Destined's Poetry Corner

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Destined, Feb 23, 2009.

  1. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies

    Succumbing to the tattered rye,
    walks the broken firefly.

    For one would ask what ails such creature
    To rebuke look toward the timeline
    For the future
    Predicts the past you once define.

    The blades would bend
    Swaying away from the young firefly,
    Forging a world of unknown lie
    Lay a dismal, shrouded end.

    For at once the young would prod the ink filled depths
    To find a resolve, an answer to the unwanted no.
    But the rye refused to give the word,
    Till the day the sun would fall.

    The answers refused to commune till the day spirit failed.
    Washed aside by the generational eye.
    Succumbing to the tattered rye,
    walks the broken firefly.
    Toward an end of unjust deserve,
    The being limps onward toward the shrouded past
    Refusing to carry the rye and dance.
  2. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    The Storm

    As the world chimes six
    Words lap the edges of the page restlessly.*
    The thought darkens
    While far off the cerebellum storms.*

    I stand alone amidst the forgotten,
    Battening down the memories
    Preparing the sacrificial notebooks to capture the storms wrath.*

    I know why this storm is barreling toward my small shelter.*


    You changed things, plagued dreams
    Offered the chance for something more
    Broke spirits without warrant
    Corking the flow of creativity.*

    The stopper will not hold forever.*
    I wish it to shatter,
    To sweep me away to an unnamed genre
    Away from the ghost of your smile.*

    Winds grow stronger, words crash harder.*
    The storm is upon us.*
    Do I thank you?
    Do I curse you?

    Only the storm will tell.*