Deathbattle: Goku vs. Superman

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Mysty, Jan 10, 2013.

  1. La Sofa ('_')-l3 No worries

    Apr 5, 2007
    These Deathbattle guys are usually what I agree on, with the exception of Peach VS Zelda......
  2. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    Yeah I didn't much care for the Peach vs Zelda battle.

    But in any case I want them to do Godzilla vs Gamera.
  3. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    It's actually likely that it'd do nothing.
    Bananas are radioactive and you ingest those.

    You are right that radioactive things can kill you or cause cancer but an organic thing like a spider is more likely to be on the level of a banana.
  4. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    Yeah, it is Fiction. And you know what? Those worlds have laws too, and they have to follow them, otherwise you might as well be in Llittle Big planet.....actually, nope, because even LBP has laws it follows. Superman can't be as strong as he needs to be, because every person or thing has limits, no matter who or what they are. You can't argue against that, because otherwise, might I say it again, they might as well be God. And you can't argue against anything in Fiction because like I said, even they have Laws. Harry Potter had laws with magic, and Freiza was an alien, and the only one of his kind next to his brother and father, that could breathe in space. Your examples don't make any sense at all, do you realize that?
  5. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    Doesn't change the fact that the stuff Superman did still happen in canon and was used as an example. So in short:

  6. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    Nope, it's not "Deal With It", because they still used stuff that doesn't add up to something would be possible, so they still used superman that was "God" of comics, which means they still made someone win that shouldn't have, because Goku is still stronger than Superman by a wide margin
  7. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    They didn't use future Superman.
  8. Also, the fact that a black hole sucks in light, and would normally drain Sups of his energy did not is a huge impossibility.
    Worst part of it all is that when a fictional character is so unbeatable, they are literally impossible to beat. Such as Powerman who literally becomes 5x as strong as any of his opponent, and any number of enemy's increase his strength too.
    Another thing is that they forgot to add in the fact that Goku is able to adjust mid battle unlike Sups, who normally needs a minute to contemplate a new stragiy Also, as a response to the argument about the realism thing. You need to have a universal lawset, or else everyone could become a Superman just because they want to. Look, I can snap my fingers and make the world die. No universal lawset and then Goku could do whatever he wanted as well. I understand its a fictional world, but even in roleplays and fan fiction, there are rules that govern how they operate, lest they spiral uncontrollably like in Sups case. You can make him as weak as possible with a piece of lead, from what I understand as well, but he can withstand the power of the sun. Yeah, that's a universal lawset for you. End of discussion.
  9. Terra254 Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 25, 2010
    The dust bowl of the mid to late thirties
    Superman won, Let it ggooo.
  10. I got over the fact he won in the video. I got over most of it. What I cannot allow, however is the facts they missed in the video, Terra...
  11. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    Pretty sure that a black hole wouldn't drain Superman's power. If it could we'd know about it.

    Superman still wins. You can complain all you want about "this is impossible in the real world and Superman shouldn't be allowed to have that as proof he is better the Goku in a fight" but that is how Death Battle works. They do research on this that takes hours (or two months in the case of Goku vs Superman), anything that doesn't conflict with the original source material or isn't non-canon would be allowed in. Superman closed a black hole with his own static electricity, does it make sense? No, but it's still happened in canon thus it is used in the analysis. Under the light of the yellow sun his power can be out right unlimited and can do anything that would be impossible in the real world but he isn't omnipotent.

    But in the end the battle between the two is one of limitations.

    Both of them deal with limitations; the difference is, Superman has emotional limitations (his history of mental limitations on his power, his devotion to saving lives rather than training, his dilemma of Krypton vs. Earth), and completely lacks physical limitations; Superman's story is an unending one of a near God-like being dealing with the realities of life, balancing the world's needs against his own, and finding his identity. By contrast, Goku, being simpleminded and living for the fight, has no emotional limitations, but has many hard-and-fast physical limitations, with his story being an unending one of trying to overcome those limitations by unceasing training and determination. Both of them excel where the other struggles; just as the limitless Superman will always overcome the limited Goku in battle, the limitless Goku will always overcome the limited Superman at simply living, enjoying life, and coping with backstory and plot events.

    Also, a piece of lead doesn't make him "weak as possible", he just can't see through it with his x-ray vision.

