Death Note Game Version 4.0 Round 15!

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Princess Celestia, Sep 19, 2008.

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  1. BlazBlue Calamity King's Apprentice

    Dec 19, 2006
    Man i miss alot being on my Xbox all the time x.x

    ok so one death so far (lulzy one)

  2. AntiWeapon Chaser

    Jan 18, 2007
    Time to see if Replius investigation holds up.

    -Smashes hands onto the table then raises ones and points in a Phoenix Wright fasion.-

    I accuse Gwen of being kira!
  3. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies

    If you catch another Kira....
  4. AntiWeapon Chaser

    Jan 18, 2007
    If I catch another kira ill probebly be killed first thing next round. D:

    Why halo thar Gwen. D:
  5. Repliku Chaser

    Shinigami: Shinigami Ryuk
    The one...the only!

    The Dead
    FinalForm false accusation.

    The Investigated
    1st Antiweapon is accused by keybladeofdarkness4.
    2nd Darkrequiem0 accused by Finalform.
    3rd L accused by Pika_Power. Innocent and making up for sugar loss.
    4th Heartless_Vice accused by Finalform.
    5th Light Yagami accused by Pika_Power.
    6th Graxe accused by Pika_Power. (pending)
    7th Pika_Power accused by Xegreny. (pending)
    8th Gwen by Antiweapon. (pending)

    The Accusers
    1st keybladeofdarkness4 accuses Antiweapon
    2nd Finalform accuses Darkrequiem0.
    3rd Pika_Power accuses L. woe is me.
    4th Finalform accuses Heartless_Vice.
    5th Pika_Power accuses Light Yagami.
    6th Pika_Power accuses Graxe.
    7th Xegreny accuses Pika_Power.
    8th Antiweapon accuses Gwen.


    Least likely to be Kira by time increments. The time possibly to choose a Kira would be between 6:33 pm to game start. These suspects were not present in the allotted time. Keep in mind this does not totally eliminate them, nor does it mean one of them could not become a Misa/Mikami.

    cocohints/hot cocoa - last activity 11:42 am. hmm. **
    Saki - last activity 1:03 pm. Former kira.
    Xx.KeyBlade Master.xX - yesterday at 10:10 am.
    Steal the Hail - last activity 3:21 pm
    cloudart100 - last activity - 3:16 pm. **
    Fayt-Harkwind - last activity - 4:15 pm.
    TrueKeybladeMaster - last activity 6:38 am. Showed up late into the game. Was a brief Kira but did not participate.
    Catch the Rain - last activity - 5:54 PM. Former Misa. Doesn't even seem to be playing this round as she has not posted in the current thread at all.
    Antiweapon - active but cleared of being the original kira.

    Hunches of lesser percentage Kiras.

    L - um..right. Accused. I'm so not trusted.
    Light - I doubt at this time Light is the current Kira. Former Kira but also participating in the investigation strongly.
    Dmaster - is invisible. - though invisible he is the last round's Mikami, and died by the Shinigami so I am doubting he's the Kira.
    keybladeofdarkness4 - currently active. Asked to be the Shinigami though the game is on and a Kira already is selected. Trickery perhaps but doubtful.
    Shades - last Kira. - currently active at game start. Last Kira, so doubtful. **
    Xaale - last activity - 7:43 pm yesterday.
    Darkrequiem0 - on at game start. Accused and cleared.
    Pika_Power - came in after the Kira was chosen.
    Absol - Came in after Kira was chosen. **
    Heartless_Vice - currently active. Been Mikami a few times. Not sure though if he'd be this round. Doubting it. Accused and waiting judgment.
    Haseo - Joined after the game started on the first day. **
    VideoGameNerd246 - Came in on the second day of the game. Wants to be a mikami.
    Mail Jeevas - joined after the game started, 2nd day.
    Roxas 95 - joined on the 2nd day of the game. **

    Possible higher percentage suspects:

