Demyx's Journal

Discussion in 'Archives' started by venster, Dec 13, 2007.

  1. venster You never heard of me, but I pop in time to time

    Jan 24, 2007
    I promise I'm not copying anyone! NoD and I were already both doing these journals at the same time.

    Warning: slight hints of Shonen-ai later, but nothing serious like XXX stuff...


    Entry 1

    yay! I have a report/journal thingy, like the others. uh....I dunno what to write though. *thinks hard*

    My brain hurts now.

    Signed - Demy!

    Entry 2

    Axel said that I should go to the underworld to steal this stone thingy. It sure was scary down there...all this ghosts, spirits, etc. I went to Hades room, where I asked for the stone, but he got all angry like and tried to burn me up. I was able to drench him, but then he sent his dog after me.

    Not a regular dog......

    I ran away as fast I could, but it bit off a chunk of my cloak before I can make a portal to get out of there.

    Since I failed my seat went down in the meeting room. D=

    AND EVEN WORSE!!! My poor cloak! T^T That was my favorite one too.

    Sighed - Demy
  2. O R A N G E C is the heavenly option

    Mar 30, 2007
    between an erupting earth and an exploding sky
    lol, good job.

    All Demyx is concerned about is his seat going down in the room xD

    I like it.

    I can't wait to read more.

  3. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    Yep. Eastercat and my journals are connected! XD

    Anyway, know I think this is awesome~​
  4. venster You never heard of me, but I pop in time to time

    Jan 24, 2007
    Entry 3

    I heard that in Atlantica they were going to have this musical try-out. I wanted to really go, but Xemnas said that I couldn't go. T^T I think it was cause I failed my last mission.

    So after I was denied my request, I just went back to my room...bored to death. .....bbboooooorrrrrrreeeeddd.... I laid on the ground just doing nothing. Then I noticed an envelope underneath my bed. Maybe it was on my bed before, but I didn't see it and then it got pushed under there. I grabbed it out and opened it. There was a photo of a full moon from Zexion and a note saying "Enjoy your card."


    I forgot that a full moon came out two days ago. >_< ... oh wait...I was on a mission...that's probably why. I gotta thank Zexy later.

    Note: Full moons are kinda like a special time for us nobodies. It's like a little tiny celebration each month.

    Signed - Demyx
  5. venster You never heard of me, but I pop in time to time

    Jan 24, 2007
    This is where it connects with NoD's Journal entry

    Entry 4

    I went to Zex's room to say thanks for the card, but he wasn't there.....

    so then I decided to just go back to my room.

    As I passed a room, I heard yelling...mostly Larxene and Namine yelling. I looked inside to see Zexion strapped to a chair and Larxene and Namine. Zexion was acting suicidal as he tried to injure himself in anyway. Larxene and Namine were trying to stop him. Larxene saw me. "Demyx! Help us!"

    "What can I do?"

    "Just help us!"

    Zexion went out of his restraints and tried to get a knife to cut himself with. Larxene tried to stop him, Namine, sadly, couldn't handle the commotion very well and fainted.
    I tired to stop Zexion too, but I had no idea what to do. Then Axel was at the door looking at the commotion. Larxene asked him for help as she tied up Zexion with rope, but Zexion said "Free me, Axel!!!"

    Axel didn't know what exactly was going on, so he burned the rope holding Zex.

    "What are you...STUPID!?!" Larxene yelled at Axel.

    "I have a better idea." Axel pushed Larxene (and dragged Namine) out of the room. He then whispered me 4 words for instructions and walked out then closed the door.

    Just me and Zex, who was trying knock himself out, left in the room.

    "Uh...Zex, maybe you should stop trying to kill yourself."

    The message couldn't get through to Zex as he banged his head against the wall.

    .....Dang I had to do what Axel told me to do. Nothing else would work now. I stopped Zex by grabbing him by the shoulders and turning him around to face me. I then.....gave him a french kiss. >_< Zexion was just stunned and relaxed. I stopped the kiss and hugged him.

    "What happened?" I guess Zexion was oblivious to what happened?

    I was so relieved that he was back to normal, I couldn't say anything else.

    Wait a min...I needed to say thanks to Zex.
    "oh and Thank you for the card." I quickly said.


    I warned you about the Shonen-ai. xDD
  6. venster You never heard of me, but I pop in time to time

    Jan 24, 2007
    Entry 5

    *yawn* I woke up pretty early today cause my stomach started to growl on me. =_= Couldn't it just wait for breakfast later? I tired to fall asleep again, but my stomach growled in protest. sigh....maybe I could find some leftovers in the fridge.

