Dengeki Interview (REAL THIS TIME)

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Apr 3, 2007.

  1. Xaldin ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ok guys, I didn't expect a Dengeki interview to literally pop-up right after the April Fools, but one did come up...some of the questions scared me but this one is legit!

    IGN: April 2, 2007 - With Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix + Re: Chain of Memories at last out in Japan, Tetsuya Nomura and crew can now devote all their energy to their next project. And that appears to be another Kingdom Hearts game, or at least another tie-up with Disney. But is it Kingdom Hearts III?

    Speaking with Japan's Gemaga and Dengeki PlayStation publications, Nomura gave a few hints on the new project, which he's previously hinted would see formal announcement later this year.

    Gemaga asked if the characters who appear in the new CG "secret movie" that has been added to Final Mix are from the new title. "They are people who have some relation to the new series," said the producer. "However the next title won't just be Kingdom Hearts III. If it were III, we wouldn't call it a new series."

    Asked if Sora and Riku would make an appearance in the new game, he said with a laugh, "I can't say." He also hinted that the new game would have something to do with Xehanort, the main villain of the Kingdom Hearts series.

    He was just as direct when Dengeki PlayStation asked for some details on the new title. "First, it's not Kingdom Hearts III. Of course, because we're calling it a 'new' series, it won't be KHIII. Also, it's a series, so it probably won't be just one title."

    Nomura once again promised an announcement of the new game, whatever it may be, some time this year. In the meanwhile, he suggested that players attempt to unlock the Final Mix secret movie and start imagining.

    Source: FF13Vids and IGN
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Apr 3, 2007.

    1. finalArcanaXXX
      I wish it would be like Final Fantasy going forever and ever.
    2. [Total.Chaos]
      Argh! I'm going to go insane if I don't find out what's next with KHII! Oh and what about a worldwide release?
    3. MMisha
      -sigh- But nothing about North America..
      I might aswell import xDD;;
    4. Laurence_Fox
      I'm thinking this next game with the chasers might be sort of a prequel to the other games. Kinda like Star Wars but with Kingdom Hearts. I'm a nerd I know.

      So in that sense the present timeline could still continue but this game will flesh out what happened with the main villian of the games.
    5. Rokuxion
      I just hope they keep it disney and stuffs. Like prince of persia, the first one was E or T, then the 2nd and third were both dark and rated M. Lets hope kh doesn't turn out like Prince of Persia.
    6. Laurence_Fox
      Hate to get too far off topic but Jak and Daxter did the same thing. The first one was all bright and everything then the later ones got dark.

      I don't think the games will stray too far from the storyline Normua and company have in mind. Course only they know and I'm sure we'll all love what the end product is.
    7. Mirai
      People, Nomura DID NOT SAY THAT SORA AND RIKU WILL NOT BE IN THIS GAME!!! He ssaid that he can't say... yet. Be patient. If they aren't, oh well. I'll still play it.
    8. jengajam
      :( nothing about fm+ coming to America
    9. Rokuxion
      There was this one kh website I found that explains the story of the kh I'm not sure if its truthful or not, so don't start yelling at me for it. I won't get too far into it for spiler reasons, but it read that Sora will infact be in the next one. There will be more disney related dreams, though again I won't say for spoiler reasons. This was awhile back and not sure if its true, I'll try to find the website again.
    10. sorasheart
      aww what about sora and kairi I wanna see them kiss!! :(
    11. lycoris_moon29
      thats a bit freaky on your part Xaldin...i still wish the last one wasnt a series connected to disney...coolers...hope they put pixar stuff in it.
    12. Chad Thundercucc
      Chad Thundercucc
      Kewl! :D Cant wait till I here what the title is!
    13. ~DestinySky~
      I hope that the new series is as good as the KH series!! :)
    14. lycoris_moon29
      I hope it isn't TOO far apart from KH...I truly do wonder what the worlds will be if there WILL be worlds at all. And what FF characters are gonna be in it. Best bets are Vincent, Rinoa, Lulu, and Shadow [From FFVI] Yeah...I pulled him from random...Hopefully Sora, Riku, and Kairi are involved in the game. Even if it is a small cameo with them running on Destiny Islands as children!
    15. sora roxas60
      sora roxas60
      I certainly hope that this one is real... I was a bit upset last time.. It was a nice joke though...But don't do it again...
    16. simple.and.clean
      *cries* i want sora 2 b the main charcater AND ONLY THE MAIN CHARACTER!! (well u know wat i mean by main charcater...?) But... i want him 2 hav his mind 1wards the KEEP SORA!! >.< but would it b CoM? i was kinda pissed off bout that coz i cant play it coz i dont hav a gameboy A... *cries* but i hope i really hope it stays true 2 the story... but i mean micky is in this so we know its still dysney... *continues cry n*
    17. BlessedOne148
      Dammit, why is noone asking if KH2FM+ is coming out here or not? Will there be English voices? Will we never see the Sexy Zexy scene in anything but Japanese. I cannot import, I have no job and no money. The April Fool's joke was low as it hit me in the gut that I may never have a chance to see the games stateside!!! And all the news games in the world will not placate me!!!
      Sorry for the minor rant but I certain others will understand my frustration!!!

      Wait, no more KH? I will be beyond Super Pissed if that happens!!! I have been with this game since I was fourteen years old. Four years Nomura, FOUR ****ING YEARS!!! If this is the end. I ugh, I don't know what I'll do.
    18. Inasuma
      I bet he has like NO time for FM+ does he? x3

      At least we'll see some news coming up soon. =D
    19. Thir13en
      soon isn't good enough
    20. libregkd