Death Note: The Past Future

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Near-to-Tears, Apr 27, 2008.

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  1. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    Death Note: The Past Future
    The Key to the Present's Future Lies Hidden in the Past.

    Deep in the heart of the beautiful English countryside there is a orphanage. A house: Wammy's House. A safe home for gifted and talented orphans to become so much more. A place where the New L is decided upon. The new hope for humanity in the fight against crime.

    This is their story of the early days of the Kira Case. Back when their paternal figure L. Lawliet was still alive and the day-to-day happenings of the Wammy boys and their housemates.


    Day one:
    Near had stayed up all night buliding a Lego fort or something and Juliet was already up and walking around. After a while she finds him and asks him a couple of questions before the two of them start chatting. Eventually the topic turns to that of Mello and the fact that Juliet has a very large crush on him comes to surface. Not long after a hasty subject change on Juliet's behalf Mello appears. Then Mello has a huge go at Near for no apparent reason before turning on Juliet for talking to Near, obviously Mello's enemy or at least in his eyes he is. Near asks Mello why he hates him so much and Mello replies that it's simply because Near is a "Freak" for seeming so calm when he insults him, playing with toys at 12 and stuff like that. After that Mello storms off, calling Juliet to follow. Which she of course does, though not without some debate over whether or not she should leave Near. As soon as they get out of Near's hearing range Juliet asks him why he must always bully Near so much, to which Mello's reply is so what unbalenced. Causing himself to sound more then just a little crazy, how ever Juliet sees through that and asks him what's really bothering him and Mello in his aggitated state let's slip that he is in fact very, very jealous of Near. Angry with both himself for admitting it and with Juliet for making him say it Mello storms off again, sulking in the lounge on his own for a while. Leaving Juliet on the verdge of tears.
    Soon after Mello's departure Saint finds the tearful Juliet and asks her what's wrong. Not wanting to let on that she was crying because Mello had yelled at her once again she denys that anything is wrong at all. Saint soon gave up on trying to get her to talk about it and went back to listening to his music.
    Meanwhile Near gets a vist from a younger girl called Angel who was slightly concerend for him after hearing Mello's abusive shouts. Near of course says he's fine. The two get talking about Near's lego creation from the night before and before long the two of them have made friends.
    Then L arrives for the advent countdown, and Mello's birthday which is in a few days time. Mello is the first to see him, immeadatley running out to go see him. After an enthusiastic greeting and a lot of exicted questions from Mello, L gives him a small "Hello Mello." Disapointing the boy greatly. L then turns to the other two Wammy's present at the time, they being Juliet and Saint, and greets them, asking how they where. Making Mello feel futher rejected, even to the point of being unwilling to finish the bar of chocolate he was eating at the time. L says he wasn't ignoring, rather he was not bothing to answer as there was not point in it. This of course doesn't make Mello feel much better. Then L asked where Near was and how he was, without so much as a how are you to Mello still. Juliet makes a quiet, consoling comment to Mello as he countinues to feel more and more as though he is just second place, he's the loser. L notices this and makes a comment of the two of them being a couple. Or at least that Mello knows that Juliet likes him. Causing great embarassment between the two teens. After causing that embaraessment L goes to look for Near himself. Who had just learned of L's arrival from Angel, trying to conceal his exictement as he hurried to go see. L comes to his door just as Near exits, a few words are exchanged before Angel also appears out of Near's room. Making L assume, or a least pretend he did, that Angel was Near's girlfriend. Making Angel look extremely worried. As the two continue to talk Mello gets dragged into the spotlight in a negative way, L making him promise not to attack Near again as he did the previous year.
    Then L decides he wants cake so Mello leaps at the chance to get some attention from L and takes him down to find some. After a little bit of bonding between them the cake turns out to be sugarless. Seeming to knock a few points off of Mello's populairty score. Then they start chatting as Juliet cleans up after them in the kitchen. As the topic quickly changed from Mello, who had sacrificed his entire social life for that month to be with L, he tried to regain the attention by letting slip his roommate Matt was a smoking. This however back fired and L made him go look for Matt rather then getting the attention back to him. While he was gone L called in the beautifully, but depressed singing Juliet. Questioning her why she was so upset, the truth that she was depressed because Mello has a girlfriend and she pretty much loves him comes to light for L as well.

    Day two:
    Mello and Dein have a large argument over how Mello treats Juliet like sh*t at times. Mello attempts to push Dein down the stairs so Juliet ends up having to call Mello off of him and after a few words that did little more then show her love for Mello he turns on her teling her to "F*ck off" really loudly, this was the straw that broke the camel's back. Causing Juliet to scream loudly at Mello just as L comes back in from somewhere. (The kira investiagtion that they know little about of course XD)
    L takes Mello to go appologise but Juliet will have nothing to do with him so Mello slinks off back to his room to leave L to sort it out.
    Whilst L attempts to talk to Juliet and convince her to listen to Mello, Mello and Matt start talking. Which of course leads to a friendly show off match between them. Mello admits to currently have "Three girlfriends, four that are interested and a Juliet" Unfortunatly Juliet and L over hear this, making Juliet really upset of course making her storm off. Matt attempts to distract L from the Mello by smoking 'accidently' infront of him this however doesn't work and L talks Mello into going after Juliet to appologise. Mello runs after the now crying Juliet to applogise as Matt and L discuss Matt's smoking accdiction.
    Mello and Juliet's argument was cut short after only a breif amount of time by the unfortunateTarot walking into her, pushing her into Mello's arms only for him to catch her in the most innapropriate of places. Grabbing her butt enitrly by accident, giving her the chance to give him the slap she'd wanted to for so long.
    Day Three
    Tarot goes to speak with Juliet in her room. ​

