Kingdom Hearts II Describe one of the organization

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX' started by ♥AL90♥, Jul 10, 2007.

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  1. RRMS Gummi Ship Junkie

    Apr 18, 2007
    In a random empty void |D ~♥
    I think your only allowed one but oh well

    Roxas: Cute, Confused, Cool...
  2. Got-It-Memorized? Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 1, 2007
    Axel: Hot, Awesome, Lovely voice, great hair and smile.

    Demyx: Sweet and innocent. ^^
  3. Zandyne King's Apprentice

    May 8, 2007
    Where the sun is hella bright.
    Meh lets just do all of them!

    Xemnas: Desperate (for an identity), confused, angry, spiteful and misled
    Xigbar: Loyal, braggart, know-it-all, mocking and experienced (he moves around a lot and shoots a lot, breaks out the big guns when necessary, etc.)
    Xaldin: Stern, drastic (come on, SIX LANCES he must REALLY WANT TO STAB SOMETHING) and old-fashioned ("no one can love a beast")
    Vexen: Afraid, objective, thirsts for knowledge, and jaded
    Lexaeus: Patient, actions > words, level-headed and merciless
    Zexion: Two-faced, cooly arrogant, tries to appease the few he respects for approval (am I the only one who saw this?!) and callous
    Saix: Dogmatic, slightly insane/obessesive, has....strange fixations and is probably a sociopath
    Axel: Capricious, self-serving, self-sacrificing, very selective of his friends and sentimental
    Demyx: In denial, pacifist, emotional, light-hearted and...pouty (I DUNNO)
    Luxord: Superficial, compulsive, caustic, has a dictionary probably stowed in his cloak somewhere and a british accent
    Marluxia: Tyrannical, power-hungry, greedy, threatening, conniving and deceptive(dude for a guy who is supposed to use flowers, his attacks sure look a lot more like DARKNESS TEAR YOU TO PIECES BWAHAHAHAHA *scythe scythe*)
    Larxene: Contemptuous, cheerful, sniping, flirty, spoiled and forceful
    Roxas: lost, used, quiet and has bad luck.
  4. orgXIIIfan King's Apprentice

    May 15, 2007
    Behind you,seeking revenge
    Wow! Oo You sure do use big words!Good thing the dictionary is my best friend! I also noticed the whole Zexion thing too. The poor little boy.
  5. Hell no. Finally, someone who also doesn't think so. He was giving off pure testorone each freakin' time he appeared, which just made him unbearably attractive to a manly-type attractive (for example, Axel is the I-want-to-touch-you-and-f***-you-so-bad attractive, pardon the French, while Marluxia is just...businessmen attractive; poised, clean, serious, essence of....superiority that's...thrilling).

    And he has a way better body than Axel anyway.

    Is like the whole Zexion is emo because of his hair. Like the scene that I commented from above, in that particular video, I found him smug, cool, calm and collected, mocking Vexen...(then again, who doesn't mock Vexen?). Point is, he has a funny bone in him. That's not emo.

    Plus, on Marluxia again:

    1. Flowers are considered quite manly in Japan. Or at least not sexist in any way.
    2. It's not simply "flower petals" that he spews, is sakura petals, which represent...DEATH.
    3. Pink is the color of the sakura petals, honoring the fallen warrior.
    4. He has the power of nature (that has life and death). He has a scythe.
    5. He's the sexy and gorgeous version of the Grim Reaper with skin.


    And now, forward on to my answer. I'll do one.

    Xemnas: Cold, goal-oriented, smart, serious, ruthless, deluded, knack for eternal speeches...

    I like a lot your answers. Though a bit hyper (yet, I shouldn't be speaking), you got them down pat, IMO, especially Larxene. I was going to describe her, but you said it all, I would have just added arrogant, physically skilled, and playful.

    And you proved a point on Marluxia.

    See? DARKNESS. Gay my a**. A bit metro maybe, but never a homosexual. And hell, I don't even care for Marluxia.
  6. deep_dive101 Destiny Islands Resident

    Jun 7, 2007
    i want to describe them all!
    I. Xemnas- serious, not a good rapper, superior, star wars fan
    II. Xigbar-wannabe pirate and young, survivor from a very tragic war(made me think because of the SCARS)
    III. Xaldin-pimp, pwned by a princess, british
    IV. Vexen-intelligent, old, wants respect(because of the scene that he was not respected by marluxia)
    V. Lexeaus-bulky(lol)
    VI. Zexion-sexy, emo look, bookworm
    VII. Saix-a cat(the ears and teeth), hot-headed guy
    VIII. Axel-hot, has hips(lol), has a heart, nice hair
    IX. Demyx-musician, hyper, kid, funny, funny voice
    X. Luxord-gambler, card game addict, English
    XI. Marluxia-more cool version of grim reaper, pinky but not gay, nice eyes
    XII. Larxene-cold, b****, sadistic, any bug that has an antenna
    XIII. Roxas-ice cream lover, cute, cool, good at expressing feelings(noticed when he is angry, sad or happy)
  7. darkelven123 Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 17, 2007
    Location: mind
    zexion:...wannabe emo kid
  8. Slyzer Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 14, 2006
    Marluxia: Like's flowers, and scythes.
  9. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    Axel:Pyro and kinda is the reason for AkuRoku.
  10. Jube Formerly Chuck's

    May 6, 2007
    Larxene:Sadist possibly a nymphomaniac.
  11. AnimeGirl104 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2006
    North Carolina
    Marluxa:The most Japanese-related person in Kingdom Hearts.
  12. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    Saïx: Mad, likes the moon, scary,calm too many words to describe him.
  13. Roxas is Hot I'd lick his Sea Salt stick anytime. ♥

    Roxas- Hawt and cuddable. :3
  14. esakrreh Destiny Islands Resident

    May 15, 2007
    My thoughts exactly, here's mine.

