Deathbattle: Goku vs. Superman

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Mysty, Jan 10, 2013.

  1. No, not Gogeta, because then they would have to wave the other person helping thing since Gogeta as ss4 was out of power in 4 minutes. Vegeto, however would be more fair
    I may like Goku, but I throw away bias when it comes to things such as this. I truly believe that Goku should have one that. I was going to make my point over video, but instead, I am making a small argument to post here.
    Like you said, it is IMPOSSIBLE to close a black hole, no matter how much Bull you Pull. Even I can't make my way around something absolute like that of a black hole. And besides, even if Sups could escape the force of a black hole's pull, it would drain his energy by that logic, seeing as a Black Hole is a collapsed super star and drains in all things including light.
    No, as I could care less of I felt the victory was deserved. I don't believe superman really is strong enough to win agenst Goku
    If memory serves, he has died to both of them once in history.
    But true.
    Not really. In most cases, like Vegeta Goku can survive in space for about a year and a half due to most of his training. And I think of the movies as Cannon, although not very they are. One of them being the one in which Gogeta was intro'd because previously Vegeta did not know the Fusion Technique until that movie. Granted some movies are uncannon, I think of a lot of them as cannon Although GT was noncannon as well.
    Now to state why I think the battle was incorrect.
    Now, something we all must not forget, the sun is an outside source, as even though it is part of the environment, it still helped Sups and since Death Battle dose not allow any help, Goku should not have been able to use the spirit bomb and Superman should not have gotten his boost. And even with use of the sun and others energy for Goku, Goku should have still won, as he could draw more energy from the entire universe than Superman can gain within the time-span of I say thirty minutes in the sun, but at that time the Spirit Bomb would he so huge and so powerful that it would eat up every inch of The Milky Way and a few other Galaxy's. I can disprove their gravity theory by this simple statement: A Marshal Artist of Goku's caliber knows how the placement of his body should go for maximum output of his power without damaging his environment, so it stands to reason each blast that Superman endured would have done much more substantial damage, had they not used their flawed "Gravity Theory". They also calculated the base stats, but not the overall Power-level. Now even though Power-levels are false sometimes, your statement it true. I also disprove their statement of Goku being slower in fighting with the simple idea of "Fight Speed over Flight Speed" or the "Lad versus Veno" theory. They calculated for Superman's approximate speed of flight being the speed in which he could pull off maneuvers, which is false as he is gifted in hand to hand and extreme movement speed techniques. Where as most of the time, most of Superman's moves are extremely bulky and slow to deal more damage over brute force alone, but they said his overall speed is equal to his flight speed. Now going into why I call it the "Lad versus Veno" method is that in Bakano, Lad Ruso who was powerful and Veno was very fast. As Lad left out speed for more power so he can damage people harshly, and Veno sacrificed his brute force for more speed. When pitted versus each-other. Veno won because he was faster than Lad, and that is the only reason. Had he sacrificed his speed for power, it would have been a draw. Say someone threw a punch strong enough to break your hip (Which is a strong enough punch to break concrete). Traditionally, a punch like that would be slower unless preformed by a stronger and faster individual. In this case, Superman would win, but seeing as Superman can and has been beaten to death, a faster physically character would be the better of the two. Breaking a punching bag in one minute with a single punch is good, but when you can punch so many times that you could do the same in less than three seconds is better as you can break so many in a minute that the sand would be a beach soon enough. And then there are the attacks that they seemed to forget of Goku, one being the Kiensom or Distructo disk(and although people think it would not help much, as it can cut through just about ANYTHING, I think it dose matter), Afterimage strike, and Wild Sense. Those just being the few ones that came to my mind.
  2. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    Oh boy.

    For one, not sure honestly if it'd be more fair or not, since Vegetto is a lot stronger than Gogeta and without a time limit...not being brought up anyway.

    Get over the Black Hole thing. Seriously. That was just one example of a list of amazing things Goku wouldn't be able to do.

    And Goku's died to Piccolo's Special Beam Cannon and Perfect Cell's explosion, both of which are a lot weaker than Darkseid.

    How do you train to survive the vacuum of space? Holding your breath longer?

    The fact you brought up the Fusion Dance between Goku and Vegeta states you don't understand canon. Goku and Vegeta cannot successfully perform the Metamoran Fusion Dance, because Goku is too much taller than Vegeta (Trunks and Goten, on the other hand, are like, an inch different maybe)


    Spirit Bomb doesn't work against Superman, no matter how big. Superman isn't evil.

    Not sure how this theory proves Goku stronger than Superman honestly. Maybe I'm just reading it wrong and overthinking.

