Spoiler Someone please shoot me, for I do not wish to know how 4Kids has managed to f*ck this up. Because we all know they did. [Also I hate paint. Look what it did to this pic. I miss you Photoshop ;___;]
WELL EXCUSE ME FOR BEING BUSY. Also don't talk to your Supreme King that way. B| Or else there might be some cliff-pushing going on.
Man the pitchforks! Unleash the haters and trolls! We march on 4Kids! God Yuma's english dubbed voice SUCKS!!!!!!
I have made 4kids into a swear. Instead of 'what the f*ck', when I'm in the presence of my younger cousins, I say 'what the 4kids'. I think it works very well.
Well if they screwed up the ending of 5Ds, by not even showing the ending and making a half-assed one in the process. Eeeeh, I don't care about ZeXal.
I don't really care for dubbing of shows, since I'd rather see things in english, but what I can't take is that they put Yugioh this far. I mean, it's not even Yugioh anymore. The first yugioh had cool things like Shadow Games and Millenium stuff. GX was pretty good, since it had its own version of shadow games and all, and I consider 5D's good just because it's got great effects, a really good story, even though it's all about the netherworld and time travel; but this.....oh man, this is just wrong. I don't think they should have done this. It is a disgrace to yugioh