    I went out of my room and went down the hall. I was just about to pass Lexy's room, but saw Zexion open Lex's door from the inside. What was Zexy doing in Lex's room? O-o I saw that his cloak and hair was messed up, like if he just woke up......

    Wait....he was in Lex's room and he slept there....

    Suddenly this weird feeling that I can't explain went over me, I couldn't do anything but stand there stunned. Finally, after what seemed like hours, (I bet it was seconds) I turned back to go to my room. I'm just so confused now. Somehow I feel a little hurt on the inside.

    Signed- Confused Demyx
  7. stripy4 Traverse Town Homebody

    Poor Demmy... That was ace-a-mundeo! A word I have never used before and hope that I will never use again...
  8. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007
    thats funny - please continue

    and didn't you do another journal thing with NoD - something about Demyx kissing Zexion lolz
  9. venster You never heard of me, but I pop in time to time

    Jan 24, 2007
    This journal is where the other journal entry I did with NoD came from.

    Entry 5

    wah...I still feel weird....whenever I see Zexion...I just feel hurt if I was abandoned or something like that....I better avoid Zexion...the pain inside really hurts.

    Today,Axel came to my room to practice the music for Friendship/Moon Day. He's planning to do a performance for Roxas. Axel sure got a lot better compared to the first time he played the guitar. Before, everything he played was so out of tune . (Don't tell him I said that >_><_<) Well, at this rate, the song should be perfect by Friendship Day.

    "Let's give it one more try." Axel readied his guitar.

    I stretched my fingers and got ready to play, but noticed someone peeping in through the was Zex. Suddenly hate went over me.....I ignored him again and looked back at Axel. "Ok, I'm ready."

  10. venster You never heard of me, but I pop in time to time

    Jan 24, 2007
    Entry 6

    I hoped that Xaldin liked my present. It was a nice card that sang "Happy B-day" whenever you opened it. =D B-day.mp3.MP3

    After the party, I heard from Vexen about what happened to Zexion.....Zex became terribly sick and Xig tried to do something to him.

    I couldn't get anymore details, but I felt worried...


    I really have a card that does that. xD I like waking up my brother with that card.
  11. Amethyst Grave Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jul 7, 2007
    My Violet Prison
    I hope something BAD hapens to Zexion (i dont like him... D<)

    GO DEMYX GO!!!
  12. venster You never heard of me, but I pop in time to time

    Jan 24, 2007
    Entry 6

    OMG! Friendship day is so close~! I won't miss it like the last one. >_>

    And it seems like the piece Axel and me were practicing on is now perfect for the performance. ^_^

    *cough* anyways, what happened today was that I was forced to clean my room today by Superior. =_= If I can walk in it, it's clean. Unfortunately, Superior doesn't think that way. D= Well, after putting my 4ft tall mountain of dirty laundry in to the wash, I started to throw away trash in to the trash can. I found Zexion's card from a month ago. "Enjoy your card." I couldn't help but smile. It brought me back to the memory of when I thanked him for it. Crazy moment there....

    I started to pickup the rest of the trash when I found a closed envelope near my door. Another letter from Zex. I read the letter....

    "Dear Demyx,

    I am fed up with this cold war that I am getting from you anymore. I feel very upset why you kept avoiding me. Am I such a dislike in your eyes? It hurts me to see you giving me cold shoulders and I feel sad to be ignored by you. It makes me feel insecure and wounded to have you treated me this way. I am afraid whether if our friendship had broken, and that I was treated like an enemy and not a friend. I feared you will leave me without a reason. I apologize if I have caused any misunderstandings that made you this way. Please forgive me for being slow in understanding and not explain to you what had happened actually. I hope we could clear this misunderstanding as soon as possible and start anew. I thank you for being a dear friend to me. You are really an awesome guitar player! I wish you all the best for your performance on Friendship Day.

    Signed off, Zexion."

    Now I just don't know how to explain what I felt there....I felt sorta guilty as I read the first part....

    ".....You are really an awesome guitar player!....." It's a sitar, Zex, not a guitar.

    ARGH! Now I feel so guilty.... T^T

    How can I say I'm sorry.....Well, it'll definately have to be on Friendship day. hm....

    Signed - Demyx
    The letter part was not written by me, it was written by my friend.

    O_O How can you be so mean to Zex?
  13. stripy4 Traverse Town Homebody

    Demyx, I feel the same as you. My mum is always saying "TIDY YOUR ROOM!" I can walk in it, ITS CLEAN!! Well, the celing is clean. Great chapter. Poor Demyx and Zexion.
  14. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    Come on, how can you say you hate Zexion people? He just can't be hated, I mean look at his face. And Demyx is out of the question. That child hood innocence is cute.

    ¡Danza del agua de la danza!

    Sorry for the random espanol there. It's "Dance water dance."