Deja Vu/Psychic abilities?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Sanda, May 6, 2007.

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  1. Sanda Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 29, 2007
    Hey has anyone expirienced it before? Id love to read your deja vu/psychic expiriences...I was watching Medium last night and thought to myself "wonder if anyone on KHVids has this gift" :p

    Ive had a crapload of deja vu things, and everytime it happens it always freaks me out 0_0 Im always thinking: maybe we do really live in the Matrix xDDD Theres no other plausible explaination that Ive come up with? Any ideas?

    As far as psychic stuff goes, I have expirienced it once when I was younger. I was asleep and I awoke to see my dad at the end of my bed. I wasnt scared, but rather I just fell back asleep. Hes been dead since I was 3:( . Im positive I wasnt dreaming because when I told my mom and described his shirt, she said he wore it on his 40th birthday [something that I couldnt have known about:eek: !] It was really strange...

    So yeah, discuss :D
  2. Peyton Goddess Of Love ♥

    Feb 12, 2007
    Personally I am not to happy when I get the deja vu feeling.
    Sometimes it even creeps me out, I think :" havn't this happened before?". or something like that ,but I can't set my mind on it. It can be disturbing and someimes it can be fun.
    I am sorry to hear about you dad. It' s not so weird I think , that you could see him, almost like he had a strong prescense that stayed with you (: .
  3. Sanda Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 29, 2007
    Thanks ^^
    Actually thats true! I never thought about it like that; I havent seen him since so I always just assumed he'd 'passed over' or whatever happens. I like your theory much better....

    Yeah deja vu things are so weird for me, I guess because I cant think of explainations for them:eek:
  4. Spitfire I'm a little high, and a little drunk.

    Mar 19, 2007
    On the Block wit my Thang Cocked
    I hate the feeling of deja vu, it is the creepiest thing ever to me. Plus when I get it, I feel like I get Deja Vu within Deja Vu. Or I have the same senario play out multiple times. Or I dream it, but that really is creepy really creepy
  5. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    I don't really think of myself as psychic. I mean I've been able to see spirits and all that since I can remember and I've been able to read people's surface thoughts. But I don't like to do that since I feel like I'm invading someone's personal space doing that.

    As for deja vu I believe it happens, sort of like a record stuck on a loop. Once the record starts playing again , the time returns to normal.
  6. Sanda Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 29, 2007
    Very interesting. All this kinda stuff facinates me[cuz im weird like that:rolleyes: ] Sometimes I wish I could as well, but I guess its not always a good thing. I like your deja vu theory.

    "I hate the feeling of deja vu, it is the creepiest thing ever to me. Plus when I get it, I feel like I get Deja Vu within Deja Vu. Or I have the same senario play out multiple times. Or I dream it, but that really is creepy really creepy"
    Thats happened to me as expireincing deja vuand then AGAIN it happens.
  7. AlexleHoshi Dude called Alex

    Nov 2, 2006
    In a house duh
    I think everyone has some fourm of psychic abilities but most of us just don't know it.

    I know I do, I have the one where I dream about something then some time after something happens that is strongly linked to the dream. e.g.

    I had a dream that my college had sent me a letter about my sending a fourm off to go back to college and the next day I got a letter saying they'll get back to be with my interview detailes. I can also see sprites (5 or 6 times since I was 15) and I can also (rearly) feel what someone else is feeling who isn't even in the same room as me e.g.

    two years ago I was at college and I was feeling alright, but I just started to feel sad for no reason, then when I went home and told me mum she told me something happened to my grandma at the same time I started to feel sad. This is has only happened to be 2 times
  8. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    I get that! Like sometimes I'll get deja vu of having deja vu :confused: and yeah i've had the same scenario replay several times lol! Sometimes I've dreamt stuff before it happens too :D
  9. Toshi Banned

    Apr 27, 2007

    Oh, we share the same ability^^
    I can tell what people are thinking, it's one of my gifts.

    Anyways, I can give you a logical explanation, for as far as I know. Our teacher told us. The deja vu feeling is actually a mind trick, when it processes "data"(we could say) faster than the time untill you think of it. Here's an example. You see a man walking in the street, and you say, "hey, I've felt that before". Actually your your brain processed the idea that you see him very fast, before you thought of him. And when you think of him, then your brain has already finished its processing. That's true up to a point. I'll tell you and something else tomorrow because I can't really do it right now as I have to go.
    See ya
  10. I sometimes see ghosts a little. Or hear them.

