicked the weapon away, reaching for Tyre's head. Tyre didn't give him the chance. His swift kick caught Enigma in the chin, and then three punches in quick succession left Enigma reeling.

    "Never understimate a Guardian," Tyre said emotionlessly, spin-kicking Enigma in the head. Enigma smashed into the ground.

    "Ugh," he muttered. "Not my day."

    With a boom, he collapsed the floor and disappeared.

    "Yeah!" Patrick said, climbing to his feet. "We wasted him!"

    "Hmph," Tyre said. "We hardly injured him. Let's get going before he decides to come back and finish us."

    8 months earlier - Enigma stalked the alleyway, his eyes glowing...

    The encounter with the Guardians had kicked in his survival instincts, and he had terminated the contract to destroy the Guardians. Too risky.

    Of course, he was now on the run from his contractors...which was just as risky.

    Not that Enigma really cared. He could defeat them all. Simple truth, no cockiness involved. He simply believed he was that good.

    "Little toy, little toy, soon to be...crunched up and eaten," a voice said from behind him.

    Enigma paused and turned.

    A massive silhouette stood behind him...Eyes glowed in circular orbs, and drool oozed from a mouth that had massive teeth. Huge arms and legs connected to a torso easily three times as large as Enigma's own.

    In short, Enigma thought, the man was a sack of fat and stupidity.

    "Who are you?" Enigma asked, his deep baritone coming out clearly.

    "Lunch time," the silhouette sneered, and it charged. Enigma's eyes widened as the figure came into the light, the symbol of a demon emblazoned on its bald head.

    "A demon?" Enigma whispered as the distance, nearly 400 feet was crossed by the silhouette in less than five seconds.

    Enigma snarled as he raised a hand and leaped forward.

    The demon snickered as it opened its jaws wide...

    The explosion rocked the entire city and when investigators came, they found three of the buildings had collapsed into the small alley...blood was smeared across the rocks, but there was no sign of any bodies...

    2 months earlier - Scourge touched the bandage around his eye, then turned to the group behind him.

    "Find them all," he whispered. "Destroy them."

    "Of course," Zaxor sneered.

    "Lunch," the demon muttered.

    1 month earlier - Enigma sat at a table with the man he knew only as Eclipse, sipping water. He coughed slightly, and Eclipse looked at him carefully. Eclipse had nursed him back to health after the explosion. Who knew that he could collapse three buildings at once?

    Booted feet walked towards them. Enigma turned and his eyes widened. The demon stood there, and before the drooling monstrosity, stood a tall man with flaming red hair, a bandage over his left eye, and...the circlet of a phoenix on his brow.

    "Apologize, Kardas," the man ordered.

    The demon, Kardas, bowed his head. "No more snacking, promise," it drooled.

    Enigma's eyes narrowed.

    "I apologize as well," the man said smoothly. "I'm afraid I kept too loose of a leash on Kardas..."

    Enigma nodded. "Very well," he said.

    "I am the one known as Scourge," the man said. "I believe we had a contract together."

    Enigma nodded again. "Yes. I terminated it do to previously undetermined health risks."

    Scourge chuckled. "How would you like to work for me again, this time without the risks?"

    Enigma leaned back in his chair. "Tell me more."

    "Ever hear of the Brotherhood?" Scourge asked softly.

    24 hours earlier - Xardius screamed as pain racked his body. The fire left him cold... He fingered snow white hair, and slowly, painfully stood.

    "So, it seems you've finally reclaimed your power, my old mentor," he said, and his eyes glowed...

    OOC: Sorry for the length, but this is my intro, so....

    Anyhow, where is everybody?
  10. Pirateguywithapplepie Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 23, 2007
    Doesn't matter. 'Cause it's time.....
    OOC: We're at the destroyed remnants of our castle in TWTNW.....courtesy of the brotherhood.

    Jaxed just called us all in to have a meeting on how to destroy them...

    BIC: Xane sat on a pile of rubble.
  11. DarKnight36 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 11, 2007
    On the internet obviously
    OOC: Then I should be there. I gotta go in 20 minutes, so I won't be here long, but I'll be back, no worries. By the way, did you see the newly improved Xardius picture?

    BIC: Xardius stepped from the shadows, and eased the sword in its holdings.

    "Well, now," he said. "I hope I didn't miss anything important."
  12. Pirateguywithapplepie Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 23, 2007
    Doesn't matter. 'Cause it's time.....
    OOC: Yeah....he looks young....

    BIC: "Old man?" Xane asked. "You missed the Brotherhood destoying the castle...." Xane said as he saw Xardius come into view.
  13. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    Two Hour's of Non Stop Workidge. And Darknight, Karxo ain't changing and definitely not Dakrai. Since Karxo might be a problem, I'll just say he went crazy. Crazy people are always like that.... yeah, best plan ever, yeah...

    BIC: Nulix was in every one's general direction....
  14. hidden_light Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 31, 2007
    In a house...
    "Xardius!? long time no see..."Bella muttered and saw Nulix, "hey Nul!"
  15. Nulix Twilight Town Denizen

    May 31, 2007
    "Bella! Glad your Alright... and Xardius, haven't seen you in age's..." Nulix exclaimed...
  16. DarKnight36 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 11, 2007
    On the internet obviously
    OOC: All right, I found some great pictures so I'll post the links so I won't take up a lot of space....

    Xardius -

    Trent -

    Enigma -

    Eclipse -

    Simon - (whom you will see later)

    BIC: "Interesting," Xardius said, without his usual flare. He seemed...cold.

    OOC: Oh, shoot, gotta go, be back later though.
  17. Pirateguywithapplepie Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 23, 2007
    Doesn't matter. 'Cause it's time.....
    Xane made a face. "I wonder where Tifa is....." he muttered.

    OOC: Trent and Eclipse look like girls almost....
  18. Wing Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 2, 2006
    Error: No Data
    Wing stepped from a portal into the throne room...or remniants of. Sweet coverred his face, and he was breathing heavily. He looked and saw that Bella, nulix, xardius, and xane were all okay

    "Hey guys" He said with a weak smile and wave. before sitting on a piece of what he thought used to be his chair.

    "Any one have a potion?"
  19. Pirateguywithapplepie Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 23, 2007
    Doesn't matter. 'Cause it's time.....
    "I looke for one....I couldn't find any..." Xane said.
  20. hidden_light Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 31, 2007
    In a house...
    "Wing!? here!" Bella said as she fished a potion out of her pocket and handed it to him,"heh, my last one..."