Well I'm happy with the outcome. Who were you rooting for? What did you think of the video?
I hate those video players. it makes the whole thing pruple and green and staticy. ugh. anyways, from i could see of it, look it pretty good. thanks for sharing.
Spoiler Obviously rooting for Link. xD And Link does too have skill! He may not have as many moves or techniques as Cloud but as the series has progressed Link has developed new sword attacks. And did anyone else laugh during the fight scene? It was impressive that someone made it was so lulzy. The Pegasus boots. XD
Is this really worth putting in the gaming section? It's sort of like putting a discussion of Deadliest Warrior on a board about history. It doesn't make much sense, and there's also a ton of videos we could make threads about if this is allowed. Looking purely at the video, it's pretty flawed, just like the show it's based on. The production value is terrible, that one guy making the Dead Fantasy videos is far better, it would have been better for them to just use sprites. As for the actual concept, it's something that is aimed at fanboys, as FF fanboys will say that Cloud would win, whereas LoZ fanboys would say 'Goddamn Legend of Zelda' would win. It doesn't help when the creators of the video also get to decide what their arsenal is, when they have a much bigger list of options as to what they might use. Like Cloud, I would be surprised if he actually did decide going without a summon. Admitedly, I did know that Link would win, as screwattack as a whole has always hated Cloud, mostly due to the fanboys. Here's the thing though, it's impossible to compare the two characters as their respective universes are completely different. Maybe I'm just looking at this too seriously and taking the fun out of it, but it's just too ridiculous for me to compare things like these. At least now that I'm older.
That's exactly what I thought. Odd that they gave Link pretty much all of his skills/abilities but only gave Cloud 2 or 3. But oh well. Also kinda odd that Z-targeting was a skill for Link, that's a game mechanic that's in many games these days. Hardly unique to him or worth mentioning and making it the killer thing that made him win in the end. Still it was an enjoyable video and is all just a bit of fun, though the sprites they used to use were better. It was obvious Link was going to win, Screwattack love their retro stuff, and people were going to moan regardless. So might as well make the the one were people will moan the least, win.
It looked like someone just learned how to use blender and made a fight scene! XD I'm surprised they didn't throw any turn-based jokes in there for Cloud. The z-targeting bit though was awesome though! And yes, Twilight Princess Link has serious skill. I wish I could play as him in the world of Dark Souls. Let's see... has to do with gaming.... Three previous staffers see no issue with it... NOPE! DON'T SEE ANYTHING WRONG HERE. Now sit back and just have fun. Jeez you're a delight, ya know?
That opens the possibilities up for so many threads, that's excellent. I'm sorry SJ, sorry for not being nine and not taking pleasure in a poorly made fanboy video.