Death Note Game Version 4.0 Round 15!

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Princess Celestia, Sep 19, 2008.

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  1. Saintlikesgirls Chaser

    Nov 6, 2007
    alrighty thennnnn

    7 pages in one night?
    nice job spammas .~.
  2. Repliku Chaser

    I already have your name so that isn't what is happening here. xD It is fun to confuse people though.

    Shinigami: Shinigami Ryuk
    The one...the only!

    The Dead
    none yet!

    The Investigated
    1st Antiweapon is accused by keybladeofdarkness4.
    2nd Darkrequiem0 accused by Finalform.
    3rd L accused by Pika_Power. (Pending)
    4th Heartless_Vice accused by Finalform (pending)

    The Accusers
    1st keybladeofdarkness4 accuses Antiweapon
    2nd Finalform accuses Darkrequiem0.
    3rd Pika_Power accuses L. woe is me.
    4th Finalform accuses Heartless_Vice.


    Least likely to be Kira by time increments. The time possibly to choose a Kira would be between 6:33 pm to game start. These suspects were not present in the allotted time. Keep in mind this does not totally eliminate them, nor does it mean one of them could not become a Misa/Mikami.

    cocohints/hot cocoa - last activity 11:42 am. hmm.
    Saki - last activity 1:03 pm. Former kira.
    Xx.KeyBlade Master.xX - yesterday at 10:10 am.
    Steal the Hail - last activity 3:21 pm
    cloudart100 - last activity - 3:16 pm.
    Fayt-Harkwind - last activity - 4:15 pm.
    TrueKeybladeMaster - last activity 6:38 am. Showed up late into the game. Was a brief Kira but did not participate.
    Catch the Rain - last activity - 5:54 PM. Former Misa.
    Antiweapon - active but cleared of being the original kira.

    Hunches of lesser percentage Kiras.

    L - um..right. Accused. I'm so not trusted.
    Light - I doubt at this time Light is the current Kira. Former Kira but also participating in the investigation strongly.
    Dmaster - is invisible. - though invisible he is the last round's Mikami, and died by the Shinigami so I am doubting he's the Kira.
    keybladeofdarkness4 - currently active. Asked to be the Shinigami though the game is on and a Kira already is selected. Trickery perhaps but doubtful.
    Shades - last Kira. - currently active at game start. Last Kira, so doubtful.
    Xaale - last activity - 7:43 pm yesterday.
    Darkrequiem0 - on at game start. Accused and cleared.
    finalform - last activity 7:47 pm - now is currently active. Wished to change hasty accusation. Possibly not Kira. However, it does not mean he could not become a Misa.
    Pika_Power - came in after the Kira was chosen.
    Absol - Came in after Kira was chosen.
    Heartless_Vice - currently active. Been Mikami a few times. Not sure though if he'd be this round. Doubting it. Accused and waiting judgment.
    VideoGameNerd246 - Came in on the second day of the game. Wants to be a mikami.
    Mail Jeevas - joined after the game started, 2nd day.

    Possible higher percentage suspects:

    Graxe - is invisible. Last post at 9:11 pm, earliest 8:35 pm. formerly 6:27 pm yesterday. This would put him in time. Has been former Shinigami but not Kira.
    Gwen - invisible. Last post was at 2:38 but she also posted at 10:16 and since we can't tell but by posts, this leaves her suspicious. Invisible people = bad! If she actually lasts a while she'd be a strong suspect.
    Unsaintly_Saint - active at start of game. Currently inactive. 9:02 pm. Could be gone but yet kira or candidate for Misa/Mikami. Is newer to the game.
    Kid Hero - last activity - 7:59 pm. has wanted to be the kira formerly.
    AnTi::Her0~>/DemoN:||D@ys - last activity - 8:21 pm. Was last round Kira. Doubtful to be the Kira now.
    jettie - last activity - 7:11 pm. Perhaps. Need to study. His activity tends to be sparse.
    Fearless - last activity - 7:25 pm. leaning towards no. Not dismissing yet though. Could be a candidate for misa. xD
    Xegreny - currently active. unsure at this moment. studying.
    7th Key of the Kingdom - activity at 7:09 pm. Possibly not.

    Those in orange are my highest suspects at the moment and those in dark red are secondary. I may be moving the list though as I continue to investigate. Those in black, so far are not yet giving off warning signs and also aren't invisible or being irregular to their usual conduct yet.
  3. Chad Thundercucc The dharma of valvu; the dream of a clatoris

    Dec 1, 2006
    Anytown, USA.
    You forgot to mention that I'm a great candidate for Mikami. D:
  4. Repliku Chaser

    Okay, added just for you. xD.

    And I found more names of Death Note people for titles I'll write up later today to expand my list I've got going on in my sig. There are some cool characters that have played lesser roles but still were awesomesauce in my book.

    Hmm, I'll add them now.

    Takeshi, Hatori, Higuchi, Kida, Midou, Namikawa, Shimura, Takahashi, are all members of the Yotsuba Corporation and organize kills of competitive alternative corporations.

    Aber - a smooth talking con artist that works with L and portrays Coil, which is really an alternate identity for L.

    Misora Naomi - a very smart woman who was Penbar's wife but also an ex-FBI agent herself that had worked with L on a case.

    Kanzo Mogi - a detective from the police force that works with L and the others. He also works with Near and is a silent type but very diverse in skill.

    Soichiro Yagami - another detective on the team with L to find the Kira. He's Light's daddy.

    Aizawa - the final detective to work with L to find the Kira.

    Nori - a friend of Misa's who helps her occasionally.

    Hirokazu Ukita - another police detective that helps L with finding Light. He died by Misa killing him when he tried to stop a broadcast from her at the television station.

