Decisions decisions.

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by DigitalAtlas, Apr 21, 2009.


Decisions decisions....

  1. Super Mario RPG

    6 vote(s)
  2. Super Metroid

    2 vote(s)
  1. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    So I just bought a 2000 points card for the Wii so I could give Sin and Punishment a try. I have 800 extra points which is enough for an SNES game and their are two great classics calling for me and I have never played either. So which should I buy: Super Metroid or Super Mario RPG?

    I'm a big fan of the Metroid Prime series as well as the original Metroid so of course I feel the need to try Super Metroid yet I am also a huge fan of Paper Mario and of course classic SE so Super Mario RPG also feels needed. Both games are considered damn near perfect and some of the greatest games of all time and both get even reviews on every site.
  2. cronoking Chaser

    Sep 30, 2006
    Whipping out Bakusaiga
    I suppose it would really depend on what kind of game you feel like playing at the moment. Saying one is better than the other is impossible, and both are a considerable length if you do go out of your way and collect all the extra stuff. It all boils down to whether you want to play an action/platformer or an adventure/rpg more.
  3. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    Eh, I've been playing a considerable amount of both types (minus the platforming of course because heaven knows they don't exist anymore) honestly thanks to Fallout 3, SO4, Halo 3, Megaman 9, HL2, etc so it really doesn't matter to me. Both have equal platforming elements really so that is not my main concern. However, I agree it is absolutely impossible to try and choose. It could only be more challenging if I threw in Super Mario All Stars and LoZ: AlttP. Hence why I asked you guys. ><
  4. cronoking Chaser

    Sep 30, 2006
    Whipping out Bakusaiga
    Well, Story-wise I'd go with Super Mario RPG. In Super metroid its a pretty basic land on planet, find a metroid hatchling, Space pirates steal it, and she has to get it back. Nothing major really happens, its the gameplay that makes the game so great. But Mario RPG has more of a satisfying feeling after you beaten it. Plus Geno is pretty badass.
  5. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    Yet I'm guessing Super Metroid is better gameplay wise huh?

    I still don't know, Super Mario RPG seems more enjoyable and lax with an awesome story plus with recent Mario nostalgia heightening for muah and the recent ScrewAttack ep of the vault thanking god Super Mario RPG exists I'm leaning towards that one slightly. However, I think I'll get one or two more opinions whilst I play Sin and Punishment.
  6. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    super mario RPG. while Super Metroid is also awesome, i enjoyed Mario RPG much better. i probably enjoy Mario more because there is character interaction in that game while Metroid has little to none, but it's enjoyable in it's own way.
  7. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Mario RPG. It's at least 9x better than every game in existence besides the games that are better.