Well... I've only read till volume 8 and a half and so far I've seen no doll... -_- But your sig: I like it. Very nice. Color would make it even more awesome. And even though the doll doesn't stick out so much, it looks like it was sort of slapped on there. The dark splotches on he left looked like a shadow in my perifeal (sp -_-) vision, though. luulz. All in all, it's good. edit: ps: I like the X's too.
Um...... 5 minutes. About how long it took me. Because usually when I get back on Kh-Vids.net after making one, I'm logged off. This time, I was still logged in.
It's not really that great. The backround is okay, but you didn't do anything to the stock, just stuck it there. Try harder. The colours don't even match. Also, the text isn't great. Next time, flatten the image, duplicate it and then do a gradient map to some colours that are close to the image. Set the layer to color at about 40%. Look for other ways to blend the stock, too. Keep Trying.
The Xs are great as well as the font and the doll. :) Is it supposed to be gothic? The background is losing my impression.:( :( :( @ HigherBeing: It is in the anime, in case you haven't noticed, in Misa's room.:D
Oh. See, I've never seen the anime. Just the manga. But that's cool though. I wonder if I'll see it in the manga... >.> *has only read up to vol. 9*
Well, you're color-coordinated, sort of, but in a positive way. The X's do look nice but it doesn't go well in the sig and since it's dominating most of it, it doesn't look well blended. Instead of using X's, try using other effects/brushes. I'm not sure if it would look better or not, but you could change the size of the render/stock. But overall, it's okay.