Death Battle: Mario VS Sonic

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta, Apr 25, 2013.

  1. burnitup Still the Best 1973

    Mar 4, 2007
    Awesome Town
    *shoots Superman vs. Batman argument with a sawed-off shotgun* We are not going down this road again.

    I'm incline to say Alucard would win.

    Not so sure about this one.
  2. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    I'm glad I wasn't the only one questioning the relevance of a 2 year old video..

    And, I'm curious, how would you figure Terry is superior to Bruce? Is it simply the new suit and technology? (I'm wondering cause my brother is watching Batman Beyond lately)
  3. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    I just prefer Terry's personality. ...Plus his suit really is better. XD
  4. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    Oh, I was hoping for some really in-depth explanation, like Terry being a better fighter or something >.>

    Besides, the Batman Beyond suit was Bruce Wayne's suit. He just wasn't able to do the job anymore cause he's old and busted, and Terry's the new hotness.
  5. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    Meanwhile if it was Sherlock vs. the Doctor and Sherlock won, you probably wouldn't let us hear the end of it for weeks

    I'm for both of these. \o/

    At his very best, most physically fit, most intelligent, and most ruthless, Bruce has only ever been able to come to a stand-still with the Joker.

    Terry beat him. At the best the Joker has ever been and then some, with brand new monstrously destructive toys at his disposal, and all the crass wit and psycho-manipulative cruelty he's ever had, he not only lost to Terry, he lost at his own game.

    No one out-talks the Joker.

    Except Terry motherfucking McGinnis.
  6. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    Actually Nova, I would accept it, like I did when Goku, my childhood hero, lost to Superman, who I really don't give a crap about. If I were to ***** about my preferred person losing now, I'd be a hypocrite.
  7. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    I've literally never heard of Joker being able to actually outright kill Batman before, while I've read the opposite: Batman being able to easily kill Joker multiple times, but not doing so out of his own rule. And there are some very, very few instances where Bats actually does kill Joker.

    Like in Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns (yes the one where he also fights Superman):


    The most I've heard Joker able to do is, as you've said, come to a stand-still with Batman...
  8. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta The Demon Slayer

    Jun 24, 2007
    The Plains
    I don't recall anyone actually "throwing a fit" when Goku lost so to speak. Iirc we were merely only stating reasons why that video was inaccurate and why Goku should have won. And I feel I should point out some more of the said inaccuracies with Goku VS Superman.

    First of all, Superman DOES have Limits. And he most certainly is not "just as strong as he needs to be". Let me also point out that Superman's home planet Krypton was 10x the gravity of Earth's. But Goku later trained in gravity far higher than that. And he could also withstand it in just his base saiyan form alone. Superman IS very powerful yes but he can still be hurt by strong villains. Like Darksied, Mongul and Doomsday etc. And Darksied doesn't even have to use his Omega Beams at full power to hurt Superman. Superman also got beaten up real bad when he fought people who were nothing more than mere humans inside power suits. And Superman did not move the earth and moon by his own power. He had help from Wonder Woman, Green Lantern and Martian Manhunter. And Hawkman was even shown to own Superman with a punch that had the force of a planet one time. I'd also like to point out that many Superman fans often like to hide the fact that they "forget" that Pre-Crisis Superman was the one who sneezed away an entire Galaxy. But that was only because of Myx's dust. LOTS of Myx's dust. Superman also did not lift 200 Quintillion Tons by his own natural power. It was only because his body was unstable from prolonged exposure to red sunlight. And even though Superman gains alot of strength from the sun Goku can gather energy from the entire UNIVERSE. And Superman hasn't fought villains near as powerful as the ones Goku has. We've got Frieza who could destroy entire planets with just one finger, Cell who could destroy an enitre Solar System, And then there's Majin Buu who's power literally threatened the entire universe. He could teleport anywhere instantly and destroy anything in space and then revert completely unharmed even though his body gets destroyed into molecules.