    Destructo Disk probably wouldn't pierce Superman's skin-tight aura, but I won't argue about that one because I'm not sure.
  3. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta The Demon Slayer

    Jun 24, 2007
    The Plains
    When did Superman ever survive an entire planet exploding by his own power? I mean that was how his race was wiped out...I would say it's truly debatable now whether or not Superman is more powerful than Goku. Superman was shown capable of withstanding even the heat of the sun. Which theoretically implies that he could withstand the ultimate attacks of Frieza and Cooler. Goku was not able to do that until after reaching Super Saiyan 4. (withstand the heat of the sun I mean)

    However another thing to consider is Superman is called the man of steel. But Goku can easily break metals far harder than steel. While Goku may not be as durable as Superman I'd say he has him bested in terms of sheer brute strength. Doomsday was able to punch Superman hard enough to make him bleed. But villains like Perfect Cell and Majin Buu are clearly more powerful. From what I've seen Goku could punch a hole through Superman or tear one of his limbs off easily. I think even SSJ2 Goku could kick his ass. He wouldn't even need SSJ4. I think his best Kamehameha could do Superman in.

    Also found this lol:
    I never said he was weak against magic. I only meant vulnerable. But Captain Marvel/Shazam was able to nearly kill Superman with just his magic lightning in one comic.
  4. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male

    The "Man of Steel" thing is purely a nickname. He's obviously a hell of a lot stronger than that.

    Exactly how are Doomsday and Darkseid weaker than Perfect Cell and Majin Buu?

    Not pointing to you directly, just anyone who wanted to say "POWER POLE LOL" or something stupid like that.
  5. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007

    If memory serves, Krypton orbited a Red Sun. Superman and his race therefore had absolutely no powers because nobody alive at that point had ever absorbed yellow sunlight. That's why nearly every one of his kind was killed back then. It wouldn't be fair to call Goku weak just because he can't survive it either as a baby.

    When did that ever happen? The manga? It didn't happen in the anime and I have just finished watched all of DBZ. The Z Sword broke when striking the hardest metal in their universe. Nothing happened to it and it was ignored from that point. I doubt the scene would be any different in the manga. >> The anime usually adds more, not less.

    Superman isn't as durable as steel. He's destroyed a moon(not our moon) just by punching it. He's (again I have to say this) tanked a supernova. The force behind that is unimaginably larger than any planet busting technique seen in DBZ. Oh and Goku hasn't been shown to be able to move planets around or bench them. In his base state, Goku struggled with much less than 100 tons. Let's pretend Goku could lift 1,000,000 tons in his base state(which he has shown to be unable to do).

    Super Saiyan 4 gives his base state a multiply of 4000. (50 for SS1, 2 for SS2, 4 for SS3, 10 for SS4) That still only puts him at 4 billion tons. Supes wouldn't break a sweat with that amount of weight. 6 sextillion >>>> 4 billion. There's no foundation for Goku being as physically strong as Superman. Unfortunately for Goku, he doesn't have a speed advantage either. Superman moves several times the speed of light and can fight at those speeds. Even if Goku was as fast as him, he doesn't have any strength advantage whatsoever.
  6. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011
    Are you guys still talking about this? My gosh, Super won. Stop being so butt hurt about your childhood idol losing. They knew what they were doing. They clearly did the research. Get over the saiyan monkey losing. The kryptonian ape won the battle.
  7. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta The Demon Slayer

    Jun 24, 2007
    The Plains
    Okay, Before I say anything else:
    WTF? Isn't it obvious?

    For example let's say Doomsday fought Perfect Cell. Doomsday was killed merely by being slammed into the Earth. So basically even if all else failed all Cell would have to do is self-destruct and then regenerate and kick Doomsday's weakened ass. (Though really I don't think Doomsday would even survive the explosion) And let's say Darkseid fought Majin Buu. He was nearly impossible to kill. He would always still live even if one single molecule of him was still intact pretty much sorta similar to Cell. He could pretty much just blow Darkseid away with his kind of power. I mean just one palm planet burst attack and then boom, no more Darkseid. And that's also why I think Frieza could take Doomsday or Darkseid as well. He was shown capable of destroying entire planets just with one finger.
  8. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    ...I'm just gonna let it go and let someone else do this.
  9. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta The Demon Slayer

    Jun 24, 2007
    The Plains
    Didn't see this till now. Touche...Those are all some really good points...