    Wedy - a thief, lockpick extraordinaire and pretty good at acting. She's very smooth and assists L, along with Aber.

    Boy was I bored. xD
  5. Chad Thundercucc The dharma of valvu; the dream of a clatoris

    Dec 1, 2006
    Anytown, USA.
    Like who?
  6. Saintlikesgirls Chaser

    Nov 6, 2007
  7. Xegreny Kingdom Keeper

    Apr 2, 2007
    Oh great. Now L can just sell me off to Kira if he finds me irritating. >:

    OH SHI-
  8. Saintlikesgirls Chaser

    Nov 6, 2007
    Pffft if i knew your name and you were being annoying i woulden't sell you out, i'd just make myself suspicious so you'd accuse me and then die out of false accusations.
  9. jojoj13 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 30, 2008

    But still, I wouldn't be a good at doing that.

  10. Saintlikesgirls Chaser

    Nov 6, 2007
    Maybe that's a lie and deception.
  11. Fearless A good and beautiful child

    Dec 17, 2006
    lmao idk
    hey, L, you could also put in that one dude... the one from the novel. i think his name was Birthday or something...?

    somewhat updated list:

    Shinigami: Shinigami Ryuk
    The one...the only!

    The Dead
    none yet.

    Attempted Kills
    1st Phoenix Wright XD

    The Investigated
    1st Antiweapon-accused by keybladeofdarkness4
    2nd Darkrequiem0-accused by finalform.

    L-accused by Pika_power. ftw.
    Heartless_Vice-accused by finalform

    The Accusers
    1st keybladeofdarkness4-accused Antiweapon.
    2nd finalform- accused Darkrequiem0.
    3rd Pika_power- accused L. wtf.
    4th finalform- 2nd accusation- accused Heartless_Vice.

    L-most likely not kira, but I'm not gonna cross him off yet.
    Light Yagami-...nah. too obvious.
    keybladeofdarkness4-made random accusations early in the game. hmmmm...
    Gwen-invisible, possibly lurking
    Heartless_Vice-also very obvious.
    cocohints/hot cocoa-could be lurking.
    Dmaster -yea... no
    Darkrequiem0-dont i always suspect him? XD
    Xx.KeyBlade Master.xX -has not posted yet
    レッツ・シェイク -i dont think hes posted either
    finalform -made random accusations, acted very suspicious earlier...
    Steal the Hail-hasnt posted yet
    Unsaintly_Saint-hasnt posted since lyke page 5
    Xaale-hasnt posted yet
    Kid Hero- has wanted to be kira in the past, misses alot due to have a 'life'.
    Graxe -has been shinigami in the past, but not kira. interesting.
    cloudart100- too noobish to be kira XD
    AnTi::Her0~> -kira numbah 2 last round. too obvious.
    jettie -has made lyke 2 posts
    Fayt-Harkwind -hasnt posted yet
    Fearless-i think i would know if i was kira -_-!
    Antiweapon -innocent for now.
    TrueKeybladeMaster -being extremely random
    Shades -kira last round. was an a** and lied to me =P. MORE LISTS. too obvious
    Xegreny- claims he is being stalked
    Pika_Power- apparently enjoys accusing people.
    VidioGameNerd246-JUST joined.
    Mail Jeevas-also just joined.
    Haseo-hasnt posted much, could be lurking
    Absol-hasnt posted much, could be lurking

    subject to change when i feel like it.
  12. jojoj13 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 30, 2008
    I would know if i am.

    But somehow, I do not know if i am telling the truth.


    I hate/love/like my life.

    That doesn't mean Kira's not them.

    I guess Kira isn't even picked yet.

  13. Fearless A good and beautiful child

    Dec 17, 2006
    lmao idk
    kira IS picked, but Ryuk is not on at the moment.
    and by 'just joined', i mean lyke an hour ago.
  14. Chad Thundercucc The dharma of valvu; the dream of a clatoris

    Dec 1, 2006
    Anytown, USA.
    You ever consider the shinigami chose someone he knew would join, but made them join a day later to lower suspicions?
  15. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Work hard guys. <33 Unfortunately I won't be here much for the most part today since I'm flipping the house and redecorating it, but I'll log in once in a while and leave clues if I find any. ^_^-

    Oh, and I apologize for the all the gender confusions and such...I was in a rush last night. :sweatdrop: I'll fix those when I update the list later today. I'm sorry! :3
  16. Saintlikesgirls Chaser

    Nov 6, 2007
    oh my goshly gosh you're so suspicious!
  17. Fearless A good and beautiful child

    Dec 17, 2006
    lmao idk
    ... f**k
    *fixes list*
  18. Cocohints "Up to now, the most discussed topic is global war

    Sep 20, 2007
    Hunting for the Behemoth King fffffffff-
    Hm, probably not happening. ICSP/Ryuk said himself that when THIS thread was made, a Kira was chosen. I doubt he'd cheat just like that. There was this one round where people kept accusing the shinigami to be Kira, looooool. The game starts when a Kira is chosen so when a person joins in later, that person can't be the original Kira.

    And thanks for the correction Repliku... Shades.. *gives candy*
  19. Chad Thundercucc The dharma of valvu; the dream of a clatoris

    Dec 1, 2006
    Anytown, USA.
    Meh. I know. Still, it's a great plan.
  20. Cocohints "Up to now, the most discussed topic is global war

    Sep 20, 2007
    Hunting for the Behemoth King fffffffff-
    Who knows though? It's been proven that there's some Kiras and X-Kiras out there who proved to be very dangerous plotters, or just damn lucky. We've only just begun. :>
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