    And the whole "You need to have a universal lawset, or else everyone could become a Superman just because they want to." is crap when we know Superman can do this stuff is because he is a Kryptonian and he gets his power from our yellow sun. By extant any other Kryptonian would also be able to do what Superman does when exposed to a yellow sun. Again, when they are under yellow sun light their powers are basicly unlimited.
  12. Again, no universal lawset. Antimatter is negatively charged and therefor would have imploded the universe the moment it made contact with it. It may be an imaginary world, but again, LAWSETS. Everyone knows Superman always wins, no matter what, and that's because he is superman. Next he is going to break the forth wall entirely and come to the real world at this rate. Completely making Superman a perfect being is bull and you know that.
    The led thing was just a joke. Nothing more. Now we go to Goku who actually has lost and gone through trials. I understand Superman has been through trial to contain his own power and bla, but that's his own fault. One who knows he is too powerful shouldn't need to hold back, but increase the strength of things around him. If he can make a universe my moving, then how come he just can't make himself weaker? He has no laws that govern him, so why not? Why make it possible for what he deems as evil to exist at all? Superman is so "Strong" that he can do anything without being the future Superman. If he is so strong, then why dose the world around him crumble when it shouldn't? He has no laws to govern him or his ability's, so why not just do what he wants? Because his laws do not make sense and therefor should not be concerted even allowable. "Both of them deal with limitations; the difference is, Superman has emotional limitations (his history of mental limitations on his power, his devotion to saving lives rather than training, his dilemma of Krypton vs. Earth), and completely lacks physical limitations" Exactly, no limits? He can break things by moving, and has issues with being an alien race. Well he has the power to make himself normal, then why not. Superman has no valid arguments for him. One moment he is so strong he can collapse a black hole, and the next he is being beaten to death with a chew toy.
    A black hole drains light and the energy it produces, and since Superman is full of that energy, either the black hole would have squeezed it out of him like a lemon or it would have absorbed Sups himself. Nothing escapes the pull of a black hole, not even light. Superman's entire strength is made from light.
    And as someone stated earlier, the magic should have not affected Sups as much as it did, as he is not weak to, just has no response to magic. Which also invalidates the battle for Sups so... The hole thing is an entire failure, not just for one or the other side seeing as some things they had done to Sups were incorrect anyway. Two months of research should have yielded better results than what they gave us.
  13. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    First off the magic thing: While not so much an actual weakness, Superman's invulnerability offers no protection against magic. The explanation for this is simple; Superman's powers, extraordinary as they are, are the result of natural phenomenon, not supernatural. As a result, spells cast on Superman affect him the same as they would anyone else. This sometimes goes so far as enchanted weapons being able to subvert his invulnerability as well.

    Why doesn't he make himself weaker? To be a normal human? Genetics. No really. His issues with being an alien may have limited his powers but they don't seal them off permanently. Also he accepted his alien origin so he has reached his full potential.

    And the black hole thing. Again no proof that would happen.

    "He has no laws that govern him, so why not? Why make it possible for what he deems as evil to exist at all?"

    Because then stuff like this happens minus the acting.

    "If he is so strong, then why dose the world around him crumble when it shouldn't?"

    He isn't a God.

    "Because his laws do not make sense and therefor should not be concerted even allowable."

    And yet they are canon. Why do you keep ineffectually try and argue his canon shouldn't be "allowable" because of his natural laws? It doesn't matter what you say the gathered facts all point to the fact that Superman is stronger, faster and tougher then Goku is.

    I also find it funny you should mention anti-matter at the start of your post considering the fact that in the DC Universe there exists an Anti-Matter alien that Superman once punched so hard that he shattered him into smithereens. He got better.
  14. You know what? I give up on you. You won't listen to facts now because you simply gave up on Goku after hearing reason about someone who is made of non reason. Superman being stronger than everything is such a ludicrous statement that you don't even know. I still think Goku should have won and you think Superman would so why should I bother fighting someone who thinks the man without rules will win.
    James Dean, eat your heart out. Superman was the original rebel without a cause.
    -Starseeker3 out.
  15. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    I never said he was stronger than everything. I do respect your opinion, and I hope you respect my opinion of you being wrong.
    Not sure how the whole James Dean fits into everything.
  16. James Dean was called the Rebbel without a cause. I am stating Superman was the original rebbel without a cause because if his seeming paradoxical status of being a god.
  17. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    But he isn't a god. Unless you count future Superman but his excuse was he spend about a thousand years in the sun and absorbed enough energy where he was pretty much a god.
  18. That's what I meant, I was going to put that in my post, but then I got distracted, Nd soon I read. Psychedelic thread.
  19. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    I think we can just agree that burnitup is just such a fanboy of Superman that he doesn't even want to believe that Superman can lose. We've seen Superman lose, and if he doesn't want to accept those facts, then he can just go live in his own little world where he doesn't agree with FACTS, something the people in this video thought they were doing but were either using it out of context or didn't use common sense. In fact, I could have my friend type down the exact reason why a black hole would kill superman, but you know what, burnitup would just basically throw it all out the window because "superman has a yellow sun and has unlimited strength". Speaking of which, there can't be a yellow sun around a black hole, meaning superman wouldn't have anywhere to get strength from, meaning he'd die right then and there anyways
  20. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    I actually don't care much for Superman. I prefer Batman.

    Also you are quite rude. I feel insulted that you assume I am a closed minded idiot who would disregard everything. All I did was say was "Superman did this in canon and should be allowed to have his strength judged by that feat." If Goku closed a black hole I would say the same thing. But you and starseeker just went, "HERP DERP IMPOSSIBLE SHOULDN'T COUNT HE'S WEAKER THEN GOKU."

    All I was saying is that if it happen in canon the character should be judged for it regardless of what it is.