    EDIT: Honestly though there are things in both the DBZ universe and the DC Comics universe that don't add up. For example it was said that the Saiyans could not breathe in space. But if that's really true then how was Bardock able to confront Frieza in the depths of space while being completely unfazed by the vaccum? And why didn't Krillin just use his Destructo Disk to kill Frieza when he had the chance? He could've done that in the time it took him to change into his Final Form...And if Superman is really invincible and this god that everyone makes him out to be then why is he so easily hurt by other people who have Superhuman strength? I once heard about The Hulk beating Superman in one crossover comic. And why does once source say Superman can lift a maximum of 100 tons when other sources say otherwise?
  10. Evil is as how one perceives it. Goku thought it was possible he would destroy the earth, and ergo he thought he was evil. And he could always just absorb it and use an Ultimate Dragon Fist with a attack power easily into the quintillion's in force. And since the destructo disk cannot cut anything not solid, and is not affected by non solid things, it would not affect it.
    Being butt hurt and pointing flaws in these reasons for victory are two different things. People who say someone is "Butt hurt" must have a bit of pain in their rump as well.
    No one listened to my point about speed being greater than power and since Superman's attacks overall were slower, he would take more damage, did they?
  11. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    With Bardock, it could've just been a massive atmosphere meaning there could have been oxygen up there. I've seen that scene before. ...Though this seems to be an oversight of the animators I guess. It's confirmed that Saiyans can't survive in space without some kind of life support. Frieza can however. As for Krillin...maybe his Destructo Disk wasn't powerful enough to do it. Besides, if he did that we wouldn't have seen Goku turn Super Saiyan.

    Superman usually holds back in nearly every single fight he's in. His comics wouldn't be interesting if he flew to the Sun to charge up and came down to obliterate his enemies by backhanding them into oblivion. Nobody would read Superman comics if he one-shotted everyone. XD Also, Superman can lift over 100 tons. He's done it multiple times in multiple comics with multiple writers. He's lifted pyramids, moved planets, moved giant gears that dwarf the Earth, and benched the Earth's wait for five days without a recharge.

    Goku's a lot cooler as a character but Superman is just ridiculous in terms of strength. The ending of the Deathbattle video states it perfectly, Superman has no limits but Goku is all about breaking his own limits.

    There's nothing to support your argument that Superman's attacks are slow. Everything Supes has done proves otherwise.

    There is one area Goku will always win at. Costume choice. Even when Superman basically becomes a god it doesn't really improve...

  12. If you watch his movies, you can tell he is moving his punches slower to deal more damage. I never said his attacks were inherently slow, but his strongest moves were.
  13. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta The Demon Slayer

    Jun 24, 2007
    The Plains
    Yes I know we wouldn't have seen Goku turn Super Saiyan if that happened I was just saying if Krillin had done that that would've solved things. And I'm pretty sure it was powerful enough considering it cut off his tail.

    I guess the movies and Justice League cartoon etc. don't go exactly according to the comics.
  14. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    So out of curiousity, have the people who say "Goku would kill Superman" seen the video yet? Cause seriously, do that. They did the research.

    And technically my above statement is a spoiler to who wins by saying "have you even watch the video" but goddammit, stop Complaining about Shows You Don't Watch and watch the bloody video. It is seriously only 30 minutes of your time.

    Also I root for Superman to win, though I honestly didn't know who'd win. Thankfully the research and the explaination at the end of the fight made it very clear that Goku wouldn't win.
  15. Technic☆Kitty Hmm

    Apr 2, 2010
    Indiana, USA
    Comes back into this thread and sees mainly walls of text . . .

  16. I watched it, and I still have to disagree as things they missed and messed up overall made the video invalid.
  17. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    Care to explain?
  18. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    For 1) they still used Superman in modern day, and he closed a black hole. Yes, I'm still going on about that. Because you can't close a black hole, it's physically impossible to do. There's nothing to actually grab and to close with a black hole. So if Superman can close a black hole, I have to call BS on pretty much 80% of the rest of the things he can do in the comics and television as well, because closing a Black Hole might as well make you God. Marvel does not do well with following any sort of actual laws; at least DBZ does, and has someone die from being at the center of an explosion, etc.
  19. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    ...Okay, I'm confused here. So they used modern day Superman (which they said they were gonig to do at the begining of the video) and you are upset that modern Superman did something that is impossible in real world physics? Hell you just point out an example of why Goku is no match against him.
  20. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    How the heck is that an example of how Goku can't beat him? Did you miss the part where it's PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE!? That means that no matter who you are, even bloody Superman, you aren't going to close a black hole. You can't close a black hole, period. And like I said, that pretty much invalidates a good portion of what superman can do, meaning he's not nearly as strong if he were to follow real world physics. There's nothing in there that points out why Goku can't win. In fact, that's pointing out why superman can't win, since this one fricken point, that's kind of a big deal considering, again, IT'S IMPOSSIBLE!, meaning that he's not as strong as people think, since a load of what he does is Bull