Death Note Game Version 4.0 Round 15!

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Princess Celestia, Sep 19, 2008.

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  1. jojoj13 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 30, 2008
    I think he/she has life that he/she likes so much, he/she forgot about killing us.

  2. Repliku Chaser

  3. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Who accused Gwen?? O.o'

    EDIT:: WTF...NEVERMIND. I'm really out of it at the moment. :sideways:
  4. Repliku Chaser

    Technically because the Kira hasn't killed in a day we should get a clue today.
  5. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Another update...

    Shinigami: Shinigami Ryuk*

    General Information:
    - HV left to call Ryuk at approximately at 6:33 PM on Friday, 9/19.
    - This thread was created on Friday, 9/19 at 8:06 PM PST.
    - Kira was probably chosen between ~6:40 PM — ~8:00 PM.
    - * = Invisible people.
    - * = Players that joined the game after the DN was dropped.

    The Dead: *smacks with a shovel*
    Finalform [false accusation]

    The Investigated/Innocent: Yeah...not so much
    Antiweapon:: Last activity was today at 12:30 PM. Finds everything in this thread Amusing, and was surprised to find himself already accused and cleared.
    Dalk:: Makes an extremely hard effort to prove he's not Kira. Currently active.
    L:: :3 *throws a cookie*
    HV:: Being proven innocent means nothing anymore considering many has had been chosen as Kira or a Mikami after this was done. He is notoriously popular as the BEST MIKAMI. There's always a chance that he might have the DN at any given time. Is currently active.
    Light:: x3 *tramples White House*

    The Accusers: Why aren't they dead yet?
    key4:: Accused Antiweapon. Chances of him being Kira is very slim. Newb to the game and seems to have given up. Last activity was today at 3:28 AM.
    Pika*:: Loves to make decisions FAST. Accused L, Light and Graxe. Not Kira.

    Pending Accusations: Here comes the epic tortures
    Graxe is accused by Pika_power [presented evidence...well used the info written by L and I]
    Pika_power is accused by Xegreny
    Gwen is accused by AntiWeapon

    Detectives/Suspects: Do you see what I see?
    [Prime Suspects]
    Graxe*:: always. Last post made in this thread was today, and he's currently active. He's offline at the moment, or playing the quiet game...which seems unlikely. Has been made Shinigami once, but never Kira. Suspicions are HIGH due to the fact that he was probably present when the DN was dropped and when Ryuk logged on [~6:33-6:40 PM] and made this thread [which was at ~8:06 PM]. Therefore it's a very high possibility that he might have received the DN during when he was on. His actions in the thread sound subtle, but it can always be a facade. He's been accused by Pika_power...let's see what happens now.
    Gwen:: No longer invisible!!! OMFGTFO! A widely known lover of DN and also considered an easy kill. She is always "joining" us when she could always been lurking the forums unbeknownst to the members. Sneaky, sneaky. She very well could have been present when the DN was dropped, and due to her invisibility, no one would be able to really confirm this as a fact unless she's made posts during that time period, which she didn't [Post made at 2:38 PM then at 10:16 PM yesterday]. However, she could always have been keeping quiet [which she does so most often] and simply observing things around her. Currently active. Give me a GOOD reason why I should take her off this list. Has been accused.
    jettie*:: Has gone invisible. Way to increas the suspicion! Was surprised to find her name here on the list of primary suspects, and had a little outburst sort of thing. Made only two posts so far, and has been absent for most of the game. There has not been many deaths, so her absence could say something about the pattern of death and her activities. Further details are needed. Last post made in this thread and in general was today at 02:40 PM.
    Kid:: Currently active. His previous activity time indicate that he was indeed present during the time period when the DN was dropped, therefore he remains as a prime suspect. He's given excuses as to why he's not been around, but it's still not enough to take him off this list. Consider the number of death and the time in between the death [lolol], and compare to the time of his activities on the forum.
    Saint:: Currently active. Same as the others. He was definitely active when the DN was dropped. He's been posting a lot here, but has not been showing any signs of suspicious activities. it could always be a facade. He's also somewhat of a newb to the game so we might have to wait and see how the details of the deaths come, and then compare it to his style.
    Fearless:: Currently active. Considering the fact that Ryuk possibly could have been online from ~6:33 PM until he logged off, he could've chosen her as his Kira. Though the thread itself was not created until 8:07 PM, after she was offline, Ryuk himself declared that Kira was chosen prior to the creation of this thread, therefore she still remains a potential Kira. She's also been making lists of her own, but it proves nothing.

