death penalty?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Shinichi Izumi, Oct 26, 2011.

  1. Shinichi Izumi Totally Pink and stuff

    Jan 27, 2011
    The Place.
    in the past, in various countries, if you defied the moral/power/ethnicity of
    god(s)/iconic people/kings or specific beliefs you had just earned a one-way ticket to your grave,

    in modern times that still happens,for example in various Islam countries, if a person, commits certain crimes such as adultery, rape, disrespect to Ala(weird hary islam god) and any secret communication with people of the opposite sex, that person could(and probably will) be stoned (stoned to death with rocks, not get high) or hanged, but the question is:

    are death sentences correct?

    in MY beliefs, forgiveness is always possible and death sentences are completely unethical and immoral,

    but what do you all think?
  2. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    I disagree with the death penalty 100%.

    No, I don't think people that commit crimes, especially serious crimes, should just walk away without any punishment.

    However, I'd rather have someone put into prison forever than have them dead.
    Many would probably disagree with me here, but I just don't find it it fair that criminals, depending on their crime, are killed.
  3. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    I don't find the death penalty a fantastically moral thing but I'm not against it in the case of murderers. I wouldn't say I support the death penalty but I really don't see why so many people are against it.
  4. Beucefilous Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 27, 2011
    It depends on the crime. If they just disrespect an important person or something, its totally out of the question. However, if they say, walked into a daycare center to test out an AK-47 then yes. Kill them.
  5. xigbar.nom Destiny Islands Resident

    Apr 16, 2011
    I agree with the death penalty but only if you know the person is 100% guilty.
    They could've committed numerous crimes e.g rape, murder and to have that person living after all that? Just no..
    They deserve to die after all the pain they've caused the world..

    If the person however is not guilty and it's proven that they're innocent e.g Troy Davis was executed for simply being black, the death sentence is unacceptable
  6. Feenie Finny, Fin of the Feenie Fish

    May 10, 2008
    Aberdeen, Scotland
    To be honest, I think the death penalty is only acceptable when the accused has committed an extremely brutal crime, like murder or serial killing. I also agree that they need to prove the accused 100% Guilty before an execution can be carried out, otherwise it isn't fair.
  7. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    Not this again...
    Yes, I am for the death penalty, but only if reserved for extreme cases.
    In before "Define extreme." by pseudo-philosophical smartasses.
  8. Noroz I Wish Happiness Always Be With You

    Apr 3, 2011
    If people have committed a really, really bad crime, like murder/torture/serial murder, I'd say we should torture them. (Do something along the lines of what they did) I know it sounds bad, but hey, they deserve nothing less. The death penalty is an easy way out, I think.

    You might say that it makes us no better than them, but frankly, I don't think I care. If you, unjustifiably take a life, you should get to feel it.
  9. Shinichi Izumi Totally Pink and stuff

    Jan 27, 2011
    The Place.
    pretty much what i think...

    never heard of that guy, ill look into it, it sounds like something i should know...

    you see, that's the thing...

    killing someone does not make their crimes go away , and what EXACTLY would define a "death-worthy" crime, and also defining something like this would be very "sticky": lets say one person rapes, tortures and slowly kills TWO people, and another person, shoots FOUR people in the head(killing them obviously),

    how would you exactly define witch one is worst?

    And at what exact point would executing someone be "fair"?

    however, im all for other means of punishment such as life-time prison, torture, making the subject go Mad etc...
  10. Namin3 Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 13, 2011
    Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey
    I dont 100% agree with the death penalty but i dont 100% disagree. If someone, lets say for example, blows up a couple of houses, and kill a couple of families then they should die. Thats what happened to my aunt. But, if its something like a murder then they could just get something like a couple of years in prison.
  11. Void of Self Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 16, 2011
    The only case of the death penalty that i agree with is actually in the Bible. God tells Noah after the worldwide flood and if any man (human being) kills another human, then that person's life is required by the hand of the law. I know a lot of debates can come up with this statement, but look it up if you want. You see, the thing is that a serial killer who is put in prison, and is let out for some reason, he probably will not change his ways. History has seen this many times. Wish i could be more specific, but i don't have the time right now to get into it. Feel free to PM or VM me if you care enough.
  12. Jin うごかないで

