I think you should go if you don't wanna be humiliated when someone asks you "Who'd you go with!?" If you have no one to go with, then don't bother.
Yes, yes you should. Even if you don't have someone to go with it's still a hell of a lot of fun to just hang out with some friends and maybe ask some single women to dance. It's not about the possible romantic moment, it's about just having fun. Better than your alternative which I'm guessing it just hanging out here. Seriously to those agreeing to the needing someone to go with, your desperate for love and deep moments and I laugh at you. Your young, have fun and just be social and those moments you want to happen may just happen unless your a twat. It isn't humiliating to show up to prom without a date. This isn't a movie, lot's of people do so. It's a social event and something to do with your time, get over yourselves. ZOMG I R NAET GUN GIT FAWKD LIEK OTHA GAIZ DER I MUST CRAWL IN CORNER AND DIE! Pathetic...
lol. I see you have all enjoyed the multi-option of the poll. This poll proves to be very amusing. (:I was planning on going since forever ago. OMG PLOT TWIST! DDD:
Don't I always? Can't we just all mutually accept everything I say as truth and cut out the middleman?
Booo. Prom sucks. Use the money to start a small game making group between friends. I need you to make it rich and come out with a new console that doesnt suck.
The reason I'm saying to not go if there's no one to go with is because prom, unlike the other dances, is like $150 just to get in (at least at my school it is). If you had a date with you, it was half the cost. I dunno, maybe other schools are different. But hell if it looks like fun, then by all means go and have a good time. Though I doubt there will be many singles at prom if that's what you're hoping for...