    Haseo*:: Currently active [has he been around there that often?]. It's unreasonable that he is Kira, however, he is a perfect candidate for a Mikami considering he's close to one or more of the prime suspects.
    Absol*:: Last activity was today at 9:20 AM. NOT Kira, since she joined the game after HV and I invited her. However, this does put her in the possible position to be a Misa because of her epicness in general and her newbishness in this game. She's also a perfect candidate for a Misa for possible connections with one or more of the prime suspects.
    coco:: Currently active. She's a sweet, sweet girl...but she's still just as evil. Though she's not a reasonable candidate for a Kira, she's got all the potential to be a Misa. And she WILL rock it.
    cloud100:: Last activity was today at 1:39 PM. Though an initial player, he'd joined us well after the game had begun. However, he cannot be Kira due to the fact that he was inactive from 3:16 PM until he joined us. Can be a possible Mikami candidate, that's why he's here.

    Fayt*:: Last activity recorded was today at 3:06 PM. He's made himself invisible on Saturday evening...I wonder why. He's probably active now.
    Dmaster*:: Invisible. Was Mikami to Shades in the previous round. Has not posted in this thread yet. And most definitely NOT Kira, NOR Mikami.
    Key.xX:: Has not been around for much of the game, however, he's currently online. Newb to the game. NOT Kira.
    Saki:: Currently active. Has been made Kira before. Made MORE than one post here, but is not always around during game time. NOT Kira.
    StH:: Last activity was on Friday 9/19, at 3:21 PM. Has not posted in this thread yet. DEFINITELY NOT Kira.
    Xaale:: Currently online. Says she'll be playing this round quietly [lol right...]. Considering previous information she's DEFINITELY NOT Kira.
    AntiHero:: CANNOT be Kira this round due to the fact that he was LKira last round.
    CtR:: Was an awesome Misa during Round 13. Currently online. Considered an easy kill, and is now playing the game and has few posts. At this point we can assume that she's NOT Kira.
    TKM:: Last activity was today at 10:07 AM. Has been Kira before, but was caught too quickly. Likely to have received a second chance as being Kira, however it seems least likely at the moment. Chronological events and evidence point to the fact that he's NOT Kira.
    Shades:: Was RyuKira during round 14. NOT Kira.
    Xegreny*:: Currently active. It is unlikely for him to be Kira considering he's joined us AFTER the DN had been handed to Kira, however, it still does not stop him from being a possible Mikami. He's accused Pika_power on the grounds that he's still alive after two accusations, and now three.
    7th*:: Last activity was today at 2:43 PM. Not Kira, however still holds potential of being a possible Mikami.
    VGN*:: Not Kira. Wishes to be a suspect. Last activity was today at 2:46 PM. Come by the thread often.
    Mail Jeevas*:: I don't know when he joined, but NOT Kira.
    Roxas 95*:: NOT Kira.

    i second this. 8<
  6. keybladeofdarkness4 Twilight Town Denizen

    Attention all detectives!..........Testicles........That is all.
  7. jojoj13 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 30, 2008
    We should.


    Viewing the whole thread is hard.

    Mostly because i'm too bored to do it.

    Dang i'm too useless!

  8. Cocohints "Up to now, the most discussed topic is global war

    Sep 20, 2007
    Hunting for the Behemoth King fffffffff-
    .. I died a little on the inside trying to catch up in this thread. What is worse, ONLY FINALFORM HAS BEEN KILLED, AND HE WAS KILLED WHEN I WAS ONLINE LAST NIGHT. x.x

    Currently all I have noticed from the last 30 pages are randomness, list posting, tag discussions, Rosey intermission of random, and more random and lists.

    Pika_power, Xegreny and Antiweapon have made their accusations, so we wait for three interrogations. Since Kira hasn't seemed to kill anyone yet, he or she might even get a punishment UNLESS a name has already been added but has another time added.


    I don't know about you guys, but I'm gonna wait until ICSP gets his shinigami tosh over here. I'll drown him with various fruit if it means the case moving on. XD
  9. 7th Key of the Kingdom Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aug 29, 2008
    The good old US of A
  10. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]

    Ryuk!!! I demand that you stab the kira in his/her back!!! Rawr!!!
  11. Saintlikesgirls Chaser

    Nov 6, 2007
    Shush people, Ryuk's getting on right nao.

    i think
  12. Fearless A good and beautiful child

    Dec 17, 2006
    lmao idk

    Shinigami: Shinigami Ryuk
    The one...the only!

