Sorry if this is in the wrong place but I was just wondering if anyone knows where you can download Death Note clips?
Nuuuuuu don't bump threads!!!! I usually get them on Youtube, which I search for that episode and English Dub. My friend told me yesterday about some site...animesurf or tvsurf...I think it's tvsurf. I'll check for you. If you promise not to bump threads >.> I am not a mod, you lucky duck.
You can't download vids from youtube. I would be one happy person if you could. I usually download my death note episodes from You should check it out. It's really hard to find english dubs there, though. You sometimes get only episodes of random tv always seems to be lila tequila. I hope this helped~ The quality of the clips goes down a little when you download from youtube.
Do you have to make an account on Veoh first, and is it legal to download clips from there? Okay..since you have to give out your e-mail address does it give you spam letters, and will downloading this way give me viruses, ect.?
Just go to They have all the episodes on direct download. Plus youtube put a thing in it so you can't download things anymore T_T I've tried. note anime manga.html
Okkkayyy....when you go to sighn have to give like a load of personal info..will they know if you put..different stuff there? Because I don't think some random website needs to know where I live, my time zone and all that stuff...
Demi gave me this site but she said you'll have to join first note anime manga.html
you could use real player 11 the free vesion and for extra information just PM me k ^_^ or something calledyoutube kiss (well something like that ) and for the DN clips check here VVV hope it helps ^_^
I've been using it for a while, and I've received no e-mail from it except the links to the files I've converted. It's pretty safe.
Same topic, but different question Could you tell me where to go download some Naruto, some Final Fanstasy( doesn't matter which ones) Kingdom Hearts and Blood+. as in videos please!!!
Probably same site as the Death Note ones. I.Can't.Believe.You.Don't.Know.Where.To.Download.Kingdom.Hearts.Vids. *points to name of site* Check out the cutscene archive. And I see you are new....welcome to the forums :D I hope we can be friends. I didn't mean to put you down earlier in my post, just to let you know. Hope this helps :D