    RPG Starting Date and Time: 1st December 2003 7:30
    Current Date and Time: 12th of December 2003 ~ 9:50Pm

    1. Near
    2. Matt and Mello
    3. Juliet and Terri
    4. Saint and Dein
    5. Tarot

    ************************************************** ********* ​


    Read these please, and I will be giving warnings. Three warnings and your out. I've have one to many bad experiences with noobs who don't know what common manners are...

    1) No Powerplaying/Godmodding.
    2) Keep it realistic. eg: If someone is hurt, please be HURT not shot then running around like nothing happened.
    3) Keep swearing censored. I don't mind you using it as I have my charcters swear a fair bit.
    4) If there is romance, again, keep it cute. They're still only children, not to mention living in the same house as 30 odd other people.
    5) Add the word Apples to your first post on the thread, that means your application post.
    6) I'm saying you can have Yaoi/Yuri if you want. But rules apply to that as it does straight couples.
    7) Keep the characters "In Character".
    8)I'll be changing the Date every other day, so please remember that Christmas will be coming up on here sooner then you think. XD
    9) If you have an existing charcter please use them reguarly. If you do not use them for more then four days without giving me a GOOD reason through either here or PM I'll remove you from the list as that charcter.

    ********************************************************* ​


    Ready-Done Existing Characters

    Name: Mihael Keehl
    Alias: Mello
    Age: 13 (14 in 12 days time)
    Birthday: 13/12/1989
    Likes: Chocolate.
    Dislikes: Those Better Then Him.
    Played By: Demitryx

    Name: Nate River
    Alias: Near
    Age: 12
    Birthday: 24/8/1991
    Likes: Toys, Puzzles.
    Played By: Random Angel

    Name: Mail Jeevas
    Alias: Matt
    Age: 13
    Likes: Video Games
    Dislikes: Going Outside
    Played By: UnSaintly Saint? He never gave me a final answer...[Previously-the darkness grows within]

    Name: L. Lawliet
    Alias: L
    Age: 24
    Birthday: 31/10/1979
    Likes: Sweets
    Dislikes: Socks
    Played By: Dmaster

    Name: Quillish Wammy
    Age: 70
    Likes: Earl Grey Tea
    Dislikes: Dirty Rooms
    Apperance: Watari
    Played By:​

    OC List

    Name: Jennifer Kyami
    Alias: Juliet
    Age: 13
    Birthday: 17/11/1991
    Likes: Music
    Dislikes: People who take life to seriously
    Played By: Demitryx

    Name: Caitriona McCarbre
    Alias: Angel
    Age: 11
    Birthday: 31/12/1992
    Likes: Playing, Imagining and Creating
    Dislikes: Bullies
    Played By: Demitryx

    Name: Teresa Lynn (best I got xD)
    Alias: Terri
    Age: 13
    Birthday: 12/5/1990 (that's my b-day)
    Likes: Playing around and messing with people and music
    Dislikes: Being serious and being cut off of her sugar and outside (she's the first!)
    Played By: Random Angel

    Name: Nate Bishop
    Alias: Saint
    Age: 13
    Birthday: 29/4/1990
    Likes: Girls, music(metal), and people that are nice
    Dislikes: d*ck heads, followers, posers
    Apperance: Shorts blond hair, 5''6', wears dark colored clothes, shirt clings to his body(tight), usually has cuts randomly around his body, likes to wear black athletix shorts, and usually has headphones in his ears.
    Played By: UnSaintly Saint

    Name: Denithan Jones
    Alias: Dein
    Age: 14
    Birthday: 15/5/1990
    Likes: Games and Sweets.
    Dislikes: Losing and Card Games
    Played By: Dmaster

    Name: Matt Marvini
    Alias: Tarot
    Age: 13
    Birthday: 6/4/1990
    Likes: Tarot cards, painting, drawing, mischiff, and, above all, girls
    Dislikes: Haters, critics (except for himself of course. He likes being a critic ^_^ ), sucky drawers, party poopers, tattle tales, and ugly girls.
    Played By: Deathsight44

    OC Form
    Name: (True Name)
    Alias: (Nickname)
    Birthday: (dd/mm/yy Year must be between 1988 and 2001)
    Played By:
  2. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    Yay!~ *dances happily*

    I wuv you more then apples

    May I have an oc also?
  3. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    OOC-Apples are awesome XD

    Yeah, sure you can Angel.
  4. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007

    Name: Teresa Lynn (best I got xD)
    Alias: Terri
    Age: 13
    Birthday: 12/5/1994 (that's my b-day)
    Likes: Playing around and messing with people and music
    Dislikes: Being serious and being cut off of her sugar and outside (she's the first!)
    Apperance: [​IMG]
    Played By: Random Angel

    Watch out! She's a rebel!

