yogurt companies, stop putting pieces of fruit in your product. its gross. i don't like navigating a minefield of soggy strawberries to eat on otherwise refreshing snack. please stop. sincerely,
I also like the fruit in my yogurt. But opening up a whole other can of worms, I don't like parfaits because I don't like to eat nuts. Where does everyone stand on that all-important issue?
Nuts should be a choice, like how some yogurt snacks include a little container for M&M's that is sealed by itself, packaged alongside the yogurt.
hey man i dont have anything against fruit i just dont like gross moist strawberries taking up yogurt space peach bits in peach yogurt is pretty good ngl
But ... but I like those ! Can' t you just pick a nature or mixed yogurt next time ? Oh and those yogurts with pieces of fruits and cake ? Best yogurts ever. As for nature yogurts all my money' s on petits suisses.
In my house we always go for the tubs of plain yogurt. That way you can throw whatever you want in there.