    Jul 19, 2010
    I do not agree with the death penalty a whole lotl. It has been abolished here in the U.K , I think it still stands in the U.S though. But no , a death penalty Isn't a good punishment or a deterrent. I'm sure that places with the death penalty have a higher crime rate than a country without the death penalty. Therefore defeating one of it's purposes. Another is that if a person is found guilty of a crime and sentenced to death and later it is found out said person was truly innocent. You can't bring them back and this has happened a few times. People may argue "a life for a life" or some thing along the lines of that. But killing one person because of that person's actions of taking someone Else's life just shows that they are no different than the killer. People should have the chance of reparation , they can't really be given another chance or get back on track to a better life if their dead now can they?

    There are my reasons for being against the death penalty. Even though I am really against the death penalty though. Maybe in some cases , if a person has repeatedly broken laws and committed serious crimes it should be applied. but only if the crimes are serious and the criminal has repeatedly broken laws.
  13. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    At best, one percent of cases should be considered for capital punishment. Cases involving serial murders, rapes, genocide, etc but only if the individual or group still poses a threat to society after the ordeal(s) has taken place.

    People like Gaddafi, though once powerful, don't posses a threat at all once he was stripped of such power. He didn't need to be killed.
    People like (I know, fictional example) Hannibal Lector, a psychotic cannibal that continually escaped confinement to continue his killing spree, someone who possesses a continued and high danger to society should be subject to capital punishment.
  14. Shinichi Izumi Totally Pink and stuff

    Jan 27, 2011
    The Place.
    okay, i suppose this is an acception, a mad person who has lost their sanity and just goes on killing sprees should be put out of their misery,
  15. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    That's normally physically impossible. Hence why punishment needs to be "beyond all reasonable doubt" or something similarly worded. That's how the law works. There's probably no chance whatsoever that you can establish 100% guilt or innocence.

    In either case, I actually believe in the death penalty. If the death penalty gets removed then we'd get more people sentenced to life. It's illogical to have them waste their time in jail at taxpayers' expense. Does anyone here actually believe that someone who deserves a life sentence actually suffers at all in jail? I'd say no. It's not productive on society to have them rotting in jail and waiting for them to kick the bucket while they waste thousands of dollars.

    "Oh but killing someone isn't morally right."

    Shut up. B| They made their choice. A death penalty isn't even for people who have committed murder. They need to add in a little extra evil before a death penalty is even considered. So much that it isn't even classified as your "eye for an eye" response. Obviously someone who accidentally killed another in the heat of the moment isn't going to get the death penalty or even life. They'd get like...30-40 years? Premeditated murder at worst would probably get you a life sentence. Anyone who gets a death sentence has deserved it(assuming they're guilty) because we have no other legal means to punish them properly.

    Seriously, a life sentence sounds pretty bad to all of us but how many of you guys are mass murderers? How many of you have physically tortured someone? Lastly, how many of you have spent years in jail? When you factor all that in, you end up finding out that it's really just a waste to not have the death penalty. People who get sentenced to death probably won't spend their time repenting or even suffering. Hell, they might even end up killing someone while they're in prison. They'd have a lot of time to do so.

    I'm not saying to go out and have everyone sentenced to death, I'm not stupid, but those sentenced to death shouldn't have their punishment changed to life on the basis of "I feel it's wrong" rather than, "I think he/she's still innocent." The judicial system doesn't run off of touchy emotions, it's a cold machine and should remain as such.
  16. The Graceful Assassin It's Just Like Christmas Morning

    Sep 27, 2008
    I think it should, kinda for the reasons Machina stated, but also because if we have a death sentence, who would want to keep murdering if their fate ends up as the same as his victims? Basically invoking fear into anyone considering killing someone for a whatever reason.
  17. Kayate King's Apprentice