    Graxe - is invisible. Last post at 9:11 pm, earliest 8:35 pm. formerly 6:27 pm yesterday. This would put him in time. Has been former Shinigami but not Kira. Graxe was highly suspicious at first but because finalform made his accusation at 10:48 pm yesterday and Graxe's last post was at 9:15 pm yesterday, this lowers the suspicion of him a bit. He still should be investigated further but this does lessen some suspicion.
    Gwen - invisible. Last post was at 2:38 but she also posted at 10:16 and since we can't tell but by posts, this leaves her suspicious. Invisible people = bad! If she actually lasts a while she'd be a strong suspect. - New, apparently she has removed herself from invisible but this does not remove her from being a primary suspect.
    Unsaintly_Saint - active at start of game. Currently inactive. 9:02 pm. Could be gone but yet kira or candidate for Misa/Mikami. Is newer to the game.
    Kid Hero - last activity - 7:59 pm. has wanted to be the kira formerly. Has tried to call out Kira.
    AnTi::Her0~>/DemoN:||D@ys - last activity - 8:21 pm. Was last round Kira. Doubtful to be the Kira now. **
    jettie - last activity - 7:11 pm. Perhaps. Need to study. Her activity tends to be sparse. Posted last at 7:54 am today. and before that 7:01 pm the day before.
    Fearless - last activity - 7:25 pm. leaning towards no. Not dismissing yet though. Could be a candidate for misa. xD last activity 8:45 pm. Was on well before death was posted and after.
    Xegreny - currently active at start of game. Last activity for today is 1:41. 11:59 was last post. 2:45 pm is when death was posted but set for the time 2:18.
    7th Key of the Kingdom - activity at 7:09 pm. Possibly not. Activity has been very sparse.

    Those in orange are my highest suspects at the moment and those in dark red are secondary. I may be moving the list though as I continue to investigate. Those in black, so far are not yet giving off warning signs and also aren't invisible or being irregular to their usual conduct yet.

    ** Potential misas if one were chosen though at this time there are no signs to indicate it.

    The only kill made in 2 days now is finalform's death. I am sure the Kira does come in and check the thread. finalform's death was due to accusations and we have others also that have made accusations and are free to do so again, as Pika is taking advantage of. It is curious why keybladeofdarkness4 is not though death could be lurking around the corner, let alone why he is still around since his first accusation was around the same time as finalform's. Was finalform singled out perhaps, or knew something and he needed to be silenced? Or did keybladeofdarkness4 make some deal? We will have to watch these things. It could be that finalform accused twice and since keybladeofdarkness4 is not doing anything more, that for the moment it is good to leave him alive to throw off investigations as well. Pika though is taking advantage of his position and pushing constraints so it is something to monitor.


    So we have two new accusations waiting. Good luck guys. We have to keep in mind that even if the accusations are proven false, especially one of them has the highest chances of being the Kira. It won't mean the Death Note has shifted hands so it is important now to watch what happens and this could be told. Of course, there's a chance I am also wrong, so that too must be considered, though I hate to admit that. ^_^
  6. BlazBlue Calamity King's Apprentice

    Dec 19, 2006
    dude im right here .....
  7. Rosey Chaser

    Apr 15, 2007
  8. jojoj13 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 30, 2008
    If only life wasn't so busy.

    Then again, We wouldn't have computers.

  9. ArchVice Gummi Ship Junkie

    Aug 18, 2008
    I assure you, he is not stalling. He has things to do on Sundays. He'll be on soon.
  10. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels


    I'm gathering evidence.​
  11. jojoj13 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 30, 2008
    Maybe this guy goes to church.

    Like me.

  12. Chad Thundercucc The dharma of valvu; the dream of a clatoris

    Dec 1, 2006
    Anytown, USA.
    That'd be a nice accusation...if he was actually playing.

    And me.
  13. Saintlikesgirls Chaser

    Nov 6, 2007
    Hai guys and girls.

    And me.
  14. ArchVice Gummi Ship Junkie

    Aug 18, 2008
    And me................
  15. Radiowave ITSA PIIINCH

    Apr 2, 2007
    You know, across the universe
    I got some intel on Kira...
  16. Xaale Sylph of Hope

    Nov 22, 2007
    Land of Autumn and Angels
    And me :D

    I went to church about... 6 hours ago and got back 3 and a half hours ago.​
  17. jettie Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 5, 2008
    and not me.
  18. Repliku Chaser

    Intel on Kira?
  19. Destined Working for WDW

    May 6, 2007
    Lost in the Rockies
    Church is on TV right now.
  20. Graxe King's Apprentice

    Dec 15, 2007
    What L said.
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