    And they forgot GT Goku, his base power would be equal to his SSJ3 form in DBZ. Why? You might ask. Well, Majin Buu was capable of ripping holes between dimensions, and he started out weaker than SSJ3. Gotenks had to go SS3 to be able to do the same thing. In GT, Goku uses a kamehameha to rip a hole between dimensions in his base form. Goku fought General Rildo, who Goku stated was stronger than Majin Buu, and he only had to go SSJ to beat him. In ScrewAttack's Death Battle Preview for Goku, they originally say that they were going to use "every possible source, as long as it doesn't conflict with the official Japanese Manga." Which leads to the conclusion that they shouldn't have missed out the power difference between GT and DBZ Goku. They basically used DBZ Goku, and slapped SSJ4 Goku at the end. They can't do that because GT and DBZ are completely separate because Goku in DBZ had no tail. This means they can't use SSJ4 for DBZ Goku like they did.

    This means they should have used Goku's DBZ SS3 stats, and used it as his base form power, and then multiplied it using the SSJ forms.

    Which would give you these results:

    Maximum Strength: 64,000,000 (sixty-four million) tons >
    Maximum Speed: 1,029,488,912,000 km/hr <
    Maximum Durability: 1.36 septillion MT (136,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) (24 Zeros) >

    Goku actually turns out to be much faster than Superman. His durability is a bit off from Superman’s, but that doesn't mean much due to the fact that they said that his output of Ki is equal to his durability, which means he can just use that power to increase his strength e.g. Dragon Fist which would be easily over Superman's durability level. And Goku's overall combat skills would easily overcome Superman’s strength. Goku has alot more martial arts skills than Superman, which was not really shown in the Death Battle but was shown in DBZ, which means it would be easy for him to combat Superman's martial arts.

    Overall, If ScrewAttack had gone into a bit more research into Goku's and Superman's statistics, they would have realized Goku is a lot more powerful than they made him out to be and that Superman is not as powerful as they made him out to be and that Goku would win.
  9. Ars Nova Just a ghost.

    Nov 28, 2009
    Hell 71
    Jaden you lost me at "GT Goku"

    Yeah, but it tends to be that Joker sets the pace, and he's not really trying to kill Batman. Ever. He just keeps goading him into a fight. Hell, even in that example, he snaps his own neck to get Bats in trouble.

    That and, to my knowledge, the Joker's actual fighting ability is in flux across several interpretations, timelines, alternate universes etc. Meanwhile, when he fights Terry, he's clearly geared for a fight, has the body and skills of one of the only people who could ever have beaten him, and has no qualms about killing the upstart punk standing in his way if it means he goes free. He was unquestionably out for blood, and he still lost. So you could argue Terry beat a Joker even more unhinged than usual. That's gotta earn some points.
  10. Hiro ✩ Guardian

    Dec 28, 2010
    I just read "GT Goku", and I stopped there :/
  11. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta The Demon Slayer

    Jun 24, 2007
    The Plains
    Not to be rude but did any of you even bother to read my whole post? If you did you would see that I made some very valid and good points...
  12. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    You must have been on the other side of the internet then.

    You missed the point of that statement. Writers are able to make Superman just as strong as he needs to be for the story they want to, while Goku's power is pretty much a decided thing, in order for his story to work...if that makes sense?

    This, I agree with. But in all honesty GT should never have been brought into account. That anime is so damn inconsistent.

    Dragon Fist came from a non-canon movie, but they brought in GT anyway so whatever.

    In the end, it's literally almost impossible to compare the two characters. As they said near the end of the DeathBattle, Goku's story is about becoming stronger in order to keep the universe safe, and Superman's is about being one of the strongest beings in the universe and having to control that in order to do the same: keep the universe safe.

    I forgot that Joker was the one who did it ._.

    And yeah, Joker was in killing mode for Terry, but I'm sure Bruce would be perfectly able to take Joker too if he actually decided to kill him.

    So, here's a better battle to ponder: Terry McGinnis VS Bruce Wayne (in his prime)