    Jun 27, 2011
    Cisgender Male
    Aperture Science Testing Facility
    Some people see death as the greatest punishment.
    I don't think the Death Penalty is really an option, and for those preforming the most serious crimes, it's an easy way out.
    If you really want to punish someone, put them in prison for life, where they'll simply be forced within the walls.
  18. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    We're not talking about people who've committed crimes on after a heated argument or accidentally done something wrong. Generally we're speaking about people who have something wrong with them. Who says they'd even give a damn about being sentenced to life? If anything them being around and serving their time is a burden. Where do you think the money comes from to keep them alive for the rest of their lives? Not from them, that's for sure. As I said in my earlier post, what if they still do some damage from within prison? It isn't all that uncommon to see violent deaths within a prison because there's some ticked off inmate. There's more than inmates in a prison too. The staff there doesn't exactly work at your average desk job. Someone there could get killed because a guy(or girl) got life in prison instead of just getting the death sentence.

    Also, once again, you can't be sure that it's really even a punishment to them. In prison they don't get tortured(note: I don't support torture and am not advocating it's use), they don't get beaten constantly, the worse thing that could happen to them in prison is abuse from the prison's own staff or violence from other inmates. In other words, they're living a less privaleged life in a place where they don't need to worry about supporting themselves. It's more like going out with a whimper than seeing justice in action. There's more cons to a life sentence on everyone else than there is for a person who originally would be sentenced to death.

    Yeah, it sounds brutal and cold, but it's not unfair or unreasonable cruel. Death is a heavy punishment and should only be reserved for the most extreme cases. Not even plain old murder would grant you a death penalty. So once again, are they even truly being punished by being forced to serve their life in a place more boring than outside prison? Probably not. Again, I can't know for sure if all those bastards would feel like they're not being punished. Still, you've gotta put things in perspective and really wonder if to a person who normally would get the death penalty would even consider life in prison anything more than an inconvenience.
  19. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007
    It's still debatable whether or not life in prison is more or less expensive than the death penalty, so unless someone knows a definite answer to that (there is none), I'd rather money in that regard -not- be a factor.

    This specific debate on KHV itself has come up a lot.

    I disagree with it. A life is a life, whether the person is a psychotic killer or not. I don't believe we should hold the power over whether or not someone dies. If karma gets them and they die of some illness in jail, then 'hooray for irony', I guess. But I don't believe anyone, whether it's the government or not should hold jurisdiction over someone else's actual living-breathing existence, ever. This may come across as a spiritual thing, but just because someone murdered someone else or did -whatever- doesn't give us the moral right to say that they deserve to die. We're not a god. We're not angels ourselves, so what gives us the right to take someone's life away?

    Granted, they didn't have the right to do whatever crime they did, and they should not go without punishment, but I still don't think it's right to kill someone like that just because 'they did it'. That doesn't exactly make us any better. Seems like a childish philosphy, IMO. It's like punching your child in the face as punishment for him punching another child in the face. I guess I just don't think that should be up to us.

    Those reasons along with innocence on death row. There have been cases in which someone was sentenced to death who was actually innocent to begin with and...Well, no. Not okay, imo.

    ^ In those cases/examples, they were released after being found innocent, but thinking about even having to go through that...or thinking about the people who were innocent, killed and honestly did nothing. Source. | Source #2.

    Then we have the cases where people do something terrible, are on death row, genuinely seek help/try to find themselves during their time, feel actual human emotion and deep regret/self-loathing as they struggle to come to terms with their crime, and are killed--despite the fact that they did a lot of growing and would have died naturally without making a fuss anyway.

    Along with all of that, there hasn't been very many death sentences to begin with, if you think about it in comparison to other sentences. If it was banned completely, I really doubt everything would be thrown out of wack and all hell would break loose. It's not as though without it America would just blow up.

    Note; I don't mind elaborating on any of my opinions but this is in the discussion section, not the debate section and when it comes to a subject like this, unless it's for mature debate/discussion, I'd rather not be retaliated to. tl;dr Keep it cool and be respectful, and I'll answer.
  20. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    I'm not saying a mad person deserves death at all.
    I'm saying that those who possess continual, large threat to society should be CONSIDERED for capital punishment. Each case is unique, and should be viewed as such, but if someone who has the capability to hurt society even if confined or captured, needs to be considered to remove them completely.

    The human rights of criminal and the safety of citizens is what I believe should be weighed together and considered. It shouldn't be an easy call to make.