    Xemnas: The product of a life of loneliness, emotional scarring and hatred. Xehanort was a disturbed individual, and so is Xemnas. He is egomaniacal, he wishes to prove himself the greatest of beings and does not feel for any other person, and he does not care that he cannot. He only wishes to have a heart because, according to him, hearts are the source of all power. He cares for no-one, except for how loyal they are to him.

    Saix: Very similar. Sociopathic and calculated. He was (and still is) a very intelligent person. His past is probably similar to Xehanorts', that, and probably the product of too much abstract thought have caused his insanity.

    Demyx: Most likely completely out of his mind. His lightheadedness is only the product of madness, and not a former persona. No-one can guess what he was like when he was sane.

    Lexaeus: One of the few in the Organization who is not insane and sociopathic. Lexaeus was apparently something of a hero in his time. He is intelligent, but he was probably lonely and introverted in his past. He has more respect for human beings than the rest of the Organization put together. He most likely does not know why he is doing what he is doing, and either does not realize or simply does not care enough to realize that he is actually hurting people.

    Vexen: Another intelligent person with a great deal of pride. He is a compulsive liar. He even seems to have been lying to himself, as he somewhat denies that he has no heart.

    Marluxia: A power-hungry tyrranist with extreme power. His only wishes are power and self-betterment. He is like an average mob boss, but with extreme power and more ambition.

    Larxene: The mirror image of Marluxia except more decietful and sociopathic, she is more sadistic as well.

    Axel: As I see it, he's a nice guy who's seen to much. He might have a sort of inferiority complex, and the embarrasment of his homosexuality made him throw away his morals and join the Organization. However, Roxas helped him to remember those morals of goodness and friendship, and eventually he triumphed over his problems.

    Zexion: More sleek and composed than the other Organization members, ready to kiss up to whom he needs to get what he wants, but what that is is unknown.

    Xigbar: A standard-grade terrorist, a simple appetite for destruction blown way out of proportion, making that his entire identity.

    Roxas: Similar story to Axel's, but he is not a homosexual. He merely went with the Organization because he was confused, and obviously he quickly ran away. However, he harbored a gret deal of spite and an idea of self-superiority when he was with the Organization.

    Xaldin: Virtually a clone of Saix.

    Luxord: Virtually a clone of Xigbar.
  15. Got-It-Memorized? Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 1, 2007

    I love that description.
  16. Gwen Farewell.

    Apr 7, 2007
    F*** THAT! I'm doing all of em!

    1. Xemnas: Engaged to Kingdom Hearts
    2. Xigbar: Engaged to my sister
    3. Xaldin: The adult in him loves how his sideburns allow him to kidnap little girls, but the kid in him hates he he gets pwned by them as well.
    4. Vexen: 3 words: Phobia. Of. Cake.
    5. Lexeaus: The big gorilla who doesnt talk.
    6. Zexion: The Emo kid who smells people
    7. Saix: Saiiiiillllloooorrr mooooonnnnnn.
    8. Axel: Bishie to everyone, stalker to Roxas.
    9. Demyx: Making rockers cry to mommy since 2005!
    10. Luxord: Yu-gi-oh's british cousin twice removed.
    11. Marluxia: The girly girl inside all of us
    12. Larxene: The ***** inside of all of us.
    13. Roxas: The victim of everything inside of all of us.
  17. Gravity Chaser

    Nov 5, 2006
    Blomps are for the soul... <3
    Zexion: Chilly and dark, but obviously doesn't want to let anybody else see that he probably regrets a lot of his actions. He makes me think about one of those people that has been forced to do all kinds of evil, dark stuff when all they want is peace.
  18. killedbyoathkeeper Destiny Islands Resident

    Axel: Hot, Cute, Hot, Hot did I mention he is HOT!!
  19. Number 14~Renxec Merlin's Housekeeper

    doing all of them is funner

    xemnas:freak with way to much time on his hands. has a collection of lightsabers in his sleeves

    xigbar:cool, but thinks he's a bat with attitude

    xaldin:guy who thinks sideburns need 6 huge lances on them to be called fashionable. also like can just tell

    vexen:cant fight. is a chemistry teacher in his spare time

    lexaeus:the 'evil' hercules. watches a lot of dragon ball z

    zexion: one word, emo

    saix:wishing that all the good weapons wernt taken, i mean come on, he uses the moon and a small staff/stick/spikey club thing...cant he go for one

    axel:secretly fancies roxas and likes to annoy people with his 'got it memorized' line

    demyx:hes a pussy wimp

    luxord:reminding us that poker is alive and kicking in the not-so-after-life

    marluxia:reaps people on the weekends. spends his spare time cleaning his sythe

    larxene:the famous 'kid on steroids' act employed by government every 10 years or so

    roxas:too curious for his own good. hes very spoiled
  20. O R A N G E C is the heavenly option

    Mar 30, 2007
    between an erupting earth and an exploding sky
    I prefer the Grim Reaper's Homosexual cousin, but whatever you say.
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