Dengeki Interview (REAL THIS TIME)

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Apr 3, 2007.

  1. Xaldin ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ok guys, I didn't expect a Dengeki interview to literally pop-up right after the April Fools, but one did come up...some of the questions scared me but this one is legit!

    IGN: April 2, 2007 - With Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix + Re: Chain of Memories at last out in Japan, Tetsuya Nomura and crew can now devote all their energy to their next project. And that appears to be another Kingdom Hearts game, or at least another tie-up with Disney. But is it Kingdom Hearts III?

    Speaking with Japan's Gemaga and Dengeki PlayStation publications, Nomura gave a few hints on the new project, which he's previously hinted would see formal announcement later this year.

    Gemaga asked if the characters who appear in the new CG "secret movie" that has been added to Final Mix are from the new title. "They are people who have some relation to the new series," said the producer. "However the next title won't just be Kingdom Hearts III. If it were III, we wouldn't call it a new series."

    Asked if Sora and Riku would make an appearance in the new game, he said with a laugh, "I can't say." He also hinted that the new game would have something to do with Xehanort, the main villain of the Kingdom Hearts series.

    He was just as direct when Dengeki PlayStation asked for some details on the new title. "First, it's not Kingdom Hearts III. Of course, because we're calling it a 'new' series, it won't be KHIII. Also, it's a series, so it probably won't be just one title."

    Nomura once again promised an announcement of the new game, whatever it may be, some time this year. In the meanwhile, he suggested that players attempt to unlock the Final Mix secret movie and start imagining.

    Source: FF13Vids and IGN
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Apr 3, 2007.

    1. Dreamsong
      I'm really glad to see Nomura is planning on taking Kingdom Hearts further by expanding the series with a new installment. He'll probably go back to Sora and co in KHIII, but for the mean time I hope the next installment is about the knights.

      I really can't see why a lot of people have gotten attached to Sora so, hes not an overly amazing character in my opinion, though his part in what seems like a large story was interesting and fun to play. I would like references to his adventures or simply his existence in the next installment, however I think it will be refreshing to play as a new Keyblade wielder :)

      Like someone has mention earlier in this thread, I do wonder what platform this next series is planned for, but will have to wait a little later in the year to find out I guess
    2. darkfalzar
      can't wait to see what the new series is and hope the storyline is good too
    3. ankaret777
      yippie! Now i am happy again! :D :D :D
    4. Ukir
      I can't wait for this game. I hope that it will give more info about the Keyblade and these knights.