    I sometimes get Deja-vu

    And sometimes I'm dreaming and while I'm dreaming I'm like 'I've had this dream before' and know know what happens before it happens and its like I can control it too. But when I wake up I'm like 'I haven't had that dream before...'

    Or sometimes I dream that something happens and then about 1-2 week later it all happens exactly the same. But sometimes it's been like months or years before what happened in the dream happens in real life and I remember the dream.
  11. AlexleHoshi Dude called Alex

    Nov 2, 2006
    In a house duh

    I've had a dream where I said "This is a dream" and one where someone was after me, I half woke up from it and in my mind i said "Wait, I want to see what happans next" and I went back to that dream
  12. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    well if you think about it, scientists are always telling us that we are using like 5-10% of our brains potential so maybe some of this everyone has but only a few have access to?
    i get deja vu all the time, like ill go to brush my teeth and ill walk into the bathroom and get hit with a wave of deja vu. other times, im doing something ive never done before and its like i can almost remember doing it before exactly the same way, very unerving.
    can anyone explain this? when im trying to sleep and im looking into my dark room, the darkness seems to move like its alive and i can see shapes like people moving, sometimes rushing towards me and filling my vision of darkness with darker darkness if that makes sense:( . and then when i close my eyes i can see the same shapes again and it stops me sleeping for ages.
  13. Sanda Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 29, 2007
    Haha same! Except for me, the only way I knew it was a dream was because I pinched myself in the dream and I couldnt feel it xDDD So I wasnt scared anymore ^^

    "well if you think about it, scientists are always telling us that we are using like 5-10% of our brains potential so maybe some of this everyone has but only a few have access to?"
    Never thought about that but youre right. Thats actually a really good explaination!
  14. AlexleHoshi Dude called Alex

    Nov 2, 2006
    In a house duh
    Talking about dreams, you know when people say you can't feel anything, well I disagree, because you know that feeling you get when you go on a really fast ride, I've had dreams where I felt that.
  15. Yeah, I agree with you, Anniexo_lexa
  16. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    We actually we do use 100% of our brain. The whole point of most psychological and neurophysiological fields is just to understand how things work, or the basis through which we are able to perform cognitive tasks. As of now only "paranormal psychology" studies the "full potential" of the brain, but it has yet to provide any substantial evidence. In fact, it isn't even counted as a real science. The evolutionary of the mind/brain may produce something like telepathy thousands of years from now, but it seems highly unlikely.

    Deja Vu is an interesting occurrance that is being studied by some minor fields in psychology, and it has been speculated that such events are a result of minor lapses in the temporal lobe-- it's basically the part of the brain that integrates what we sense in our environment and organizes it in a way we are able to understand and perceive. But as of now seeing as deliberately "playing around" wit hthe physical and functional aspects of a person's temporal lobe is unethical, there aren't many evidential findings that give a real explanation to Deja Vu.

    As for the darkness in your room, you just have a very healthy and active imagination. Perception tends to change when sensation changes. The dilation in your pupils in a dark room can sometimes play tricks with your eyes,
  17. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    Eh...our brains do work at 100%, but how much we can directly use is very low. If we could figure out ways to conciously access the parts of our brains that function without us knowing, then who knowswhat humans could be. I'm a firm believer in psychics, which is strange..I never beleive anything else people say...XD

    Oh, and Deja vu. I think it's like...a short period of time when your brain is working so fast with your senses, that conciousness can't keep up. When you finally do catch up, the brain has to process the information over again because it treats it lik a new thing. YOU feel like it already happened, your brain doesn't. Or at least that's what I've been told.
  18. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    You do have a point, different parts are more active at different times. But from a functional aspect it makes sense that we can't access certain parts when we want to. Sure it would be cool to sit on the bus and be able to slip into a dream while being awake, but from an evolutionary point of view it wouldn't do very much for us. sure it might be pleasurable, but it would deter us from our surroundings and confuse our sensory and perceptive capabilities.
  19. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    actually, deja vu has happened to me quite frequently. i'm always wondering if it did happen and this leads to my theory that's KINDA off topic :time repeats over and over again which is why we feel deja vu. and i think i am psychic or i'm good at reading ppl's emotions
  20. Sanda Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 29, 2007
    No thats actually a great theory!
    I am so fascinated by peoples way of thinking, so I love the responses. Im honestly trying to figre it out for myself as well, so I thought peoples oppinions would help and they do:)
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