Hurray! : D Over here it's 14.25, and I had no idea there were a thing called Australia Day, but HURRAY! : D
DAMN YOU RRMS AND YOUR DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIMES just coz NSW's cows are picky does't mean QLD's are it's only 11:30pm here WE KICK YOUR BUTTS IN FOOTY! also technically, if you think about it, we British should be thanked.
Why is that? Because the British had so many criminals they shipped them here when the prisons were full? Sorry, i just dont see how people can say that...
Fisheh, I guess.... Meh, Im BRaindead on holidays so I've forgotten my history until then xD You british had too many criminals O: Off to Celebrate with family nao :B -Runs out to door cause mu mum is starting to get angry-
Hawthorn > All footy teams And woot for Australia even though I just live here so I don't really care :D