[ It was basically like this: The government decided it needed to make sure everyone's typing accuracy was at the level of 80% or higher. It created this computer program that all citizens would have to use until they reached that level of accuracy. REGARDLESS OF AGE. And I don't know what they'd do about people who didn't have computers. It had a name, but I don't remember it. The program worked in phases. The government would release the phases on different dates, and they got progressively more difficult. When the program was announced, they had a group of people on a stage to demonstrate it... and I was one of them. Also, I remember that they said the second phase would be released on my birthday v: So the announcer talked for a while and then we started the demonstration. And it was HARD. Insanely difficult. It was like those typing tests you can find online, but covered a lot of different topics and you had to type each word within a certain amount of time. If you couldn't keep up, which seemed to be impossible, it just moved forward without you. I remember the announcer going around to check on us as we worked, and I was so far behind I had practically just given up and she got mad at me. I type at 90 wpm >: . I don't remember why I woke up but I think something bad happened to me since I had gotten so far behind. tl;dr it was 1984 meets typing class or something. ]
...You didn't say "lol" once in this. You always say "lol". not sure if brain police But on topic, haha, I would fail. So hard. I only type with like two fingers at a time. :B
Dream Interpretation: you are afraid of falling short of standards & being inadequate. Commentary: Plums, I think my grandmother types better than you based on that description. c: Observation: I am posting like HK-47. o:
You so stole what I was going to say -.- Anyway, if this was introduced I would laugh so much- luckily I am quite a fast typer apart from the many typos and missed out words, and for some reason I always put a semi-colon where apostrophes are meant to be because I can't reach the button. >:3