Well last time I received some advice from members on KHV about something that bothered me. I felt it has helped, so I wanted to make this video. I'm hoping this will influence some of you guys who are also depressed and are experiencing some sort of depression. [video=youtube;QzVbIwerbCE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzVbIwerbCE[/video]
Very inspiring, I felt the need to listen to "Dearly Beloved" simultaneously... I too deal with depression. My outlet is writing. Don't know why, but it just helps keep my mind occupied.
It is great to hear some of the improvements you've made Mike, and I love that you are helping other people out at this point. I have to agree that one of the big things is to just be yourself with no regrets. People may ridicule you, but you don't need a reason for liking the things you do. People will come that respect you for you and it feels much better than the friends you'll get for trying to be what you think people want. And for anyone that wants to bully you in the mean time, just laugh at the fact that they would waste their time with such efforts.
That situation you were in during school , I'm sort of in at the moment , I have about four close friends I'm somewhat sociable and I've been known as the quietest kid in my year now for 3 years not talking a lot. i don't really get picked on or anything like that..but i don't really involve myself a lot with my friends out of school. Only one or two times but yeah. I just wanted to state that. Your words inspire me a lot though Mike. Nice speech C: It was good to hear...and made me feel really good about myself and improve self perspective.
I added text to the video that explains more of the situations if you guys want to re-watch. Yea, I thought the song would fit a bit. Yea, it is waste of time for people who do that. I don't know why others like to take people down like that. It's really hard. It still is even in college. I'm glad it somewhat helped. I was hoping for that.
Wow, this was really good. Thanx, Mike. This vid is very helpful, and definitely not unneccesary. I'm going through some of the same things, and knowing that there are others out there who know what it's like and what I'm dealing with helps me feel less... alone. We all frequent this site for a common reason, and it's not only the games we play. We all are different. Different from the standard, different from the norm. We don't see things the way others see them, and there's nothing wrong with that. I guess that's why I like this site so much. I can just be who I am, without worrying about being judged. Thanx, Mike. Keep up the good work, and don't ever give up on your dreams.
Hey Mike, sorry for the depression. But I have been where you are now before man. Let me know if you need anything bro.
First and foremost, I must repeat what just about every other person has said here, which is thank you. I couldn't have stumbled across this at a better time, I was falling into a sort of dark hole with my emotions when I came across this thread and it actually made me feel so much better. You are truly inspiring and it helps that you're a real person and not a celebrity so we know that this is the truth coming from you and not something you've been paid/told to do. You are a true role model, Mike. You're someone I can honestly say I kinda look up to and respect. I used to get bullied in school too, from the ages of about 7 to 17, so for about ten years, my life was hell. Then I found out that I was epileptic at 15 and I was seriously scared that the bullies would have more stuff to pick on. They pick on the most stupid things; from your height, weight, hair colour, eye colour, clothing, music you like... It's something I will never understand and I hope that I never turn out like them. I got away from it somehow, but as you said, it affects people for maybe the rest of their lives. I agree with the whole "Don't try to chang" thing, I too tried that once, but then I'd lock myself in my room an play Pokemon all night. I've embraced my geekiness and the total fangirl that I am and that's something I can't change for anyone. I rambled, but I guess all I'm trying to say is that hearing this from you really helped me. So once again, thanks.