    The Dead

    Attempted Kills
    1st Phoenix Wright-XD
    2nd Santa -hes immortal, he doesnt die ^^

    The Investigated
    1st Antiweapon-accused by keybladeofdarkness4. innocent
    2nd Darkrequiem0-accused by finalform. innocent
    3rd L-accused by Pika_power. innocent (duh)
    4th Heartless_Vice-accused by finalform. innocent.
    5th Light Yagami-accused by Pika_power. innocent.

    Graxe-accused by Pika_power.
    Pika_power-accused by Xegreny.
    Gwen- accused by Antiweapon.

    The Accusers
    1st keybladeofdarkness4-accused Antiweapon.
    2nd finalform- accused Darkrequiem0.
    3rd Pika_power- accused L. wtf.
    4th finalform- 2nd accusation- accused Heartless_Vice.
    5th Pika_power- 2nd accusation- accused Light Yagami
    6th Pika_power- 3rd accusation wtf- accused Graxe
    7th Xegreny- accused Pika_power
    8th Antiweapon- accused Gwen

    L-hes L for gawds sake...
    Light Yagami-...nah. too obvious.
    keybladeofdarkness4-made random accusations early in the game. hmmmm...
    Gwen-no longer invisible, very suspicious...
    Heartless_Vice-also very obvious.
    cocohints/hot cocoa-apparently is always lurking
    Dmaster -yea... no
    Darkrequiem0-srsly, when do i not suspect him? XD
    Xx.KeyBlade Master.xX -has posted little. noobish. plays Xbox too much.
    レッツ・シェイク -has exploded XD
    Steal the Hail-hasnt posted yet
    Unsaintly_Saint-is insulting my investigation skills
    Xaale-is playing teh quiet game
    Kid Hero- has wanted to be kira in the past, misses alot due to having a 'life'.
    Graxe -has been shinigami in the past, but not kira. interesting.
    cloudart100- too noobish to be kira XD
    AnTi::Her0~> -kira numbah 2 last round. too obvious.
    jettie -has made lyke 2 posts. has proclaimed this statement is a lie. enjoys yelling at me over this.
    Fayt-Harkwind -hasnt posted yet
    Fearless-i think i would know if i was kira -_-!
    Antiweapon -innocent for now.
    TrueKeybladeMaster -being extremely random
    Shades -kira last round. still under suspicion, but is forgiven for being an a**
    Xegreny- claims he is being stalked
    Pika_Power- apparently enjoys accusing people.
    VidioGameNerd246-JUST joined.
    Mail Jeevas-also just joined.
    Haseo-hasnt posted much, could be lurking
    Absol-hasnt posted much, could be lurking
    roxas 95-just joined
    Catch the Rain- uberly awsome. just joined.
    7th Key of the Kingdom- ummm... yea.
  13. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Yes, Ryuk's here. >D
  14. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees Professional Crazy

    Aug 5, 2008
    The other side of the monitor
    Go Ryuk! Have despair rain from the heavens!
    *evil laughter*
  15. Fearless A good and beautiful child

    Dec 17, 2006
    lmao idk
    *evil laughter*
    i totaly stole that from sailor moon abridged XD
  16. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007

    Graxe is taken into custody, and beaten by being forced to debate Repliku. He give up quickly, and inteorgation reveals he has the ENTIRE collection of Benie Babies. He is released due to lack of evidence.

    Pika Power is taken into custody. After being tied to a lawn chair, he is pelted with baseballs pained half white and half red with a black stripe down the middle. The baseballs were thrown by Randy Johnson. Investigation of his home revealed that he is not an actual Pikachu, but a Ditto in disquise!

    Gwen is taken into custody. After being interogated for hours, she admits to everything. She is totally obsessed with Death Note. Upon investigating her home, they find a Death Note, however, upon further examination, it turns out to be an e-bay replica. And they find out that her dad is an Light Yagami cos-player... She is released due to lack of evidence.
  17. Chad Thundercucc The dharma of valvu; the dream of a clatoris

    Dec 1, 2006
    Anytown, USA.

    Does that make me anymore suspicious? 8D
  18. Saintlikesgirls Chaser

    Nov 6, 2007
    no deaths? seriously? -.- how lame
  19. Chad Thundercucc The dharma of valvu; the dream of a clatoris

    Dec 1, 2006
    Anytown, USA.
    I lol'd at Gwen's interrogation.
  20. keybladeofdarkness4 Twilight Town Denizen

    are you forgetting that Santa Claus was killed by Kira?
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