    If you haven't noticed yet but Near makes me hyper xD
  5. Sir Charles of Monocles The Fault in Our Stars

    Sep 19, 2007
    in my dorm room watching Tangled
    I just ate a green apple.

    Can I be Mail Jeevas?
  6. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    OOC- Adding now Angel and TDGW you got Matt.

    Same! And Mello XD
  7. Sir Charles of Monocles The Fault in Our Stars

    Sep 19, 2007
    in my dorm room watching Tangled
    OOC: you do know that Matt is a chain smoker.
  8. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    OOC- Errr, yeah. I have read the series three times in the last three weeks. But he's 13 here so if he gets caught he's in trouble XD
  9. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    ooc - Only if he gets caught. So like when we start?
  10. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    OOC- Well, seeing as our L isn't online... Hmm... Might as well start... I doubt we'll do much in a couple of hours.

    Mello was still fast asleep in his bed, curled up into a tight ball underneath the crisp white sheets. Every so often muttering something uder his breath. Never anything interesting, just quiet sleep sounds and mummerings of his dreams.

    Juliet was already up and dressed, she was one of the few morning people in the institute. Oh she loved being outside in the mornings. It was so peaceful, even on clouded winter morns such as that one. The British countryside could either be so beautiful by the morning's light or dismal and almost depressing if you didn't look at it with the right eyes. The freezing breeze blew through her purple hair as she turned back to return inside before anyone realised she was missing from indoors.
  11. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    ooc He'll be on sooner or later

    Near didn't go to bed last night and stayed up all night creating a lego built city which was now done and he sat in the middle of it.

    Terri's leg hanged off of her bed as the sheets started to fall. She tired to roll over but fell instead and that woke her up and she she sat up "Ow. Well...Awake now."
  12. Sir Charles of Monocles The Fault in Our Stars

    Sep 19, 2007
    in my dorm room watching Tangled
    "Marlboro or Virgina Slim?" Matt asked himself. He had pasued the game he was playing. He had stayed up all night playing.
  13. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    "Urgh... How about you go outside and choose..." Mello complained as he pulled the pillow over his head. "Bad enough having all the background noise from that damn game all night." He moved around slightly before sitting up in his bed. "And people wonder why I'm grumpy..." He muttered irratbley as his long golden hair fell over his face.

    "Hiya Near..." Juliet smiled nervously as she walked over to him in centre of one of the varoius playrooms through out the house, unsure if she should really be talking to him. Seeing as how much Mello hated him. "Your up early."
  14. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    "I didn't go to sleep." He said playing with his plane.

    She got dressed and went downstairs
  15. Sir Charles of Monocles The Fault in Our Stars

    Sep 19, 2007
    in my dorm room watching Tangled
    "I hate going outside." Matt chose the Virgina Slims and stuck one in his mouth and pulled out a lighter. He lit the cigarette and puffed out some smoke.
  16. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    "Is that really a good idea?" She asked, cocking her head slightly. "What if you'd been caught by Mr Roger? He wouldn't of been very happy I don't think... He had a massive shout at Mello for doing that you know."

    Mello coughed and spluttered a little as the smoke wafted over to him. Making him feel sick to his stomach, as though he was going to throw up everything he'd eaten in the last few hours. Which mainly consisted of the dark chocolate he'd gotten hold of when he went into town that morning. Quickly climbing out of bed in his pajamas, which was only the bottom half of a set, and grabbing one of his black shirts from the draw under his matress. "How you can inhale that sh*t is beyond me." He muttered as he shut the door behind him. Pulling the shirt on rather quickly as a group of the younger girls wonder past, they giggled a little too much for his liking.
  17. Doukuro Chaser

    Jun 29, 2007
    "I never got caught before. And Mello got into trouble?"
  18. Sir Charles of Monocles The Fault in Our Stars

    Sep 19, 2007
    in my dorm room watching Tangled
    Matt blew out some more smoke. He picked up the controller and continued playing the game. "I am trying to only smoke once an hour now. Happy?"
  19. Near-to-Tears Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 4, 2007
    "It's still disgusting!" Mello yelled back through the door. "And you'll get cancer or something in the end. I bet that's what kills you, that or heart failure from all the fat that comes outta those things."

    "I've been caught as well... Rodger can sure shout when he wants too... And Mr Wammy can too... I heard him telling Mello off once. And yeah, he did. Even though he said it was Matt. Though, I'd like to believe him he sure does lie alot these days... I never know what to believe."
  20. Sir Charles of Monocles The Fault in Our Stars

    Sep 19, 2007
    in my dorm room watching Tangled
    "At least I won't get fat from eating too much chocolate." Matt pulled out a single bar of choclate from his pocket.
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